Thank you for serving your country, Says The Tax Man

Never said he was poor, just like the rest of us or some of us, the govt smacks his check. They do it to him while serving his country. Wonder what the hourly rate is when you are in Ranger school?
Still waiting on that total income amount...
Ok, hahaha. I have the program. Takes a minute or two to plug in the numbers. Can do it all by email. But, that's what yoiu do for folks in the military, help em out. Hell, the govt robs them and us enough.

Set up an LLC for him. Make him do a little bit of work that earns a little bit of money. But it costs him even more money to run this company (gas, part of his apartment for work space, inventory, cell phone bill, wifi bill, etc.). Many companies lose money for their first years. Do it for a few years before the IRS claims it is a hobby and not a business. It will offset much of his tax obligation.
Set up an LLC for him. Make him do a little bit of work that earns a little bit of money. But it costs him even more money to run this company (gas, part of his apartment for work space, inventory, cell phone bill, wifi bill, etc.). Many companies lose money for their first years. Do it for a few years before the IRS claims it is a hobby and not a business. It will offset much of his tax obligation.
Ugghh not a good idea. That causes problems with people in the military.
You're a God hating lying living off tax money mooch.
Captain America Lol GIF by mtv
Your military guy didn't have a large percentage of his pay taken by taxes. You lying idiot.
Ugggh let's say around 17% when all is said and done. You don't consider that a lot?

Now they get me for even more.

You would be a great commie.
Let's review here.

The libs in this thread:

Equate being in the military to being on the dole and you sit around and do nothing on the govt's dime.

Say their retirment plan is plush even if you get shot, wounded, body broken down.

Easy to live on military pay even as an E-1.

Taking 17% of your pay is not a lot.

Set up a fake LLC where you intentionally show a loss to offset your taxes.

Just ask them they know everything about it even though they didn't even remotely do it or never have remotely been around it.
Let's review here.

The libs in this thread:

Equate being in the military to being on the dole and you sit around and do nothing on the govt's dime.

Say their retirment plan is plush even if you get shot, wounded, body broken down.

Easy to live on military pay even as an E-1.

Taking 17% of your pay is not a lot.

Set up a fake LLC where you intentionally show a loss to offset your taxes.

Just ask them they know everything about it even though they didn't even remotely do it or never have remotely been around it.
The sit around and enjoy their freedoms protected by those who serve or have served.
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The sit around and enjoy their freedoms protected by those who serve or have served.
True, the point of the whole thing is military or not(but especially military) these clowns are taking our money.
True, the point of the whole thing is military or not(but especially military) these clowns are taking our money.
Take my hard earned money without my consent. Even tax my retirement.

The only fair tax is a national sales tax.
True, the point of the whole thing is military or not(but especially military) these clowns are taking our money.
Kinda like those who serve or served sit around and collect wages and benefits from taxpayer money stolen from us.
Kinda like those who serve or served sit around and collect wages and benefits from taxpayer money stolen from us.

You're an idiot.
How is a national sales tax not fair? Everyone will have to pay plus anyone not legal in this country will have to pay as well
When I was in boot camp my pay was about $120 per month. A long, long time ago.
You can't do basic math? I have told you how much that paid and what percentage of their pay it was.
You're a lying idiot. You won't say how much the total income was because that information will make a liar out you all by itself.
Now they're stealing it from me to pay mooches like you.
You are right about one thing they are stealing your money. You see a mooch is someone receiving something they didn't earn are you saying 23 years of service to my country I didn't earn my pension?
You idiot. Everyone in the military doesn't work harder than every civilian. Just because you sit in front of a computer screen for a living doesn't mean everyone else does. Stupid punk.
WTF are you even talking about. You are the one fixated on pensions. Most of us are talking about the lazy deadbeats who don't work and collect federal benefits.
Sounds like you need a new accountant.

Today (ya' know, what we are talking about compared to 20 years ago, Meg). an E-4 with 3 years would earn about $2800/month. That means, they'd clear over $2000/month after taxes . . . with free housing, food, and medical (or at least untaxed payments for those things).

So you're trying to tell us that they have basically raised the pay about 250% from when when you were playing G.I. Joe? I doubt that.
Serious question retard. Just how retarded are you anyway?

Read this and tell me where I argued that E-4 with 3 years was poverty level:

By the time they get through with deductions, you're poverty level until you make at least E-4. Then you just might be able to afford a car loan.

When I enlisted, an E-1 with less than 4 months TOS made $726/mo base pay. Once you got past 4 months TOS your pay went up to $785/mo.

An 18 year old back then would not have established any credit history, so auto loan interest rates were like financing on a credit card. I still had my 280ZX from high school, so luckily I didn't need to buy a car but guys that did were living on a shoestring budget.

So tell me then how wealthy a lower enlisted was back then. I didn't hit 3 years until my ETS date. I know you are too dumb to even know what some of these abbreviations stand for so, off you go pal. Go waste a bunch of time researching this trivial matter so you can desperately try to be right. I lived didn't.
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