Thanks Trumpers


Gold Buffalo
Gold Member
Feb 7, 2007
Dublin, Oh
Thanks to all of you who love you some Donald Trump. You have hitched your wagon to him for 3 elections now and thanks to this we are more than likely going to have a President Harris.

Literally the worst presidential candidate in my lifetime and I’m 55. Trump is literally the only candidate she can beat. Any GOP candidate including Hayley, or Desantis or anybody else would be able to completely dominate this race because of the horrible candidate that she is. Outside of the blue states that would vote for a tree stump if it had a D by its name, the republican candidate would win a Reagan Mondale type of victory.

But nooooooo can’t do that, gotta have Trump. Well we have him and thanks to it we are going to have a President that will make Biden look like Reagan.
Thanks to all of you who love you some Donald Trump. You have hitched your wagon to him for 3 elections now and thanks to this we are more than likely going to have a President Harris.

Literally the worst presidential candidate in my lifetime and I’m 55. Trump is literally the only candidate she can beat. Any GOP candidate including Hayley, or Desantis or anybody else would be able to completely dominate this race because of the horrible candidate that she is. Outside of the blue states that would vote for a tree stump if it had a D by its name, the republican candidate would win a Reagan Mondale type of victory.

But nooooooo can’t do that, gotta have Trump. Well we have him and thanks to it we are going to have a President that will make Biden look like Reagan.

I stepped on a rock that was on my sidewalk. I picked it up and threw it in with the rest of the gravel, on the side of my sidewalk.

It would be a much better president than Commie-la Harris.

If there are enough people out there to elect Commie-la over Trump, then we deserve the disaster that is headed for our country.

Hatred will have won. There is no other reason to choose Commie-la over Trump other than hatred.

If America chooses hatred, we deserve what will come.
Thanks to all of you who love you some Donald Trump. You have hitched your wagon to him for 3 elections now and thanks to this we are more than likely going to have a President Harris.

Literally the worst presidential candidate in my lifetime and I’m 55. Trump is literally the only candidate she can beat. Any GOP candidate including Hayley, or Desantis or anybody else would be able to completely dominate this race because of the horrible candidate that she is. Outside of the blue states that would vote for a tree stump if it had a D by its name, the republican candidate would win a Reagan Mondale type of victory.

But nooooooo can’t do that, gotta have Trump. Well we have him and thanks to it we are going to have a President that will make Biden look like Reagan.
Preaching to the choir, friend.

I think all of us except herdman voiced our preference before the primaries and it wasn't Trump. But now that he's the pick, you'd have to be a freedom, country, female hating beta cuck to vote against him, just because his personality makes your man pussy hurt.
I was gonna tell Cali to vote, but realized Cali might be short for that weird state full of queers. All the good people moved to Texas to be steers.
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Thanks to all of you who love you some Donald Trump. You have hitched your wagon to him for 3 elections now and thanks to this we are more than likely going to have a President Harris.

Literally the worst presidential candidate in my lifetime and I’m 55. Trump is literally the only candidate she can beat. Any GOP candidate including Hayley, or Desantis or anybody else would be able to completely dominate this race because of the horrible candidate that she is. Outside of the blue states that would vote for a tree stump if it had a D by its name, the republican candidate would win a Reagan Mondale type of victory.

But nooooooo can’t do that, gotta have Trump. Well we have him and thanks to it we are going to have a President that will make Biden look like Reagan.
Just go vote for a Democrat. I am not voting for some soft spine RINO like Romney or whoever ever again.

DC needs dismantled. It is either now or later. You choose. And, that is regardless of Trump. At least Trump disrupts their system.

It is a deck of cards ready to go. It either gets fixed or your children/grandchildren have no country as you know it left.

I can't be any more clear. Some RINO doesn't help solve the problem

Don't vote for him. He stands a good shot at winning. He is at least the only one with balls enough to call it out.

What are you going to do when they seize assets, tax you more, keep sending money to insane shit like Ukraine, have a gun buyback, use big tech to spy on you more, keep stealing from us, come up with another pandemic, I can go on and on.

At some point, there is enough of the bullshit.

So, you can whine about it or you can sit back and watch that dumb bitch get elected and this country will go through a period that you do not recognize. Cause guess what? Sharks smell weakness and Kamala is not only a dumb puppet but our enemies will smell weakness(they don't respect women anyway let along a bimbo like her). Guess what, if that goes down(and the odds go up with her) that fight is coming here.

Throw in our weak, inept, corrupt, power hungry govt then you have a choice. Pretty simple to me.

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Thanks to all of you who love you some Donald Trump. You have hitched your wagon to him for 3 elections now and thanks to this we are more than likely going to have a President Harris.

Literally the worst presidential candidate in my lifetime and I’m 55. Trump is literally the only candidate she can beat. Any GOP candidate including Hayley, or Desantis or anybody else would be able to completely dominate this race because of the horrible candidate that she is. Outside of the blue states that would vote for a tree stump if it had a D by its name, the republican candidate would win a Reagan Mondale type of victory.

