Supply Side Issues

Keynesian economics created demand. Supply side can't keep up with demand. SUPPLY SIDE FAILURE.
Keynesian economics created demand. Supply side can't keep up with demand. SUPPLY SIDE FAILURE.
And China created the Wuhan flu in a lab, let it escape, covered it up, released it on the world, thereby creating ARTIFICIAL market forces that caused supply CHAIN issues...
Keynesian economics total failure. Or so we’ve been told by liberals for years. Income/wage gaps…rich richer/poor poorer.

Now we have liberals celebrating its “success”. Hilarious.
And China created the Wuhan flu in a lab, let it escape, covered it up, released it on the world, thereby creating ARTIFICIAL market forces that caused supply CHAIN issues...
You're a lying idiot. The origin of covid 19 is....UNKNOWN.

But you got the bold part right. By mistake, no doubt.

I know you admire the Communist Party of China so it's no surprise you admire the National Socialist German Workers' Party too. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...

Speaking of imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, this is priceless for a Biden apologist like ignored member...

"The last time U.S. inflation was raging, presidential candidate Ronald Reagan promised that cutting income taxes and business regulation would stabilize the volatile American economy, then get it growing like gangbusters. Voters believed the GOP nominee enough that they gave him a landslide victory over President Jimmy Carter in 1980. Now, with prices soaring again, it seems President Biden is promising much the same thing — though he claims his version of "supply-side economics" is different from Reagan's."

"In a speech last Friday to the World Economic Forum, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said the Biden administration is aiming to create a more productive economy by focusing on issues like the supply of workers and the quality of our infrastructure, an approach she called "modern supply-side economics.""
  • Haha
Reactions: raleighherdfan

I know you admire the Communist Party of China so it's no surprise you admire the National Socialist German Workers' Party too. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...

You're a lying idiot. You can't stop lying and being an idiot.
Speaking of imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, this is priceless for a Biden apologist like ignored member...

"The last time U.S. inflation was raging, presidential candidate Ronald Reagan promised that cutting income taxes and business regulation would stabilize the volatile American economy, then get it growing like gangbusters. Voters believed the GOP nominee enough that they gave him a landslide victory over President Jimmy Carter in 1980. Now, with prices soaring again, it seems President Biden is promising much the same thing — though he claims his version of "supply-side economics" is different from Reagan's."

"In a speech last Friday to the World Economic Forum, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said the Biden administration is aiming to create a more productive economy by focusing on issues like the supply of workers and the quality of our infrastructure, an approach she called "modern supply-side economics.""
Trying to fix a SUPPLY SIDE FAILURE.
And China created the Wuhan flu in a lab, let it escape, covered it up, released it on the world, thereby creating ARTIFICIAL market forces that caused supply CHAIN issues...
For @extragreen and other liberals...

Today's word definition of the day is artificial.

"made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally, especially as a copy of something natural"

Now let's use artificial in a (run on) sentence along with some other words and phrases recently discussed.

The origins of COVID-19, while unknown because of earlier disinformation (pseudoscience) by many virologists in a letter published by the Lancet and parroted by WHO and Dr. Anthony Fauci, thereby allowing the CCP to scrub and sterilize the virology lab in Wuhan, which is the epicenter of the pandemic, where scientists were working to create artificial viruses, with secret funding from Dr. Anthony Fauci's National Institute of Health, coordinated in part by the author of the Lancet letter, thereby creating heretofore unknown artificial market forces that affected the global economy which adversely affected the United States' labor participation rate, unemployment rate, off-shored computer chip production caused by the ill-advised policies over the last 30 years of Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama-Biden and Biden, in an attempt to create artificial unfair competition to US chip-makers, thereby creating artificial supply chain issues and artificial unemployment, resulting in artificial votes being counted in certain key states thereby causing an artificial outcome of the 2020 election of the POTUS.

Sorry if I left anything out...
Idiot is too stupid to realize a fact.

Fact is, you and your idol Fauci have run, and continue to run, cover for the CCP...

"In his strongest statement yet against the theories of a genetically engineered virus, Fauci tells National Geographic in an interview he’s “very, very strongly leaning toward this could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated” and adds all signs indicate the virus “evolved in nature and then jumped species.”"

Do you know what all means? He lied. People died. Fauci did not consider all possible origins of Covid - naturally occurring or artificial, i.e. man-made in a lab...

Tell me punk where I ever said Covid was 100% a lab leak? You can't. I've said countless times I believe the evidence and circumstances suggest it was a lab leak, even when it went against the "experts" of the day, i.e. the "scientists" that signed the Lancet letter.

So now quit lying punk.
Fact is, you and your idol Fauci have run, and continue to run, cover for the CCP...

"In his strongest statement yet against the theories of a genetically engineered virus, Fauci tells National Geographic in an interview he’s “very, very strongly leaning toward this could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated” and adds all signs indicate the virus “evolved in nature and then jumped species.”"

Do you know what all means? He lied. People died. Fauci did not consider all possible origins of Covid - naturally occurring or artificial, i.e. man-made in a lab...

Tell me punk where I ever said Covid was 100% a lab leak? You can't. I've said countless times I believe the evidence and circumstances suggest it was a lab leak, even when it went against the "experts" of the day, i.e. the "scientists" that signed the Lancet letter.

So now quit lying punk.
The origin of covid 19 is....UNKNOWN.

You lying idiot punk.