The bias of ABC

she's ahead in NC in the polls i've seen.

it is wrapped up. i still can't wrap my head around close to 20 million more votes in 2020 vs 2016.
Don't believe it. Trump stands a real shot at winning. She has some deep underlying problems in the polls.
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Moron, what did she not answer? She went over many specifics.

She didn’t answer about most of her flip flops.
She didn’t answer what she would do different than Biden on Israel/Hamas.
She didn’t answer about the Afghanistan pullout.
She didn’t answer about abortion restrictions.
She didn’t answer a lot of things.

And by “specifics” you mean platitudes, then ok. She spent the entire debate talking about Trump and very little about her, as expected.
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Ostrich Avestruz GIF by Amnistía Internacional España
Here I am looking for some trumpchum.
I filled up yesterday at $2.69 a gallon. You sure you want to talk about gas prices? Or are you one of those that wants oil at negative prices again?
WTF about it? I regularly pay 5.50+ a gallon.

Half of that is a "Save the environment" tax, which if Harris is elected will be going nationwide soon.

Then I won't feel lonely about paying the highest per gallon in the country. Everyone else will be paying it too!
She didn’t answer about most of her flip flops.
She didn’t answer what she would do different than Biden on Israel/Hamas.
She didn’t answer about the Afghanistan pullout.
She didn’t answer about abortion restrictions.
So what you're saying is that she was held to task about these things and asked about them? Jesus, that just went against everything your side has said about the debate.

Thanks for playing.
WTF about it? I regularly pay 5.50+ a gallon.
Cry me a river. You choose to live where you do, as do I. Granted, if it's CA you likely have nicer weather than I do, but then again I get see fvckin' tornadoes so there's that at least.

which if Harris is elected will be going nationwide soon.
Ah yes, the ol' "POTUS controls everything" belief.
Cry me a river. You choose to live where you do, as do I. Granted, if it's CA you likely have nicer weather than I do, but then again I get see fvckin' tornadoes so there's that at least.

Ah yes, the ol' "POTUS controls everything" belief.
If Kamala gets elected(or put in) and she come up with a gun buyback are you going to turn yours in?
Cry me a river. You choose to live where you do, as do I. Granted, if it's CA you likely have nicer weather than I do, but then again I get see fvckin' tornadoes so there's that at least.

Ah yes, the ol' "POTUS controls everything" belief.

Look Bitch I was born and raised here. Multi-generational Californian. I didn't send out an invite for the crazy easterners to come here and bring their unicorn dreams. So spare me the BS.

I don't recall saying the second part. She will try. Probably, wont have Congress to do it, but she will try.
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Don't believe it. Trump stands a real shot at winning. She has some deep underlying problems in the polls.
GA tied NC Harris is a bizarre poll combo that keeps coming up. You’d really think it wouldn’t go that way. So one of the two is likely wrong and it’s probably equally likely to be either.
So what you're saying is that she was held to task about these things and asked about them? Jesus, that just went against everything your side has said about the debate.

Thanks for playing.

I’m simply correcting your incorrect assertion that she answered all these questions thoroughly and with specificity. Nothing could be further from the truth. If the moderators had done their job, they would have pressed her for answers and live fact-checked her like they did Trump, but that’s too much to ask. They didn’t want her to look bad, so correcting her lies and holding her feet to the fire were simply out of the question. And it was obvious.
I’m simply correcting your incorrect assertion that she answered all these questions thoroughly and with specificity. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Truth? The truth is that what you just claimed is not at all like I stated. I didn’t say that “she answered all these questions thoroughly and with specificity.” Hell, they only had two minutes. Nobody could give thorough details for each of the questions posed within two minutes.

What I did say was that she gave specifics to “many” questions asked, which is the case. Her responses were far more thorough, far more accurate, and far more logically aligned with what was asked of her compared to General Pet Eater.
I’m simply correcting your incorrect assertion that she answered all these questions thoroughly and with specificity. Nothing could be further from the truth. If the moderators had done their job, they would have pressed her for answers and live fact-checked her like they did Trump, but that’s too much to ask. They didn’t want her to look bad, so correcting her lies and holding her feet to the fire were simply out of the question. And it was obvious.
It's as simple as liars support liars. Some of these idiots seem to like being lied to, it's strange.
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Truth? The truth is that what you just claimed is not at all like I stated. I didn’t say that “she answered all these questions thoroughly and with specificity.” Hell, they only had two minutes. Nobody could give thorough details for each of the questions posed within two minutes.

What I did say was that she gave specifics to “many” questions asked, which is the case. Her responses were far more thorough, far more accurate, and far more logically aligned with what was asked of her compared to General Pet Eater.

Kinda hard to do when she talked about Trump for 1:45 of every 2:00 allotted.
A really stupid decision by Trump to even bring that shit up, but apparently there's some validity to the claims. provided yet another opportunity to prove the "fact" checkers dishonest, just like when they allowed Kamala Toe lie about abortion, good people on both sides etc. it was comical they falsely fact checked Trump while allowing her to lie at will. More red meat for the useful ifiots
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Can you list them for me? Don't cheat - let's see how many you identified on your own.

Referring to trump's proposed 20% tariff as a "sales tax" isn't a lie.

Because that is what reputable news organizations do. They don't trust random tweets from morons, listen to random podcasts as their form of truth, etc. They actually go to the people involved and investigate. You should try it.
ABC is a reputable news organization? Give me a break. One survey showed 100% of Harris' stories being positive, while 93% of Trump's were negative. That's not reputable. That is bias.
FYI: I see stupid people out there doing stupid things. They don't even know they're stupid.
That's part of being stupid. You don't realize it when you are. See our friends confused, baldy, and the cuck. Three of the most confident idiots on the board. They will continue to live their lives blissfully and confident
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If Kamala gets elected(or put in) and she come up with a gun buyback are you going to turn yours in?
Blah blah blah. My entire adult/voting life I've been told the Dems are going to take out guns. It hasn't happened. And with the carnage we have witnessed in schools and mass shootings, if it ain't happened yet it ain't happening. That's just reality.
Look Bitch
You are the one crying like a bitch.

The reality is the vast majority of people crying about gas prices post dumb ass memes about the cost of gas during a global pandemic when oil went to below zero a barrel. Which is probably too mind-boggling for morons to comprehend. It's simply not a real issue, oil and gas are historically cheap, the US is now the world's top producer of oil. Drill baby drill? We are drilling the shit outta it.

You have some great advantages living in Cali. It's beautiful, the weather is great, it's a goddamn economic engine. With that comes some costs. I'm surrounded by corn and cows. But I do enjoy the low cost of living.
Congress isn't going to go nuts on gas taxes. Much like the gun issue above, if they haven't yet, they ain't doing it. I'm a proponent of dramatically raising gas taxes, not for the environment but for infrastructure. Turns out it's politically easier to just borrow the money...and it's still not enough.
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Blah blah blah. My entire adult/voting life I've been told the Dems are going to take out guns. It hasn't happened. And with the carnage we have witnessed in schools and mass shootings, if it ain't happened yet it ain't happening. That's just reality.

Once again your astute and "libertarian" critical thinking skills are shining through...

Still defending Democrats??? How "libertarian" of you...
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