The new Ford Mustang

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You don't see Mustangs there. As you said, you see Jap cars, BMWs, etc.

Mustangs are at drag strips. Redneck. Mustangs are at the tracks. Rednecks.

$40K in 2006 is over $50,000 today. $50K is an expensive car, almost always luxury (outside of the huge, loaded pickups of today). And Hummers aren't exclusive to just H3s.
you are the one who was going to buy a white trash H3. you are the one who was touting the H3 as some wealthy person purchase. don't give me that "exclusive to H3's" bullshit. i'll give you the H2's were typically purchased by someone with money; not the H3's, though. the H3 was GM's solution to providing the little man an opportunity to own something like the H2 but for far less money.

$50K is an expensive car . . . to someone like me. i've bought two vehicles over the past two years that were more expensive than $50K, one close to $70K. i'm far from rich. the vehicles I purchased are not what wealthy people drive. negative. again, wealthy people wasn't knocking down dealership doors to purchase an H3.

glad you finally come out of the white trash closet. i knew your roots would eventually catch up to you.

i'm assuming you saying $50K being an expensive car is some sort of justification for your thoughts of it being a magnet for purchase by wealthy people. when i just bought my silveraydo (yes, that's spelled correctly) i just about kept the old one and bought a new redneck camaro instead. the sticker on it was substantially more than the $57K sticker on the silveraydo. IT'S AN EXPENSIVE CAR! CAN'T BE A REDNECK CAR!
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I don't think I've ever seen anybody go to the extremes of the celebrity 'meet & greet' as Rifle has clearly done over the years. Typically, you have to pay high dollar for VIP seats, just to get eight seconds standing next to them, just enough time to take your money and snap a quick picture. Why waste your money on those people? Also, Caitlin Jenner doesn't even wear a scarf with her out on the town dress.
Well, I just posted a long list of extremely diverse, highly successful people from all walks of life who weren't trying to be "uppity" that all owned Hummers. Claiming what you morons did is foolish considering Hummers were the go-to cars for celebrities from the late '90s until around 2005.

I realize that about pickup trucks, but my point was that I wasn't going to drive one that far, because pickup trucks are also redneck cars. At my last school, I was offered a car for free to use for my length of employment. Most of the coaches chose a pickup. Not me. Why? Because it's a redneck car if you aren't using it for work purposes.

This is great. I make a comment about you that is purely fact based (you've lived your entire life in Redneckville). In response, you try using a line that you previously failed at using on Facebook, that is clearly bogus, and that doesn't even have any logic associated with it.

Why would I chase after "wannabe celebrities"? Wouldn't it make sense for me to chase after real celebrities? See how you have no logic in your attempts?

And why would I care to get my picture with a celebrity let alone a "wannabe celebrity"? You realize that for every picture I have with a celebrity (not a wannabe' celebrity, as you claim), I am around at least 5 times that many? If I cared about getting a picture, wouldn't I take them with every celebrity I am with instead of about 20% where their team/photographer asks to take a picture? What your redneck mind fails to understand is that all of these musicians on tour have a photographer(s) who are on their payroll and travel with them. So if I am meeting up with them, their photographer realizes who I am and is paid and told to get pictures/videos of me with the artist. It's not something exclusive to just me. That happens with the others, too. For instance, tomorrow night I will be meeting up with Rob Thomas. A couple of nights ago, Rob took his band to watch Santana's show. What happened? Santana's photographer took pictures of all of them with Santana. Do you think Rob and/or his band chased Santana around asking for a picture? Of course not. The photographer is paid to do that when certain people are with their subject (the artist). I am sure Rob's photographer will take pictures of us together tomorrow before we head to his bus to play some of our recent stuff for each other. That's what happens and is no way exclusive to just me.

Frankly, you're too stupid to have a discussion with. Your original claim was that Hummers were the epitome of redneck. That clearly failed on your part, so then you tried arguing that they were the epitome of wannabes. I quickly posted a long list of very successful celebrities, including billionaires, who owned Hummers. Clearly, they weren't "wannabes" driving them. So are Hummers the epitome of rednecks or the epitome of wannabes, because a long list showed them to be desired vehicles from neither of those groups. Hell, there are articles online that are solely about Hummers being the top choice of vehicles for celebrities during that time period.

Well, no shit, moron. What does that have to do with "really falling off your game lately" or somehow refuting my point? My point was to show that your claims (your failed claim that Hummers were the epitome of redneck and your other failed claim that they were wannabe vehicles) were entirely bogus. I gave a long list of people who are far above wannabes who owned Hummers. Why would doing a Google search to get a long list to prove my point somehow be reflective of "falling off your game lately"? Christ, the stupidity is rampant with you.

