Thank you, herdman & President Donald J. Trump

Retard is already ready to celebrate trump losing in 2020. That guy has lived in misery for well over two years. That's why don't put so much into a person or a position unless it's God. Anything else leads to a lot of sorrow.
Retard is already ready to celebrate trump losing in 2020. That guy has lived in misery for well over two years. That's why don't put so much into a person or a position unless it's God. Anything else leads to a lot of sorrow.
That made me smile. hahahahha
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50.74% to 48.66% is a decisive victory?

Polls had the republican losing by 14 over the last few weeks. I would say this is decisive. More of the counties within this district Trump & repubs lost by double digits in 2016 only saw a 1% difference between repubs and dem this time. Haven't seen the turnout data yet, but for Dems spending $millions more on this tiny region to drum up support, resulting in an election loss that Dems, clearly thought wasn't going to happen...the internals don't appear to be very positive for next year.
Polls had the republican losing by 14 over the last few weeks. I would say this is decisive. More of the counties within this district Trump & repubs lost by double digits in 2016 only saw a 1% difference between repubs and dem this time. Haven't seen the turnout data yet, but for Dems spending $millions more on this tiny region to drum up support, resulting in an election loss that Dems, clearly thought wasn't going to happen...the internals don't appear to be very positive for next year.

06 knows this. S/he just "can't accept the results of the election and is a threat to democracy."
Polls had the republican losing by 14 .

these idiots still haven't figured out why their polls suck. can't poll inner cities only, i.e. dem infested areas, and expect accurate results. but, hey, it gives them a warm fuzzy tingly feeling inside . . . well, until the actual results are released, anyhoo.
I love how every election since 2016 gets built up as a direct referendum to Trump right up until the dem loses.
Then once the D loses the story changes to well they only won by a small margin so this didn’t bode well for Republicans nationally or after they lose the story completely goes away and is never mentioned again.
CNN ran a story the day after the election talking about how the small victory was bad news for Republicans when a few days earlier they had stories on how bad it would be if they lost.

It’s actually funny to see the Democrat Politburo mainstream media do the DNC talking points daily when it comes to politics.
Republican 14 Point Underdog. Wins by over 2 points as the underdog. Wow, he barely won.

Can't wait until 2020 to spike the ball in the collective faces again.
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50.74% to 48.66% is a decisive victory?

They managed to draw a district around a major southern city and get it less than 20% black, and this is the best they can do?

Fun fact: that district was once represented by a guy named Broyhill, of furniture fame. Always having that shit on The Price is Right, that guy should have ran for POTUS with that kind of free name recognition.
50.74% to 48.66% is a decisive victory?
Lol decisive enough that safe spaces by the thousands sprang up over night and they protested against trump in DC before he was sworn in. Protesting because they were sore losers. Now dems are still licking their wounds and crying and offer no one that can beat trump and trump now is out lincolning Lincoln. Trump a cross between Roosevelt and Nixon.

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