
Y.A.G Si Ye Nots

Platinum Buffalo
Mar 7, 2010
Home Wrecker
Why do girls do this? I had plans on crushing this little blondie for a night or two this week. Fun little body that I would have enjoyed, right?




But she then sent me this pic of how she looks in a thong, and I am entirely turned off. Do girls think this is attractive? Funny? Unique? It's really tacky. Can you imagine flipping a girl over and having this thing staring at you?

"Is that you?" Lol!

EDIT: i'm with you on the tats for the most part. That one wreaks of gutter slut. Tramp stamps, too. On the flip side, I think a hoar with a full body type tat is sexy AF.
Y.A.G.s, et al:

Are you the same fella, along with your posse in this string that is wanting to hang Kavanaugh on chasing girls in Highschool?

I enjoy all of your banter, but you lose so much credibly because you choose to post this crap.

Check my grammar if you will, but dude, don't be the intellect you claim to be then post the kind of malevolent attacks on others that, while you do this. You have to choose one way or the other. Are you with women, and others, are you just pontificating? Bigger Question: Are you the kind of person that wages war on what you are personally struggling with or internally fighting against? Are you, the very evil, that you are fight against?

That being said, (and I mean this), please, don't you, or the posse stop the wit that you offer the forums. I really like your arguments and your somewhat Wikipedia research of the different topics. But this post and its display, and/or conversation, might be below your self described intellect and status in society. I had hopes that you really were of some sort of FSB coach, but... would something like you just posted be what a FSB coach might want to be associated with in their public profile? Note: Kavanaugh is battling this with his High school posting decisions? I don't think too many FSB schools would want a coach that posts these types of discussions on a collegiate sports board. Especially posts that they may be used against its coach, or future coach. Think about it, what if you may have ever had a legal issue against a sports program in the past, or if you might have an issue with an sports program in the future? What if they do a simple research on your posts? What would it reveal? I'm rooting for you to do great and wonderous things!

Good luck with the lady's, if that is your primary goal, but posting pictures of women that most likely do not want their pictures, or frills, posted on the Marshall University "HERD NATION" site, (especially in this time and age), should be immediately addressed by moderators. Principally, in regard to the photo's that are being used; Do you have authorization from these ladies to post such pictures? Are they getting paid from Herd Nation to perpetuate this website in order to draw more "hits" to these types of posts?

It is concerning... Maybe we should have the FBI investigate this site, or even Y.A.G.s? The young lady presented here is no different than Stormy, and you all agree that she should be given the benefit of the "doubt".

Somethings not right here…
i agree to an extent with the 7 post guy in 8 years, there is some hypocrisy to this. but, i enjoy the posts, so . . .

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Now that this is going to turn into novel after novel. In addition, we will get the grammar checks and drivel.

Why couldn't you have just banged the chic? It would have been easier on all of us.
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Y.A.G.s, et al:

Are you the same fella, along with your posse in this string that is wanting to hang Kavanaugh on chasing girls in Highschool?

I enjoy all of your banter, but you lose so much credibly because you choose to post this crap.

Check my grammar if you will, but dude, don't be the intellect you claim to be then post the kind of malevolent attacks on others that, while you do this. You have to choose one way or the other. Are you with women, and others, are you just pontificating? Bigger Question: Are you the kind of person that wages war on what you are personally struggling with or internally fighting against? Are you, the very evil, that you are fight against?

That being said, (and I mean this), please, don't you, or the posse stop the wit that you offer the forums. I really like your arguments and your somewhat Wikipedia research of the different topics. But this post and its display, and/or conversation, might be below your self described intellect and status in society. I had hopes that you really were of some sort of FSB coach, but... would something like you just posted be what a FSB coach might want to be associated with in their public profile? Note: Kavanaugh is battling this with his High school posting decisions? I don't think too many FSB schools would want a coach that posts these types of discussions on a collegiate sports board. Especially posts that they may be used against its coach, or future coach. Think about it, what if you may have ever had a legal issue against a sports program in the past, or if you might have an issue with an sports program in the future? What if they do a simple research on your posts? What would it reveal? I'm rooting for you to do great and wonderous things!

Good luck with the lady's, if that is your primary goal, but posting pictures of women that most likely do not want their pictures, or frills, posted on the Marshall University "HERD NATION" site, (especially in this time and age), should be immediately addressed by moderators. Principally, in regard to the photo's that are being used; Do you have authorization from these ladies to post such pictures? Are they getting paid from Herd Nation to perpetuate this website in order to draw more "hits" to these types of posts?

It is concerning... Maybe we should have the FBI investigate this site, or even Y.A.G.s? The young lady presented here is no different than Stormy, and you all agree that she should be given the benefit of the "doubt".

Somethings not right here…

We need a minimum age requirement to post here.
Why do girls do this? I had plans on crushing this little blondie for a night or two this week. Fun little body that I would have enjoyed, right?




But she then sent me this pic of how she looks in a thong, and I am entirely turned off. Do girls think this is attractive? Funny? Unique? It's really tacky. Can you imagine flipping a girl over and having this thing staring at you?


How could she be so clueless?

That is so white trash. May as well have one on her thigh that says, "slippery when wet." Does she by chance have any pictures of herself transposed in a wine glass (with our without the rose on top)?
I'm conflicted. I'm also not a fan of tattoos, and this one is especially heinous. I mean, that may be the worst placement and design imaginable. On the other hand, that chick is my speed. Final analysis:

Clear-thinking, post-ejaculation me: soft pass due to poor decision-making, making it more likely she has herpes.