Really, stick to fabricating and telling people that you "used to date the same girl Rifle used to date," because trying to post something intelligent isn't an asset of yours.

Go back and read this thread again. Did you see what I said? I said that you can find non-rednecks who like Mustangs, just like you can find non-rednecks who will support cheeto. So your attempt to show celebrities who own Mustangs (most which are all classics, which negates much of the redneck appeal) does nothing to refute my argument. However, the majority of both redneck enthusiasts and cheeto supporters are rednecks.

As I said, you can't find a redneck who doesn't like a Mustang, just like you can't find a yuppie who doesn't like a Volvo or a hippie who doesn't like a VW. Hence, a Mustang is a redneck car, a Volvo is a yuppie car, and a VW is a hippie car.

Do you see how your list of celebrities who own a Mustang does nothing to refute my comment?

Perfect to mention her, right on cue. Today, I posted a picture of Amber and me taken about ten days ago. A mutual friend doesn't like her recent boyfriend, knew we were both in the same city, and wanted to hook us up. So after talking in a group chat, we met up for lunch. Due to a great view while eating, Amber took pictures of us together on her cell phone. She later invited me to go to an event with her that she was obligated to go to. As you can tell by the quality of this picture, it definitely wasn't taken by a cell phone. It was yet another paid photographer who asked to take a picture of us, which I had no way of getting my hands on, but which was sent to me days later by Amber. I guess I just happened to chase her, found a professional photog to take a picture, and somehow was able to get that picture, huh?


Another example: Here is Farrah Abraham. Do you think I chased her around just hoping that a professional photographer would take a picture of me standing next to her, eating the exact same thing, etc.? Or maybe it just happens when you're with celebrities and you don't have to "chase them around."


Oh, and here I am again with her on a different night with Brie Larson. I guess I just got lucky and was able to chase them around successfully again and was asked to take a picture with her cell:


Oh, and here I am with Farrah again on a different night when she was wasted and I was just in workout clothes. I guess I just happened to get lucky chasing her for a picture when we both happened to be going up to the same hotel room, right?


You should move on to a different attempt since you've failed at this one too many times.

Hook, line and sinker. I was hoping you'd start posting "celeb" pictures and you didn't disappoint. I don't know why though...I was not expecting a response that long. I should have known better.

First, I'm not going to respond to every point. Being just a lowly redneck, I have a job and it's important that I keep that job to support my family. I'm sure you understand (nope).

That said, it's pretty simple and I think everyone can see the truth. You post these "celeb" pictures for validation. For some reason, you think you have to have validation from a bunch of middle-aged and old men on a message board. I guess that it could be cool to have sistersville idolize me like he does with you. I'm not willing to spend the time trying to find out. I admit, you have met some pretty cool people. I wouldn't mind to have a picture with Jay-Z. What I really love though is that in an effort to prove that you hang out with celebrities you chose to:

1. Post a picture of Amber Heard where it looks like she was standing in front of a backdrop and taking pictures with her fans.
2. Post a picture with you and teen mom where it looks like you saw Brie Larson out somewhere but you couldn't quite get to her because there was a security rope between you. So you and teen mom just leaned in for a picture and she was gracious enough to oblige.
3. You put all your chips on teen mom for validation. Like anybody here is impressed that you hung out with ol' catfish lips. I hope you showered in Clorox after your date. Who are you going out with next, the first girl voted off of Season 3 of Survivor?

Next, I am pretty daggone proud to have grown up in West Virginia. If that makes me a redneck, I accept that label proudly. And I guess that does make you correct in my case because I love Mustangs. My very first car was a 1965 Mustang convertible. I still have it to this day and can't wait to get it on a trailer and get it to Florida. I don't know that it means anything but my family has also owned big trucks, Toyotas, Hondas and even a Nissan Maxima. Does that mean we're sort of cool?

And lastly, I was mostly referring to civilian Hummers as I referenced H2s and H3s on a couple of occasions. Like Mustangs, you can always exceptions to the rule. Overall though, unless you were driving a real Hummer (think Snoop Dogg in his Vapors video), you were driving a "wannabe" vehicle that was very popular with rednecks. Heck, they even used the H2 as the "redneck" vehicle of choice for Woody Harrelson's character in Zombie land. I believe the line from the movie when he found the H2 containing the bag of guns was "Man, I love rednecks" or something along that line.

Anyways, I look forward to your next hilariously long post. Tell teen mom we all said "hello."
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trout still biting like crazy on the north fork of the south branch and in smoke hole.

have you ever tried bringing the equipment with you to catch, clean and fry while out there? I'm sure any difference in taste would be psychological, but that would be awesome to do.
1. Post a picture of Amber Heard where it looks like she was standing in front of a backdrop and taking pictures with her fans.