But nooooooo can’t do that, gotta have Trump. Well we have him and thanks to it we are going to have a President that will make Biden look like Reagan.
You might be an idiot.
One thing you forgot to mention. Until the debate debacle where Biden craps his pants this was the matchup. Since then the democracy hating democrats forced him out and coronated her. If Americans vote for her we are doomed. I mean she is running on a platform that says we need to fix the mess we created
Just go vote for a Democrat. I am not voting for some soft spine RINO like Romney or whoever ever again.

DC needs dismantled. It is either now or later. You choose. And, that is regardless of Trump. At least Trump disrupts their system.

It is a deck of cards ready to go. It either gets fixed or your children/grandchildren have no country as you know it left.

I can't be any more clear. Some RINO doesn't help solve the problem

Don't vote for him. He stands a good shot at winning. He is at least the only one with balls enough to call it out.

What are you going to do when they seize assets, tax you more, keep sending money to insane shit like Ukraine, have a gun buyback, use big tech to spy on you more, keep stealing from us, come up with another pandemic, I can go on and on.

At some point, there is enough of the bullshit.

So, you can whine about it or you can sit back and watch that dumb bitch get elected and this country will go through a period that you do not recognize. Cause guess what? Sharks smell weakness and Kamala is not only a dumb puppet but our enemies will smell weakness(they don't respect women anyway let along a bimbo like her). Guess what, if that goes down(and the odds go up with her) that fight is coming here.

Throw in our weak, inept, corrupt, power hungry govt then you have a choice. Pretty simple to me.

I thought he was going to drain the swamp the first time?
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One man can't do it all. But he tries at least. He disrupts them. They need awake up call.
No, one man can't do it all. But if you can't do it all, don't run your mouth like you can. That's his problem, he writes checks that his ass can't cash. I guess that's all politicians though....
You might be an idiot.
I’m not sure why you said that.
So you're one of those that left huh?
I actually left a long time ago but I didn’t change my Herdnation username. I know it’s hard to believe but California really is a great place I left because of a job. But I really liked living there other than the politics. The politics there is beyond stupid. It’s way beyond Democrat vs republican or conservative vs liberal it’s literally run by some of the most incompetent politicians that have ever existed that are extremely far left.

But honestly I lived in a high income area, Hermosa Beach, and honestly the only time you thought about politics was election time and tax time. I had liberal and conservative friends but the liberals were normal not nuts and the conservatives were more fiscal conservative.

It’s weird because as much as I hated the politics I really enjoyed my time there and I’ll probably retire in Palm Springs.
One thing you forgot to mention. Until the debate debacle where Biden craps his pants this was the matchup. Since then the democracy hating democrats forced him out and coronated her. If Americans vote for her we are doomed. I mean she is running on a platform that says we need to fix the mess we created
I agree I think she will be absolutely horrible for the country. Literally the worst ever. But Trump was beating Biden due to people having less faith in Biden than Trump. It’s not like suddenly there are these new people that love Trump. When Harris entered the race the democrats and independents that were holding their nose and voting for Trump now are voting Harris.

Trump is extremely unpopular. I know it’s hard to accept from people who are big fans but the only reason Harris even has a shot is because of Trump. I really think he’s going to lose and it scares the heck out of me of what 4 years of cackling Kamala will bring to us.

I just wish we would have nominated somebody who wasn’t hated by over half the country.
Just go vote for a Democrat. I am not voting for some soft spine RINO like Romney or whoever ever again.

DC needs dismantled. It is either now or later. You choose. And, that is regardless of Trump. At least Trump disrupts their system.

It is a deck of cards ready to go. It either gets fixed or your children/grandchildren have no country as you know it left.

I can't be any more clear. Some RINO doesn't help solve the problem

Don't vote for him. He stands a good shot at winning. He is at least the only one with balls enough to call it out.

What are you going to do when they seize assets, tax you more, keep sending money to insane shit like Ukraine, have a gun buyback, use big tech to spy on you more, keep stealing from us, come up with another pandemic, I can go on and on.

At some point, there is enough of the bullshit.

So, you can whine about it or you can sit back and watch that dumb bitch get elected and this country will go through a period that you do not recognize. Cause guess what? Sharks smell weakness and Kamala is not only a dumb puppet but our enemies will smell weakness(they don't respect women anyway let along a bimbo like her). Guess what, if that goes down(and the odds go up with her) that fight is coming here.

Throw in our weak, inept, corrupt, power hungry govt then you have a choice. Pretty simple to me.

That is completely stupid, so you would rather have someone win who you don’t agree with 95% of their views because you think Donald Trump is the only guy that isn’t weak and he’s not a political insider and he’s going to drain the swamp. I don’t even know where to start so I won’t. He’s the nominee so yes I’m voting for him all be it holding my nose. Her being the VP was bad enough I can’t imagine this country after 4 years of her as President.

What I’m saying is if republicans would have nominated anybody not named Trump we could have had a rout. But now I really think he will lose, and Republicans will have wasted 2 straight elections where we could have dominated and now we will be lucky to hold onto the House we won’t win the senate and we will probably lose the presidency.
I actually live in Texas
Thank you for being one of the sane people that once called California home.

