study says obamacare is improving america's health

But six years into the health law, the reality is that a typical Obamacare plan looks more like Medicaid, only with a high deductible.

That's weird. Some of us were saying this is exactly what the Obummercare would end up being down the road. Some demanded "links" for proof, this would be the case...back then. The sad thing is the REAL disaster this legislation started, hasn't even occurred yet.
Proof that Aetna doesn't want to lose $200,000,000 a year to prop up Obama's fantasy healthcare dream.

Funny stuff. Aetna's net income for 2016

1st quarter $810 million

2nd quarter $790 million

The public option can't get here quick enough.
In simplest terms, that $200,000,000 they lost last year was a direct tax paid by the company for yet another social assistance program.

Aetna made net income of 2.4 BILLION last year (2015), which is an increase in net income of 400 million over 2014.
Rates increases in Illinois will be jacked up to 43% next year. No wonder Obama isn't moving back.