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So the father basically gets no say except in health of mother decisions? Why do you think the father shouldn't have a say. After all it takes two to tango

"Sorry, young lady. It was awful that you were raped, but the rapist wants you to go ahead and have the baby. Since he's the father, it's his decision too."
"Sorry, young lady. It was awful that you were raped, but the rapist wants you to go ahead and have the baby. Since he's the father, it's his decision too."

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i'm ok with choice when dealing with:
-health (mother or child; not just life and death but serious confirmed long term health issues as well)

not ok with:
-a form of birth control

for every child adopted, there are 33 couples on a waiting list...
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Not a reach at all.

The rapist would be the father of the baby.

i think you are "reaching" in assuming he would agree that a "rapist" and a by-the-book "father" are the same thing... i can't imagine that is the case...
i'm ok with choice when dealing with:
-health (mother or child; not just life and death but serious confirmed long term health issues as well)

not ok with:
-a form of birth control

for every child adopted, there are 33 couples on a waiting list...

That's precisely what I've been saying this whole time
i'm ok with choice when dealing with:
-health (mother or child; not just life and death but serious confirmed long term health issues as well)

not ok with:
-a form of birth control

for every child adopted, there are 33 couples on a waiting list...

This is 100% my stance.

On a semi-related note, I am ok with the use of the "morning after" pills like Plan B.
What really pisses me off the most, are these baby manufacturing 'moms' who milk the government for cash. After the 8th kid, it should be mandatory that their vagina is off-limits to any herd-on.
at the end of the day, abortion will never be banned and guns will never be banned. they are cornerstones of the party politics that keep us serfs fighting amongst ourselves while our overlords pick our pockets...
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for every child adopted, there are 33 couples on a waiting list...
Do you mean for every baby that is adopted? We have too many children that are passed from foster home to foster home because people want to adopt a baby, not a kid.
While I respect your opinion and I do agree abortion should not be used as a means of birth control for every skank that comes along, I do feel they're times when the right to choose is necessary.
1. Death of the mother, especially if the child is determined to be still born.
2. Rape
3. Incestural rape
These are just 3 examples. I also feel the government does not warrant the right to instruct someone what to do with their body.

Here you go 429, I told you it was clear
Here you go 429, I told you it was clear

What other examples are there really?
Parents intervening
Too old for another child
Extreme physical or mental defects of the child
None of these I support as much as those I previously mentioned mind you
What other examples are there really?
Parents intervening
Too old for another child
Extreme physical or mental defects of the child
None of these I support as much as those I previously mentioned mind you
You're the one that said these are just three examples implying that there were more. I actually agree with your position. I just wanted to see what other examples you would come up with
Are you suggesting we are sentencing people to death without being 100% sure of the crime?

i'm not, but the FBI hinted at it...

In 2015, the Justice Department and the FBI formally acknowledged that nearly every examiner in an FBI forensic squad overstated forensic hair matches for two decades before the year 2000.[30][31] Of the 28 forensic examiners testifying to hair matches in a total of 268 trials reviewed, 26 overstated the evidence of forensic hair matches and 95% of the overstatements favored the prosecution. Defendants were sentenced to death in 32 of those 268 cases.
i'm not, but the FBI hinted at it...

In 2015, the Justice Department and the FBI formally acknowledged that nearly every examiner in an FBI forensic squad overstated forensic hair matches for two decades before the year 2000.[30][31] Of the 28 forensic examiners testifying to hair matches in a total of 268 trials reviewed, 26 overstated the evidence of forensic hair matches and 95% of the overstatements favored the prosecution. Defendants were sentenced to death in 32 of those 268 cases.
Under the leadership of Fred Zain?
I find it hypocritical to suggest the government has the right to commit executions in which 1 in 25 of those executed or about to be executed have been exonerated due to found evidence later. And in the same breath tell a father or a mother the government does not allow you the right to have an abortion in the case of life or death of the mother.

I wa talking about war time casualties and capital punishment.

Would you be willing to save all of the babies that are part of the far less than 1% that threaten the life of their mother? If not, you're a joke and simply using rare circumstances to justify your general position. It's a stupid tactic.
I wa talking about war time casualties and capital punishment.

Would you be willing to save all of the babies that are part of the far less than 1% that threaten the life of their mother? If not, you're a joke and simply using rare circumstances to justify your general position. It's a stupid tactic.

Really? I didn't realize you were talking about capital punishment which is obviously why I responded with the data regarding capital punishment. :rolleyes: As for your question about saving babies I don't understand what your question is?
Really? I didn't realize you were talking about capital punishment which is obviously why I responded with the data regarding capital punishment. :rolleyes: As for your question about saving babies I don't understand what your question is?

I'm sorry, I figured you were intelligent and would grasp my "in addition to" implication.
I'm sorry, I figured you were intelligent and would grasp my "in addition to" implication.

If you're asking if I'm against abortion in all areas other than what I've said I've answered that numerous times. I don't think it should be used as birth control. However, it's not my position to tell someone what they can and can't do with their own body, within the confines of the law.

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