Yeah, I have to question that she specifically hired a professional photographer to take such a basic, "stand here" photo with a good friend. It looks like she's about to yell, "neeext!"
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i'm assuming you saying $50K being an expensive car is some sort of justification for your thoughts of it being a magnet for purchase by wealthy people. when i just bought my silveraydo (yes, that's spelled correctly) i just about kept the old one and bought a new redneck camaro instead. the sticker on it was substantially more than the $57K sticker on the silveraydo. IT'S AN EXPENSIVE CAR! CAN'T BE A REDNECK CAR!

The GT350R I drove stickered at $71k.
Can we go back to rifle wearing a scarf and looking awkwardly distant in the first teen mom photo

I wasn't thrilled to be in the picture. After acting like I couldn't hear here the first three times to get in the picture with her, she dragged me by my arm.

Was that before or after his WWE bleach bottle hairstyle phase?

Never have changed the color of my hair, even as a kid.

You hate Mustangs and wear a scarf. Your man card is hereby revoked.

It's not a scarf. Fans of Mustangs wouldn't have that knowledge though.
have you ever tried bringing the equipment with you to catch, clean and fry while out there? I'm sure any difference in taste would be psychological, but that would be awesome to do.
just when canoeing/camping is all. i live less than a mile from my closest fishing spot, so too easy to go home and fry them up.
just when canoeing/camping is all. i live less than a mile from my closest fishing spot, so too easy to go home and fry them up.
Not trout fishing, but salt water, I have caught them and then fried them up the same day. To me it is better but, maybe it is just psychological. But, that is about as fresh as you can get it. We used to do that with blue gills back when I was kid. Catch a mess of them and then fry them up later that day for lunch.
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She pulled you in close and then got even closer to the other person in the picture to
Leave you just awkwardly there?!?!
Not trout fishing, but salt water, I have caught them and then fried them up the same day. To me it is better but, maybe it is just psychological. But, that is about as fresh as you can get it. We used to do that with blue gills back when I was kid. Catch a mess of them and then fry them up later that day for lunch.
blue gill, a fish i've never consumed. have always heard they're really good, though.

went deep sea fishing years ago with a bunch of derelicts out of cape hatteras when i was working on the macarthur center in norfolk. brought some of our catch back to the job site on monday and fixed it up for lunch. was damn good.

same year, lost all the spanish mackerel we caught in the gulf when i fell asleep driving and crashed on the way home. the styrofoam cooler exploded on impact and most of the fish ended up on the dash of the vehicle. they fried in the sun (not really, just rotted) . . . when we went to get our luggage out of the vehicle, it was pretty smelly.
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you are the one who was touting the H3 as some wealthy person purchase.

Why lie? In fact, I claimed that since they aren't made anymore, they are cheap. I even gave the price of how cheap used ones are.

i'll give you the H2's were typically purchased by someone with money;

More of MM showing how foolish he is. He liked your post even though you're arguing exactly opposite of his stance. Brilliant.

again, wealthy people wasn't knocking down dealership doors to purchase an H3.

*weren't, redneck. And nobody said otherwise. The comment debated was if Hummers were the epitome of redneck. And again, there are fvcking articles discussing how Hummers (not H1s, mostly H2s like the list I provided of celebrity owners) are (at the time) the go to vehicle for celebrities and the wealthy at the time.

i'm assuming you saying $50K being an expensive car is some sort of justification for your thoughts of it being a magnet for purchase by wealthy people.

A $50K car is an expensive car. That is a price for a new E class Mercedes or 5 series BMW. Those aren't anywhere close to entry level cars for either of those brands.


I never argued that a redneck car had anything to do with the price of it. You've failed miserably in your post.
Why lie? In fact, I claimed that since they aren't made anymore, they are cheap. I even gave the price of how cheap used ones are.

More of MM showing how foolish he is. He liked your post even though you're arguing exactly opposite of his stance. Brilliant.

*weren't, redneck. And nobody said otherwise. The comment debated was if Hummers were the epitome of redneck. And again, there are fvcking articles discussing how Hummers (not H1s, mostly H2s like the list I provided of celebrity owners) are (at the time) the go to vehicle for celebrities and the wealthy at the time.

A $50K car is an expensive car. That is a price for a new E class Mercedes or 5 series BMW. Those aren't anywhere close to entry level cars for either of those brands.

