Policy required her to give 50%...
frankly, if that's the policy, she deserves to be reprimanded. policy is bullshit, imo, but if it's policy, you follow it or suffer the consequences.
Yep and it teaches johnny that he has no accountability and doesn’t have to do any workSometimes even I have to know what battles to fight. Little Johnny gets a 50% which is still a F and teacher herdman still has a job.
Well, my house payment is going to be made and I am not going to lose my house because Little Johnny is going to fail anyway.Yep and it teaches johnny that he has no accountability and doesn’t have to do any work
I’m arguing more against the policy itself than teachers following the policyWell, my house payment is going to be made and I am not going to lose my house because Little Johnny is going to fail anyway.
Well, my house payment is going to be made and I am not going to lose my house because Little Johnny is going to fail anyway.
Yep and it teaches johnny that he has no accountability and doesn’t have to do any work
No it’s not. It’s giving credit for work not doneStupid, failing, which 50% is, is being held accountable.
Policy required her to give 50%...
It's being held half-accountable.Stupid, failing, which 50% is, is being held accountable.
Well, my house payment is going to be made and I am not going to lose my house because Little Johnny is going to fail anyway.
how is that different than a regular high school?Charter schools here in Florida will give students passing grades for this kind of stuff all the time. If they don’t they lose and average of $12k per student in state funding if they fail out. It is well known if you kid is a flunky or piece of shit you put them in a charter school and they will move them thru the ranks to get the state paycheck.
No private schools should be paid with tax payer money.how is that different than a regular high school?
It's being held half-accountable.
I was referring to passing students.No private schools should be paid with tax payer money.
Sure it does especially over the course of a semester. Say You have 5 grades 3 100’s 1 85 and a 0 vs 3 100s an 85 and a 50. It would be like a normal person not showing up for work and getting paid half their daily wage.It's being fully accountable. If you fail, it doesn't matter if you get a 0 or a 50. Both are failing.
Sure it does especially over the course of a semester. Say You have 5 grades 3 100’s 1 85 and a 0 vs 3 100s an 85 and a 50. It would be like a normal person not showing up for work and getting paid half their daily wage.
Sometimes even I have to know what battles to fight. Little Johnny gets a 50% which is still a F and teacher herdman still has a job.
When you get paid to keep students around stuff tends to slide through the cracks.I was referring to passing students.
So the rule is never to give a student anything lower than 50% but the article also notes the district still utilizes a 0-100 grading scale. Is it possible to actually put in effort, get a 49% (or lower) but someone who doesn't even attempt the assignment would get a higher grade?
The problem is this. What do you do to the kid that actually turns it and the homework was incorrect? Do you give them a 60 or perhaps worse? Little Johnny does nothing and gets a 50. Do you inflate it on the other side? The works was really a 60 but, you give them an 80 for turning it in? Do you give the kid that really gets an 90 a 140 for turning it in on time?
How the hell is it 100% if you only answer 50 correct out of 100? That is a damn 50%. BUt, they can't do that because Mush Brain gets a 50 for not doing jack shit. So, they have to come up with this.Jesus, you two should be the ones getting a 0. It took me 60 seconds to read the article. It clearly explains that the district has a 0-100 grading policy but the school handbook states no grades lower than 50. So if you get 1 question out of 100 correct, you get a 50. If you get 50 out of 100 correct, you get a 100. If you don't turn it in, you get a 50.
How can you guys still have the questions you're asking when the article clearly explains it? The district would give you both a 0, but the school would give you a 50.
How the hell is it 100% if you only answer 50 correct out of 100? That is a damn 50%. BUt, they can't do that because Mush Brain gets a 50 for not doing jack shit. So, they have to come up with this.
That would be likes saying you are batting .500 when you are a .250 hitter. Bob Ueker is now in the Hall of Fame! A better hitter than Ted Williams. Hell, just don't show up to the game and you had two hits.
Life doesn't work that way.
Again, I would give the mush brain his 50 and keep my job. But, that grading scale is BS.
That was a type on my part. They are all supposed to be 50s.
Christ, even the school gave you a 0 instead of a 50 now.
I'm asking because I don't understand how a district has a 0-100 scale under their "uniform standard" & then sets a policy that awards zero effort with half a score as someone who busts their ass. I suspect this policy is a reaction to hitting performance mandates/scores. Frankly, I see this as hugely disrespectful to teachers.Jesus, you two should be the ones getting a 0. It took me 60 seconds to read the article. It clearly explains that the district has a 0-100 grading policy but the school handbook states no grades lower than 50. So if you get 1 question out of 100 correct, you get a 50. If you get 50 out of 100 correct, you get a 50. If you don't turn it in, you get a 50.
How can you guys still have the questions you're asking when the article clearly explains it? The district would give you both a 0, but the school would give you a 50.
If they don’t they lose and average of $12k per student
Guys remember that not only is rifle a Grammy nominated limo driver ncaa football coach but he’s also the worlds greatest teacher/administrator and knows everything. There is no point in arguing with him
It's being fully accountable. If you fail, it doesn't matter if you get a 0 or a 50. Both are failing.
So...we just learned that one is not being fully held accountable when given 50% credit for doing no work. You're welcome.
If a contractor did not do any work, would you them 50% of their bid to boost their self-esteem and help ensure they do not shutdown and give up on life?Your feeble mind simply doesn't understand the concept. They don't allow 0s. Is it a measure done to assure more students pass or is it more related to providing self-esteem to students who may routinely see scores under 50% and shut down? I'm guessing the latter, but it doesn't really matter in this discussion. .
If a contractor did not do any work, would you them 50% of their bid to boost their self-esteem and help ensure they do not shutdown and give up on life?