The annual golf trip. Just like America it is divided.

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
there is really a divide in this country. Dems are different than Republicans. Just like our golf trip. All the Republicans, hell yes we are in, make their deposits, look forward to it. All the Dems, not going this year, Covid Concerns. Most of them are the transplant Yankees that are not going this year. Ohio boys in. NC boys in. Wv boys in. Dems and Northeast Yankees(one in the same really) not going. Even our Mexican is going(well Argentinean but we call him a Mexican).

I am going and screw not going. Cancelled it last year when they shut everything down. 4 days away from the house, beer drinking, cussing, golfing, and all that good stuff? The Democrats are screwing up the format and the golf teams. Two more months down the road and they still won't go.

A damn year into and they still won't go. Haven't they been locked up enough? Damn, you are on a golf course. Get take out. Get your own room if you want. Don't breath on anybody. They won't breath on you. Take you own damn car. Wear a mask. Can't stay locked up forever. How can you stay locked up in your house all the time with your wives? Are you nuts?

I don't get it. We have been golfing ever week. I have been to Florida like 3 times. since last fall. Go to South Carolina. And some of these dudes, healthy dudes, won't even eat out at all.

Oh well, screw it. I am not going to live like that though. I get not taking risks and all. But there is another thing called being paranoid.
At least they are honest and don't go . No lectures like you but you go travel and such.

And idiots like you don't get the difference between keeping with the family while traveling, and you meeting with a crew totally outside your family. moron
And idiots like you don't get the difference between keeping with the family while traveling, and you meeting with a crew totally outside your family. moron
Your family that lives in NC is not the same household.
Well, that doesn't make a difference to COVID.

There's ^^^the hypocrisy. You and your buddys can travel, stay at hotels, and golf but I can't travel in a car directly from my home to my son's home to help with a newborn. You're an idiot.
There's ^^^the hypocrisy. You and your buddys can travel, stay at hotels, and golf but I can't travel in a car directly from my home to my son's home to help with a newborn. You're an idiot.
buddy, i don't really care. i am giving you shit because you and people like you get on everybody else. makes no difference to me. just be consistent