Be careful though. Half the posts in your own thread belong to you. My friend rifle frowns on that. Professional tip: make a post, see how it plays out, but don't be dominating your own post. See my posts. I make one, maybe chime in on occasion, but once mine hit page 12, I usually just consider it to be a typical Michiganherd post, and call it a day.
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That is completely stupid, so you would rather have someone win who you don’t agree with 95% of their views because you think Donald Trump is the only guy that isn’t weak and he’s not a political insider and he’s going to drain the swamp. I don’t even know where to start so I won’t. He’s the nominee so yes I’m voting for him all be it holding my nose. Her being the VP was bad enough I can’t imagine this country after 4 years of her as President.

What I’m saying is if republicans would have nominated anybody not named Trump we could have had a rout. But now I really think he will lose, and Republicans will have wasted 2 straight elections where we could have dominated and now we will be lucky to hold onto the House we won’t win the senate and we will probably lose the presidency.
I agree with Trump more than 5 percent of the time.

No. I won't vote for RINOS anymore. Nikki Haley? Forget it.

Just let the Dems have it and **** it up more.

The American people have no idea that world is teetering and I am not joking.

Decades of this shit has to stop.
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Thanks to all of you who love you some Donald Trump. You have hitched your wagon to him for 3 elections now and thanks to this we are more than likely going to have a President Harris.

Literally the worst presidential candidate in my lifetime and I’m 55. Trump is literally the only candidate she can beat. Any GOP candidate including Hayley, or Desantis or anybody else would be able to completely dominate this race because of the horrible candidate that she is. Outside of the blue states that would vote for a tree stump if it had a D by its name, the republican candidate would win a Reagan Mondale type of victory.

But nooooooo can’t do that, gotta have Trump. Well we have him and thanks to it we are going to have a President that will make Biden look like Reagan.

TDS is real and you're a prime example of it.

Trump got 74MM votes in 2020 more than any other R candidate to date. Quit listening to, and believing, what the media tells you... Be a man and think for yourself...
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I agree with Trump more than 5 percent of the time.

No. I won't vote for RINOS anymore. Nikki Haley? Forget it.

Just let the Dems have it and **** it up more.

The American people have no idea that world is teetering and I am not joking.

Decades of this shit has to stop.
Trump in 2024 will be a landslide
sign here, coward >>>> ________________________ 🐔 🐔 🐔 🐔

extragreen signature>>>> extragreen

landslide definition: 304 electoral votes or better
Should be 100% negative on the orange jesus side. He has ZERO redeeming qualities.
Regardless, the government is so out of touch, the left and right don't agree on much, half the country wants socialism and big corrupt government and the other doesn't.

Is there any compromise or way out? Not so sure.

We are one sparking event away from disaster.
Kamala will be massively destructive to this country. Beyond measure.
Like Biden caused mass destruction to the tune of...

Created record # of jobs: over 14 MILLION
Record stock market
Lowered UE rates below that of your orange jesus
Record Real GDP
Higher Real personal income
Got U. S. military out of Afghanistan (your orange jesus didn't have the nads.
Infrastructure legislation passed
Chips act
Uninsured Americans at an all-time low
Household Debt Service Payments as a Percent of Disposable Personal Income near all-time low

You're a lying idiot.

Trump in 2024 will be a landslide
sign here, coward >>>> ________________________

extragreen signature>>>> extragreen

landslide definition: 304 electoral votes or better
Like Biden caused mass destruction to the tune of...

Created record # of jobs: over 14 MILLION
Record stock market
Lowered UE rates below that of your orange jesus
Record Real GDP
Higher Real personal income
Got U. S. military out of Afghanistan (your orange jesus didn't have the nads.
Infrastructure legislation passed
Chips act
Uninsured Americans at an all-time low
Household Debt Service Payments as a Percent of Disposable Personal Income near all-time low

You're a lying idiot.

sign here, coward >>>> ________________________

extragreen signature>>>> extragreen

landslide definition: 304 electoral votes or better

If Pedo-Joe was doing so great, then why is Commie-la claiming she's going to fix everything? Why did Pedo-Joe drop out?

You're so naive.
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I would have liked to have had Vivek Ramaswamy

I would have loved to have had Ramaswamy. He's out though. It will be Trump or Commie-la. Period.

Write in Barney Rubble. Write in whomever. Vote for whomever.

It's going to be Commie-la or Trump, no ifs, ands, or buts about it.

One of the two will be running our country. Trump, 100%, is the better option.
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I would have loved to have had Ramaswamy. He's out though. It will be Trump or Commie-la. Period.

Write in Barney Rubble. Write in whomever. Vote for whomever.

It's going to be Commie-la or Trump, no ifs, ands, or buts about it.

One of the two will be running our country. Trump, 100%, is the better option.
Oh I agree I’m voting for Trump when it comes between him and Harris I definitely think he’s the best option by far. I think Harris will be an unmitigated disaster.

I’m just not a fan of his at all and it bums me out that I think the GOP has wasted a chance to dominate the 2024 elections by putting a guy on the ticket that could actually lose to Harris who is horrible and could also affect republicans holding onto the house or taking the senate.
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