The GOP - The Party of No (fight)


Platinum Buffalo
Mar 4, 2007
So the GOP gets an actual mandate & gives Obama everything he wants. Bang up job, guys. With GOP friends like these...
Posted from Rivals Mobile
The GOP checklist

1) fund amnesty....check
2) fund obama care....check
3) pretend that the party is against the 2 things it funded
4)allow massive campaign donations from corporations to dramatically increase....check

What the GOP has done in this spending bill is a travesty. Luckily for them so many fools still think they are different from the libs even though they just completely supported the lib agenda. So much for the party of spending control. What a joke of a party.
Originally posted by mu21503:
The GOP checklist

1) fund amnesty....check
2) fund obama care....check
3) pretend that the party is against the 2 things it funded
4)allow massive campaign donations from corporations to dramatically increase....check

What the GOP has done in this spending bill is a travesty. Luckily for them so many fools still think they are different from the libs even though they just completely supported the lib agenda. So much for the party of spending control. What a joke of a party.
5) Screw the American Taxpayer by repealing the part of the Dodd-Frank Act that forbid the banks from gambling in risky credit derivatives; therefore putting the Common Man back on the hook for the Next Big Bank Bailout...all in perfect timing, just before Oil shits the bed, Junk Bonds crash, and the market gets ready for another MASSIVE CORRECTION.

"Privatize the gains, socialize the losses"

Presenting The $303 Trillion In Derivatives That US Taxpayers Are Now On The Hook For

Youse rich guys better listen up....get your cash money out of the banks now.


#MattressesAreSaferThanBanks #GetAGoodHomeSafe #BuyPhysicalSilverAndGoldNow #BanksCanNowConfiscateDepositsWhenTheShitHitsTheFanAgain #StayAwayFromStocksAndPaperMetals #SilverWillNeverBeCheaperAgain #HereWeGo #HopeYouArePreparedAsIAm

Bail-Ins: Your Savings Are No Longer Safe

Originally posted by HerdChemist89:
get your cash money out of the banks now
It's the boy who cried wolf at this point.

I expect my money to be stolen before any of this happens. Have to take my chances at the bank. No investment is safe. Someone could steal whatever you buy. People aren't to be trusted. Another reason why it's stupid for me to even save money, but I do it anyway. What is there to buy, $30,000 cars? Dumb waste.

Let 'em have it. Who cares? Hell, I'd rather give it to thugs than have some idiot relative inherit it anyway.
Primarily because he lifted the tent up to show what the down low really is...

It really is interesting watching Elizabeth Warren and Ted Cruz do basically the same thing against the lobbyist state.
Apparently there's a provision tucked into the spending bill that would prevent DC from allowing the legalization of weed as voted on by the district's residents. I was reading on Politico (I think it was Politico) where a Republican legislator went on record as saying the district needs to honor the wishes of the voter. Not that I don't agree with him in principle. But man how times are changing. Did any Republicans run on a platform of anti-murder, because if so now I'm guessing they support it.
Originally posted by HerdChemist89:

Originally posted by mu21503:
The GOP checklist

1) fund amnesty....check
2) fund obama care....check
3) pretend that the party is against the 2 things it funded
4)allow massive campaign donations from corporations to dramatically increase....check

What the GOP has done in this spending bill is a travesty. Luckily for them so many fools still think they are different from the libs even though they just completely supported the lib agenda. So much for the party of spending control. What a joke of a party.
5) Screw the American Taxpayer by repealing the part of the Dodd-Frank Act that forbid the banks from gambling in risky credit derivatives; therefore putting the Common Man back on the hook for the Next Big Bank Bailout...all in perfect timing, just before Oil shits the bed, Junk Bonds crash, and the market gets ready for another MASSIVE CORRECTION.

"Privatize the gains, socialize the losses"

Presenting The $303 Trillion In Derivatives That US Taxpayers Are Now On The Hook For

Youse rich guys better listen up....get your cash money out of the banks now.


#MattressesAreSaferThanBanks #GetAGoodHomeSafe #BuyPhysicalSilverAndGoldNow #BanksCanNowConfiscateDepositsWhenTheShitHitsTheFanAgain #StayAwayFromStocksAndPaperMetals #SilverWillNeverBeCheaperAgain #HereWeGo #HopeYouArePreparedAsIAm

Bail-Ins: Your Savings Are No Longer Safe


JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon made calls to lawmakers on Thursday urging them to support the "cromnibus" spending bill, House Financial Services Committee ranking member Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) told reporters.

Dimon's involvement came amid progressive outrage that the House cromnibus included a provision that they said would weaken Wall Street regulations.

When a bill is passed with support from Jamie Dimon, you better get the KY Jelly out, cause you're about to get screwed.