Teachers pack bags of food before strike

yes, i think you and i are close to on the same page. not being facetious, but you just don't have quite a complete understanding how school funding works in totality. you have some good points, "but" haha . . . for instance, property taxes are not for building schools. it's actually illegal to use local county tax dollars from the regular and excess levies to build schools. maintain? yes, absolutely. construct? no. again, that would be bonding and WVSBA.

my issue with your post regarding federal dollars being a "main" source of teacher pay stands. i guess it could be considered a main source providing being 3rd behind state and local funding would designate it as a main source. my point here was that local funding (i.e. property taxes) funds more salaries than federal sources of revenue does. and, i totally get the supplant/supplement issue. no need to discuss unless you have questions. ;)

would love to join you at the capitol . . . only problem, i leave my post, i get fired.

btw, what county are you in?

My wife and I live in Cabell, but teach in Lincoln. My daughter teaches in Cabell, one niece teaches in Kanawha, and my other niece teaches in Preston County.
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That^^is a lie.

I'm sure that's one teacher that was in it only for herself.

I already stated that, moron. My point is they've earned a raise without having to pay more for insurance. They don't need your weak-kneed approval.

Tough. Pay up. Quit cutting taxes for the wealthy and then expect everyone to be happy about taking pay cuts.

Which makes your point of view the more pitiful.

Maybe someday Greed will actually get off the gov teat and get a job......then he can join a Union and grow nads!!
My wife and I live in Cabell, but teach in Lincoln. My daughter teaches in Cabell, one niece teaches in Kanawha, and my other niece teaches in Preston County.
I know Ray well and Jody was a close friend for around 15+ years prior to his passing. We hung out about a week before he died and all seemed well . . . total shocker.