So Pedo-Joe checks in....


Platinum Buffalo
May 29, 2001
and immediately stops construction of the border wall, reinstates catch and release, lets Title 42 expire and ends the Remain in Mexico policy. In short, he opens our borders to the world. I wonder why we have all of these people crossing our borders? :rolleyes:

For his first three years, he says the border crisis is Republicans' fault and says there's nothing he can do about the border unless Congress passes the Senate's propsed bill. A bill that would still release 5,000 illegally crossing migrants a day, which doesn't include Remain in Mexico or continuing contruction of the border wall. Also, the bill didn't even leave the Senate. Congress didn't even get to vote on it. He said his hands were tied and couldn't use executive order to do anything. First of all, the current crisis isn't Republicans' fault at all. It is 100% his fault and the Blue states with sanctuary for foreign criminals. Not one iota of the current crisis is Republicans or Trump's fault. Anyone with a brain the size of a of a pissant's knows this.

Furthermore, not only did Pedo-Joe and Democrats open the flood gates of illegal immigration, they give them sanctuary, *free food, *free clothing, *free room and board, *free educations and *free health insurance.

And NOW he's going to use executive orders to **close our border after saying he couldn't constitutionally do it? After saying his hands are tied? What the hell? Is it an election year or something? Plus who actually believed that, except for bleaters?

And @riflearm2; Why do you put up with Pedo-Joe's constant lying?

*Paid for by American taxpayers
**Still releasing 2,500 illegals per day
Moron, it is the same thing that Trump tried doing. When Trump tried using the exact same allowance under the Immigration and Nationality Act, it was shot down by multiple courts. Biden's hands are tied unless he wants to tie up the courts with our time and money, again.

This attempt by Biden is no different than what Trump tried and failed to do. What needs to happen What needs to happen is Congress to authorize proper resources for both the border, the judicial level, and the humanitarian level. They have failed in doing that, almost entirely based on Republicans.
Moron, it is the same thing that Trump tried doing. When Trump tried using the exact same allowance under the Immigration and Nationality Act, it was shot down by multiple courts. Biden's hands are tied unless he wants to tie up the courts with our time and money, again.

This attempt by Biden is no different than what Trump tried and failed to do. What needs to happen What needs to happen is Congress to authorize proper resources for both the border, the judicial level, and the humanitarian level. They have failed in doing that, almost entirely based on Republicans.

Dumbass. Remain in Mexico. Trump tried AND made that happen. No catch and release. Trump tried AND made that happen. Constructing a wall. Trump tried AND was making that happen. Trump would NOT have let Title 42 expire. Pedo-Joe didn't try to do those things. He used executive order to end all of it, you bleater. What the hell is wrong with you? We have over 2 million illegall foreign nationals pouring into our country every year, under Pedo-Joe and you think it's Republicans' fault? All of the self-proclaimed intelligence coming from you, is very questionable. Skilled grammar and reading skills doesn't make you intelligent. Obviously. :rolleyes:
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Moron, it is the same thing that Trump tried doing. When Trump tried using the exact same allowance under the Immigration and Nationality Act, it was shot down by multiple courts. Biden's hands are tied unless he wants to tie up the courts with our time and money, again.

This attempt by Biden is no different than what Trump tried and failed to do. What needs to happen What needs to happen is Congress to authorize proper resources for both the border, the judicial level, and the humanitarian level. They have failed in doing that, almost entirely based on Republicans.
Tell Schumer to take up HR 2 if he is serious about immigration reform.
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