The Liberty Bell...

Majority of these protesters are paid to do what they are doing. Media needs to do its job and reveal this to the public.
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Majority of these protesters are paid to do what they are doing. Media needs to do its job and reveal this to the public.
You really think trump is paying these protesters in an attempt to make liberals look bad? Do you really think that a lot of people are so fvcking stupid that they'd actually believe the Dems are paying these people to destroy things?
You really think trump is paying these protesters in an attempt to make liberals look bad? Do you really think that a lot of people are so fvcking stupid that they'd actually believe the Dems are paying these people to destroy things?
Foreign agents are part of it. Radical elements are another. Someone like Soros has done it. Yes, some of them are being funded.

But psychological warfare and unconventional warfare are a big thing. Irregular warfare is a big thing.

There are people that want to stir shit up and to divide. Absolutely. There are things that would make your head spin. America is not immune to those things. We have enemies. We have people that would do it internally.
So according to the deplorables, the incident was funded by both foreign governments and George Soros! Enlightening.
You really think trump is paying these protesters in an attempt to make liberals look bad? Do you really think that a lot of people are so fvcking stupid that they'd actually believe the Dems are paying these people to destroy things?

Either way, they are in your tribe.
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that is not what I said.
Your hints and comments alluded to close enough.

Either way, they are in your tribe.
I am glad they listened to my suggestion years ago: things in this country haven't changed by protesting unless the protesting is violent and/or causes mass destruction. I previously listed all of the examples that resulted in change due to violence/destruction being used and examples of protesting about the same issue that didn't use violence/destruction and resulted in no change.