So. As things sit, we currently dont have an actual, functioning POTUS. The rest world is acutely aware of this. How long before China invades Taiwan?

the rest of the world knows they have Trump coming in January and they'll have to deal with him. that said, will they attempt to make noise while they can, or will they sit in the corner and STFU knowing they'll have to deal with Trump in 6 months?
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Do we even know if he’s still alive???? I mean, in 1968, Johnson came out in a speech and publicly announced he was not going to run again on National television. The whole Country watched it. No one has seen hide nor hair of Biden since those two tweets went out yesterday.

He’s the President of the United States and he has nothing on his schedule for the next week except maybe a private meeting or phone call with Netanyahu when he comes to town. Apparently Harris will be doing the heavy lifting on that. Word is Joe and Jill are beyond pi$$ed and livid.

This Covid thing is fishy as crap. No one around him was even wearing a mask when he was getting on and off the plane. Yet he was DEFINITELY sick. I didn’t know if he would be able to make it up the stairs to the plane without falling off he looked so rickety and feeble.

My tin foil hat makes me think he may have been intentionally infected, and privately warned if he doesn’t drop out, this could be a sign of things to come. Only worse. His decision yesterday was WAY too suspicious. It knocked his closest allies for a complete and total loop. I thought Jen Psaki was going to start balling on National television when she read that tweet live. She was totally blindsided and had been assured up to just 10 minutes before by Biden’s closest handlers he wasn’t going to leave.
Do we even know if he’s still alive???? I mean, in 1968, Johnson came out in a speech and publicly announced he was not going to run again on National television. The whole Country watched it. No one has seen hide nor hair of Biden since those two tweets went out yesterday.

He’s the President of the United States and he has nothing on his schedule for the next week except maybe a private meeting or phone call with Netanyahu when he comes to town. Apparently Harris will be doing the heavy lifting on that. Word is Joe and Jill are beyond pi$$ed and livid.

This Covid thing is fishy as crap. No one around him was even wearing a mask when he was getting on and off the plane. Yet he was DEFINITELY sick. I didn’t know if he would be able to make it up the stairs to the plane without falling off he looked so rickety and feeble.

My tin foil hat makes me think he may have been intentionally infected, and privately warned if he doesn’t drop out, this could be a sign of things to come. Only worse. His decision yesterday was WAY too suspicious. It knocked his closest allies for a complete and total loop. I thought Jen Psaki was going to start balling on National television when she read that tweet live. She was totally blindsided and had been assured up to just 10 minutes before by Biden’s closest handlers he wasn’t going to leave.
It's at least a little weird to just post a letter on X...and have no pics, no press conference, no speech, etc.

I guess campaign in a basement, resign in a basement, so it's very on brand at least.
They are figuring out does he resign the presidency and turn it over to Kamala Harris now. That would make her a president and have power of the office now.
Are you high or just tired?

Let me dumb this down for you:

Not every second of the president's professional and personal schedule is told to the public. You're crying about Biden not being in front of the cameras and saying he has "gone silent" even though he just called into Kamala's conference and spoke within the last two hours. So much for "gone silent," huh?

And to make it worse and show your hypocrisy, trump went silent many of the 20% of days he went golfing. The White House doesn't publish all of those days, so why didn't you ask about him going silent during those days?
Apparantly you do since you knew he was golfing 20% of the time.
Not me. The mainstream media - educated, legitimate, honorable, and almost always accurate professionals - were able to piece that information together. It's a better strategy than just throwing out absurd conspiracy theories based on bullshit like deplorables run with.
Not me. The mainstream media - educated, legitimate, honorable, and almost always accurate professionals - were able to piece that information together. It's a better strategy than just throwing out absurd conspiracy theories based on bullshit like deplorables run with.
Yet they were completely blindsided by bidens cognitive decline and silent on Biden spending over 360 days on vacation as of 2023
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Mush, the president who was not to be bothered on nights and weekends because he “needed to rest”.