I can't believe so many are worried about a hot dog. Who cares and who cares who pulled the plug. I would be more worried about what they are selling and if they can get it around the stadium. Quite frankly I thought it was disgusting but that was me. I would prefer the cheesesteak from the vendor on the west side near the beer garden.
UK is going to sell Chik Fil A at their stadium this year. I wish we would do that. Of course...I very seldom buy anything more than a popcorn at a game so I don't have to worry about what food is or is not there.
Personally, I don't even live in Huntington any more and Stewart's is definitely no my "go-to" place for hot dogs. However, for some, it's about nostalgia. For instance, my uncle moved away from Huntington years ago but always tries to come back for a game. When he goes to a game he enjoys Stewart's, Gino's and Marshall football because he may only get it once a year, if that. So I don't think it's hard to understand why people are upset. You may not love Stewart's. The people discussing it may. For me, if I'm at a Marshall game I will probably tailgate somewhere or eat outside of the stadium. I would have to be pretty desperate to eat a Thunderdog. I just don't care for the misinformation. I know for a fact, because I know the people involved, that Marshall has a say in the vendors that are used by Sodexo. That's why La Famiglia is now in the student center. That's why Sodexo does renovations around contract time every 10 years or so...because Marshall demands those things for the company that is going to win the contract for food service.