I never argued that a redneck car had anything to do with the price of it. You've failed miserably in your post.
trying way too hard. yore outed, move on, H3-white trash..
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Old Hollywood arguing about cars with us good old boys on here. Classic. It would have been one thing if he would have said he was a Chevy man and liked the Camaro or he was a Dodge Charger fan or he told us about his 85 IROC vs a Mustang 5.0. But, he went into this Hummer shit.
Yagi simply needs to come to the realization that he's just as redneck as the rest of us. Chews, drives wife-beaters, cheats on women, gets excited over a chance encounter with a celebrity. Just because he has more than 2 black friends doesn't make him cooler than the rest of us. Even Fever called him out for being a redneck, and Fever would know.
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Being just a lowly redneck, I have a job and it's important that I keep that job to support my family. I'm sure you understand (nope).

I understand why you have to "keep that job." It's more about me not thinking it's worth it just so a girl can change her F-1 student visa to a marriage-based green card in order to stay in the U.S.

1. Post a picture of Amber Heard where it looks like she was standing in front of a backdrop and taking pictures with her fans.

She was actually standing behind a backdrop, not in front of it, which is why you can see some of the font from the backdrop bleeding through. She had media/fan pictures to take, and since I was backstage in her lounge area before and after her obligation, that backdrop was used as a separator for her lounge area.

2. Post a picture with you and teen mom where it looks like you saw Brie Larson out somewhere but you couldn't quite get to her because there was a security rope between you. So you and teen mom just leaned in for a picture and she was gracious enough to oblige.

You try so hard to find any hole in my stories or possible way it could be something other than what I said, and it makes you look more foolish than usual.

There was no rope anywhere other than outside the venue since literally hundreds were lined up trying to get in. The event was capped at an invite-only of 60 people. It was put on by Netflix for their The Highway movie. Brie was one of a few big names hired to actually play a role for the event (hence the reason she is dressed like that) and interact with the 60 guests (who included a head of a huge television network and his wife, Kevin Costner, Willie Nelson, Kathy Bates, Matthew McConaughey, Woody Harrelson, Farrah, AOC, Nolan Ryan, the governor of Texas, and a handful of others whom I can't remember).

They made the small venue into a 1920s West Texas speakeasy to fit the period of the Netflix movie. The handful of celebs they had playing acting parts were to mingle with the 60 guests and get them involved in a murder "who-done-it" that had happened at the speakeasy the weekend before. I had no idea who Brie was (and hadn't even heard the name) until Farrah told me at the end of the night who some of the people were. Hell, I had a five minute conversation with Kevin Costner in the "general store" they had set up, and I didn't even recognize him until later in the night when I was introduced to him by a mutual friend.

So there was no rope, no obliging . . . she, along with some other celebs, were being paid to keep the 60 guests there so they didn't get bored and to entertain the other celebs who were guests.

Oh, and here is another picture that same night (note the same shirt) with Lukas Nelson in his trailer before his set. His band was one of the featured music acts. Over a year ago while in Maui, Lukas invited me to his family's compound there (which I didn't go to because I had been on that side of the island the day earlier before he knew I was in town). I've been to their family ranch in Texas countless times:

And here are text messages from him including when he sent me a pin so I could meet up with him :


And here is a picture that was on Instagram from that same 60 person invitee list showing McConaughey, Willie, Woody Harrelson, etc.:


Next, I am pretty daggone proud to have grown up in West Virginia. If that makes me a redneck, I accept that label proudly.

That's pathetic. What is there to be proud about from having grown up in WV? By just about every account reasonable people use to take pride in something, WV is near the bottom of the country - education, health, happiness, income, drug use, morals . . . congratulations on being from the land of deplorables?

Heck, they even used the H2 as the "redneck" vehicle of choice for Woody Harrelson's character in Zombie land.

And now you're refuting wv-fan's claim about H2s. You morons can't even agree on what side you want to argue on.
Yeah, I have to question that she specifically hired a professional photographer to take such a basic, "stand here" photo with a good friend. It looks like she's about to yell, "neeext!"

I never claimed she did, moron. Reading comprehension is so tough for you deplorables.

My claim was that artists on tour almost always have a photographer as part of their entourage. It had nothing to do with Amber. My point of showing a picture taken by a professional was to refute MM's claim that I chase around celebs asking for a picture. If that were the case, it would be taken on my cell phone, not by some event photographer where I would have no way of getting the picture (unless the celeb or the event gave it to me after the fact).

drives wife-beaters,

Somebody doesn't know what wife-beater refers to, and this time it isn't about @CarolinaHerdzilla or Fever.
Nevermind. You're not worth any more time. You're character is showing through and if I keep commenting I'm going to get out of my character.
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