Someone should tell these people that they've won.

I voted in a black precint during early voting for the Presidential race. I was over that way that day and stopped in a voted.
I voted in a black precint during early voting for the Presidential race. I was over that way that day and stopped in a voted.
What kind of BBQ were they serving? I hear they need food/fed in order to garner enough energy for the 10 minute exercise in freedom.
I don't remember bbq but, when I walked in heard a couple of guys say something about a cracker.
I went to a new bar in VA one time, not knowing it was all black people there. I felt like just 180ing and leaving was a bad look so I decided to stay for a drink. There was a lady seating people and I had to kind of cough to get her attention. She said “sorry, didn’t see you there, white people can be so quiet!”

I also didn’t know chicken and waffle places were mainly a black thing but I didn’t let that stop me after the awkward first time.
I went to a new bar in VA one time, not knowing it was all black people there. I felt like just 180ing and leaving was a bad look so I decided to stay for a drink. There was a lady seating people and I had to kind of cough to get her attention. She said “sorry, didn’t see you there, white people can be so quiet!”

I also didn’t know chicken and waffle places were mainly a black thing but I didn’t let that stop me after the awkward first time.
I love chicken and waffles. Common in the south. Also, shrimp and grits.
Another example of how ridiculous this administration is acting. Hyena is reading from her script, and you can tell she doesn't even believe in what she's saying. I know I don't have to shame anyone with a brain who was duped into voting for these idiots, because their self-inflicted remorse and embarrassment is more than sufficient.

Liberals voted for this
Another example of how ridiculous this administration is acting. Hyena is reading from her script, and you can tell she doesn't even believe in what she's saying. I know I don't have to shame anyone with a brain who was duped into voting for these idiots, because their self-inflicted remorse and embarrassment is more than sufficient.

Liberals voted for this
You're an idiot.
They only voted for it to keep Trump out.

It's all Trump these days. Trump would have won had he not caved on the masks. America has not been great ever since he agreed with that damn fraud funny talking fake doctor.