So the strike continues.


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 9, 2007
Can someone tell me when these teachers are going to realize that the state can’t ‘fix’ PEIA? This thing is costing me $150+ per week in additional day care costs. You going to reimburse that GK? Can I pawn that expense off on tax payers like you guys are trying to do?Just asking.

The tide of public supprt is turning/has turned against the teachers. Go back to work and deal with reality like the rest of us.
Waaah! Waaaah! You should have made better choices by not having to depend on teachers for child care services.
Can someone tell me when these teachers are going to realize that the state can’t ‘fix’ PEIA? This thing is costing me $150+ per week in additional day care costs. You going to reimburse that GK? Can I pawn that expense off on tax payers like you guys are trying to do?Just asking.

The tide of public supprt is turning/has turned against the teachers. Go back to work and deal with reality like the rest of us.

1) it’s not a strike
B) the state can fix PEIA
3) you can claim child care expenses as a tax deduction
D) the public will support the teachers, you can bet on that. If you think differently, you are fooling yourself.
Too rich indeed. Plus, my former babysitter reported her earnings. My new one doesn't.
Too rich indeed. Plus, my former babysitter reported her earnings. My new one doesn't.

Since Greed is out of the cabinet business (and I use that term loosely), he has told us he baby sits. Maybe he can share how he handles his earnings.