Tesla bill- GK should like this


Gold Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 20, 2005
The legislature is about to pass a bill (sb 453) that would restrict the ability of Tesla to operate in WV under their current business model. This bill is hilarious as it points out the hypocrisy of politicians looking out for competing self-interests.

Now Republicans want to be pro-consumer. Why? Because this bill protects their (current senate president's) business interests.

Democrats are now anti-consumer. Why? Because apparently republicans are pro-business and they want to protect a "green" company.

Just more hypocrisy from both sides on a single issue.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Nice post trail. I was beginning to think that I was not getting my point across about the hypocrisy and situational belief system of politics. If you stand for something (from an ideological viewpoint) then that shouldn't change whether that belief is validated or denied by your own party affiliation. Unfortunately very few people stand on a system of beliefs anymore. Instead they blindly support everything that validates their party affiliation and condemns everything that doesn't even if that means they have to conveniently flip back and forwards depending on the political opportunity at hand.
Originally posted by GK4Herd:
Nice post trail. I was beginning to think that I was not getting my point across about the hypocrisy and situational belief system of politics. If you stand for something (from an ideological viewpoint) then that shouldn't change whether that belief is validated or denied by your own party affiliation. Unfortunately very few people stand on a system of beliefs anymore. Instead they blindly support everything that validates their party affiliation and condemns everything that doesn't even if that means they have to conveniently flip back and forwards depending on the political opportunity at hand.
At what point in history has politics (and more importantly---politicians) ever been different? The business of politics on any level is grounded in the politician's need for self preservation, self interest and power accumulation disguised in the myth of care and compassion for their constituency. Yes, I have a cynical view but its also the kind of view that eliminates my personal need to look to a politician to save me or protect me... from myself. It removes the fallacy of hope and dependency most political systems need for their expansion and control. It also eliminates the surprise and disappointment when such an individual "unexpectedly" changes their mind or "principle".

The irony of course is that the occasional politician who actually attempts to remain principle focused are the one's most vilified and scorned by the public and media for not being pragmatic or open to new ideas and philosophies. They are labeled close minded ideologues or worse.

IMO, politicians are merely a reflection of society as a whole. They are no different than the dumbed down avg joe they claim to care for no matter the party affiliation. Expecting politicians to be different really demonstrates most don't understand their own actions and behaviors on a deeper level while also failing to fully understand the business of politics as a whole.
I'm not sure if you are arguing or not Raleigh, but I don't disagree with your statement. The fact that politicians have always been opportunist who will flip on issues to suit their party affiliation is the reason I hate politics/politicians. I also believe that you can still stand by your principles and still be open to new ideas.
Originally posted by GK4Herd:
I'm not sure if you are arguing or not Raleigh, but I don't disagree with your statement. The fact that politicians have always been opportunist who will flip on issues to suit their party affiliation is the reason I hate politics/politicians. I also believe that you can still stand by your principles and still be open to new ideas.
not trying to be argumentative. However, in the case of Tesla. This situation has little to nothing to do with party affiliation specifically....This is a case pure and simple self preservation. Both sides of the aisle throughout the country have been standing up to block Tesla's sales model in order to "protect consumers". What's more "principled" than a car dealer protecting his business from competition, right?? Would it be considered hypocritical for him to support a law which gives Tesla the ability to sell without a dealership in the state which he has been forced to operate (and continue to operate) under?
Penn, they want to prevent Tesla from being able to have their own direct to consumer model, i.e. Cut out a dealer network middleman. If that happens you won't be able to buy a Tesla in the state because they sure aren't going to give anyone a franchise to sell their vehicles here.
WV Law bans manufacturers from selling automobiles directly to consumers so no, you can't buy one online unless you lie about your address (if you live in WV).
I believe they also wouldn't be allowed to set up their service centers if I read the article right.