That's it, we are doomed

Raoul Duke MU

Doctor of Journalism
(CNN)The US scientists who created the first living robots say the life forms, known as xenobots, can now reproduce -- and in a way not seen in plants and animals.
Formed from the stem cells of the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis) from which it takes its name, xenobots are less than a millimeter (0.04 inches) wide. The tiny blobs were first unveiled in 2020 after experiments showed that they could move, work together in groups and self-heal.

Now the scientists that developed them at the University of Vermont, Tufts University and Harvard University's Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering said they have discovered an entirely new form of biological reproduction different from any animal or plant known to science.

"I was astounded by it," said Michael Levin, a professor of biology and director of the Allen Discovery Center at Tufts University who was co-lead author of the new research.
(CNN)The US scientists who created the first living robots say the life forms, known as xenobots, can now reproduce -- and in a way not seen in plants and animals.
Formed from the stem cells of the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis) from which it takes its name, xenobots are less than a millimeter (0.04 inches) wide. The tiny blobs were first unveiled in 2020 after experiments showed that they could move, work together in groups and self-heal.

Now the scientists that developed them at the University of Vermont, Tufts University and Harvard University's Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering said they have discovered an entirely new form of biological reproduction different from any animal or plant known to science.

"I was astounded by it," said Michael Levin, a professor of biology and director of the Allen Discovery Center at Tufts University who was co-lead author of the new research.
Not much to worry about, a former Republican Governor of California will save us all.
People worry about stuff like climate change while we are actively, intentionally, trying to eliminate our species by messing with things that shouldn’t be messed with. Gain of function, AI, and reproducing robots - none of this ends well. Meanwhile we still have issues like clean water, cancer and feeding people that we could be more focused on.
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People worry about stuff like climate change while we are actively, intentionally, trying to eliminate our species by messing with things that shouldn’t be messed with. Gain of function, AI, and reproducing robots - none of this ends well. Meanwhile we still have issues like clean water, cancer and feeding people that we could be more focused on.
Wouldn't people that worship at the Alter of Climate Change want humans to go away? They say humans cause it and are destroying the Earth. So, I would think they would want humans to go away. I will ask my neighbor who worships at the Alter of Climate Change. They don't appear to be home right now as both of their internal combustion engine vehicles are gone. Oh but as they informed me they are carbon neutral because they sent a donation to somewhere.
People worry about stuff like climate change while we are actively, intentionally, trying to eliminate our species

Who are the exact people trying to do it and how can I get in contact with them?

I've looked for years for intelligent people who have suicidal fantasies. They have a pro suicide forum out there on the internet, but it sucks. A bunch of people whining about how they can't get laid or whatever.

How about a place with old people now who have seen it all, bored with it all, tired of it all and just ready to go before it starts hurting so damn bad you can't stand it?
I just hope when they plug me into the Matrix that they make me young and skinny again.

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