Just-brought-her-home-from-a-bar me: While disappointed, I'm going in.
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Old herdman pre-ejaculation and prebeing married and being settled in . I would do her in heartbeat. Stop lying jerks. That tattoo is not a good one, but that makes even more appealing.

I would throw in a Motley Crue CD in a smash that peach.
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Are you the same fella, along with your posse in this string that is wanting to hang Kavanaugh on chasing girls in Highschool?

I'm surprised that somebody who makes a point of reading so many of my posts failed to see the one I made last week. In it, I said that void of anything egregious, I don't fault a man with a clean record for something he did as a teenager. Trying to kiss/get on top of a girl? As a teenager, I don't find that as something extremely bad. Now, if he did cover her mouth so she couldn't scream for help, groped her, etc., that would be a different story. But as I said in that post, I have no idea which side is true. I do know, however, that he has lied/presented false information to a Senate committee in multiple ways . . . and that is from me watching the hearing myself and not from reading other reports of it.

And describing the accusation as "chasing girls" is almost as misleading as Kavanaugh's lies to the committee.

don't be the intellect you claim to be then post the kind of malevolent attacks on others that, while you do this. You have to choose one way or the other. Are you with women, and others, are you just pontificating?

I'm not sure how this in any way reflects on one's intellect. Some of the very brightest minds of our time including Stephen Hawking and George Smoot have made off-color comments on women. Does that somehow dampen their intellect?

Your logic is some Big Country type of thinking; you can support women equality and not support sexual assault while still being able to call out absurd females. In fact, shying away from that is the complete opposite of equality. If a male does something stupid, I have no problem calling him out. Yet you think just because I support equality for women I shouldn't be able to call them out for doing something stupid? That's the exact opposite of the feminist movement.

. I really like your arguments and your somewhat Wikipedia research of the different topics.

Yawn. I don't engage in arguments on topics for which I am not educated. In that case, I don't need to research anything other than exact specifics (exact dates, etc.).

I don't debate GK on black holes. I don't debate Murox on lawn maintenance. I don't debate Dreh on which type of knots work better for nooses.

I had hopes that you really were of some sort of FSB coach, but... would something like you just posted be what a FSB coach might want to be associated with in their public profile? Note: Kavanaugh is battling this with his High school posting decisions? I don't think too many FSB schools would want a coach that posts these types of discussions on a collegiate sports board. Especially posts that they may be used against its coach, or future coach. Think about it, what if you may have ever had a legal issue against a sports program in the past, or if you might have an issue with an sports program in the future? What if they do a simple research on your posts? What would it reveal? I'm rooting for you to do great and wonderous things!

FBS. No, FBS. Nope, it's still FBS.

I've coached at five different schools. I am quite comfortable in saying that my actions, both on and off of the field, are one of the very few worries an AD would have to worry about compared to any of the other coaches on any of the staffs.

The young lady presented here is no different than Stormy, and you all agree that she should be given the benefit of the "doubt".

Stormy is a porn star who gets paid to have sex for money. That's the definition of a slvt. Nobody is giving her the benefit of the doubt. She, as an adult, willingly decided to sleep with a married man. She then went and told specifics of her encounters. Who is giving her the benefit of the doubt about anything?

If you mean Ford, then that is entirely different. That is a teenager who allegedly was groped, assaulted, and had Kavanaugh try impeding her ability to stop the assault and yell for help. How is wanting an investigation into a disputed incident - one in which one party has already lied multiple times to a Senate committee - the same as posting pictures a girl sent me without me requesting them? If one of you sent me pictures of your ass, I would also mock you for it on here.

Somethings not right here…

Agreed; and that would be your attempt at logic.
Y.A.G.s, et al:

Are you the same fella, along with your posse in this string that is wanting to hang Kavanaugh on chasing girls in Highschool?

I enjoy all of your banter, but you lose so much credibly because you choose to post this crap.

Check my grammar if you will, but dude, don't be the intellect you claim to be then post the kind of malevolent attacks on others that, while you do this. You have to choose one way or the other. Are you with women, and others, are you just pontificating? Bigger Question: Are you the kind of person that wages war on what you are personally struggling with or internally fighting against? Are you, the very evil, that you are fight against?

That being said, (and I mean this), please, don't you, or the posse stop the wit that you offer the forums. I really like your arguments and your somewhat Wikipedia research of the different topics. But this post and its display, and/or conversation, might be below your self described intellect and status in society. I had hopes that you really were of some sort of FSB coach, but... would something like you just posted be what a FSB coach might want to be associated with in their public profile? Note: Kavanaugh is battling this with his High school posting decisions? I don't think too many FSB schools would want a coach that posts these types of discussions on a collegiate sports board. Especially posts that they may be used against its coach, or future coach. Think about it, what if you may have ever had a legal issue against a sports program in the past, or if you might have an issue with an sports program in the future? What if they do a simple research on your posts? What would it reveal? I'm rooting for you to do great and wonderous things!

Good luck with the lady's, if that is your primary goal, but posting pictures of women that most likely do not want their pictures, or frills, posted on the Marshall University "HERD NATION" site, (especially in this time and age), should be immediately addressed by moderators. Principally, in regard to the photo's that are being used; Do you have authorization from these ladies to post such pictures? Are they getting paid from Herd Nation to perpetuate this website in order to draw more "hits" to these types of posts?

It is concerning... Maybe we should have the FBI investigate this site, or even Y.A.G.s? The young lady presented here is no different than Stormy, and you all agree that she should be given the benefit of the "doubt".

Somethings not right here…

You’re right on here, this smells a lot like sisters type of drivel