Teacher fired for giving 0% for assignments not turned in.

How many contractors have you dealt with that don't require an advanced payment before beginning work?

Just dealt with a roofing contractor the other day which did not require anything near 50%

You little bitch, no wonder you went out of business, making customers pay 100% up front before you turned a screw on building cabinets.
How many contractors have you dealt with that don't require an advanced payment before beginning work?
and if they don't do they work, they certainly don't get 50% of the estimate and they have to pay you back the down payment. Good gravy, man.
If a contractor did not do any work, would you them 50% of their bid to boost their self-esteem and help ensure they do not shutdown and give up on life?

Oh, another moron.

I haven't defended either side in the issue. I have simply cleared up the confusion some of the morons who can't read on here had.
and if they don't do they work, they certainly don't get 50% of the estimate and they have to pay you back the down payment. Good gravy, man.

Just so you know, students and contractors are not the same thing. Again, how long did your business last?
Oh, another moron.

I haven't defended either side in the issue. I have simply cleared up the confusion some of the morons who can't read on here had.

You said giving a child 50% for doing no work is holding them accountable. If that isn’t defending the school policy then I don’t know what is.
You didn't answer the question. How long did that business of yours last, Mr. W2??
I owned half a business(50% FYI). Sold out after 4 years and now make more than 4 times what I did. What would you do? Stay in WV and brag about making peanuts but you own your own business?

What was your biggest volume year in business?
I owned half a business(50% FYI). Sold out after 4 years and now make more than 4 times what I did. What would you do? Stay in WV and brag about making peanuts but you own your own business?

What was your biggest volume year in business?

4 years. With a partner. 4 years. That's about AVERAGE, MR. W2
So can everyone agree that the policy is what it is and it’s a bad policy?
You can not answer a single question correctly on the SAT, and your score will be a 400. Is that rewarding "doing no work" also? You can get every single question wrong on the ACT and you still won't get a 0. Is that rewarding "doing no work" also?

Yes and yes. And using those as examples doesn’t validate your ridiculous argument one bit. It’s simply recycling the same argument based on the same flawed policy.
damn, how friggin ironic is it that the guys who favor students receving a 50% for doing nothing are the same ones who want people in society to receive something for nothing . . .