- Search committees, interviews, applications, etc. are just window dressing. The powers that be will hire exactly who they want.
- This is a bad job. Ungrateful, delusional fans. Declining market. Low donation numbers. Hostile state government. All in all a general expectation among the local gentry that, somehow, “they” (some unknown combination of rich people, big companies, and the government) are just supposed to supply Marshall athletics to them, at no real cost, like it was some sort of public utility all such cities just have.
- This is also a bad job because the AD here does not have the power of the AD elsewhere. The last AD was publicly humiliated and emasculated. He was told that he really wasn’t in charge of the things his job title puts him in charge of. That power, once taken away, is not going to be returned to the next guy.
- Therefore, we will not get a traditional hire for a place like this, which would be an up and coming YOUNG AD eager to show what he can do in order to move up to the real $$ and power in the true majors. They will stay far away from this place. Therefore, we will get, as we did the last two times, some guy with some sort of tie to the area “coming home” to do a few years in semi-retirement.