The Who Cares Thread

It isn't just him lying. It is him scamming people. I think the majority of people on here - not all but the majority - wouldn't scam people on this board out of money. That's exactly what he did. He expected the other person to pay if they lost, but he scammed his way out of it when he lost.

It's not just "lying on the internet" when it negatively impacts others.
It isn't just him lying. It is him scamming people. I think the majority of people on here - not all but the majority - wouldn't scam people on this board out of money. That's exactly what he did. He expected the other person to pay if they lost, but he scammed his way out of it when he lost.

It's not just "lying on the internet" when it negatively impacts others.
that means a lot coming from a welcher
I don’t recall a bet with Nick or ever being upset with him but then again, why would I?

I also didn’t realize my IM from last night was going to end up over here. Oh well.

I do recall Nick making a nice donation when we raised money for Goddard’s funeral, helping drum up support for the dog park in Huntington, collecting a few thousand cans of food to be donated during the holidays and picking up litter together along a pretty damn busy Hal Greer Blvd. on a Saturday morning.

So regardless of what happened, I know Nicks’a a good dude and he has demonstrated more than once over the years that he’s willing to give back to the community when it matters.

Won’t matter what I say, though, folks in here are going to believe what they want to believe based on their agenda at the time. Nothing is going to change that.
Need a reminder? They were some entertaining emails I read last night.

No because I don’t care. If I was pissed at Nick ten years ago or if he was pissed at me, meh.

Nineteen years of Herd Nation. We’ve all been pissed at each other from time to time.

Having emails from ten years ago is bizarre and compulsive (or maybe obsessive).
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Having emails from ten years ago is bizarre and compulsive (or maybe obsessive).

I'm guessing that outside of junk mail, the majority of people who have a mainstream email account (Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, etc.) don't go through and delete personal emails. Bizarre? Again, I am quite sure that it is far more the norm than the exception.
Will you post all these emails or will you spend weeks, maybe months or years even, taking out little snippets, adding your commentary, crafting them in to this perfect, bullet proof post that you can print, frame and hang on your basement wall?
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Will you post all these emails or will you spend weeks, maybe months or years even, taking out little snippets, adding your commentary, crafting them in to this perfect, bullet proof post that you can print, frame and hang on your basement wall?

Are you referring to the ones where you were exposed for being a huge hypocrite; the ones where you gave me personal information about a new poster that you gained from his registration info on here so that I would chase him off of the board because you didn't like him; the ones where you stated that you were helping Charlotte with their recruiting while owning this board and allegedly doing the same for Marshall?

In those cases, no, I won't do any of what you said. I'll just screenshot the entire convo and post them if you'd like me to.
You are more than welcome to post, not post, do whatever you like. I’m just entertaining myself.
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You are more than welcome to post, not post, do whatever you like. I’m just entertaining myself.

All of the longtime posters are already aware of your true character. They spoke about it a few years ago on here when they all saw and then left the board or became inactive until you left. No need to spit on your tombstone by posting all of the pictures again.

I have no ill-will towards you. I'm just relieved Marshall doesn't have to worry about their info getting to other C-USA schools anymore.
@ARandomHerdFan can stop this back and forth nonsense somehow?

There are two things that could easily end all of this garbage.

The first is rifle actually posting the proof he supposedly has that will show murox lied. At this point, I’m skeptical that it even exists.

The second is to start banning folks. I’d rather not have to do that unless it was absolutely necessary.
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The first is rifle actually posting the proof he supposedly has that will show murox lied. At this point, I’m skeptical that it even exists.

Ask Murox why he suddenly changed his tune and miraculously remembered the wager, albeit with a different person according to him.

Ask Murox why he won't swear on his father's and wife's life that he didn't make a small donation to a local animal shelter in order to get their receipt template, that he didn't forge the receipt to increase the amount that he was obligated to pay for losing the bet, and that he didn't post that fraudulent receipt on here lying to people.

If he really didn't do any of those things, he would have no problem swearing on the life of his father and wife that he didn't, right?
All of the longtime posters are already aware of your true character. They spoke about it a few years ago on here when they all saw and then left the board or became inactive until you left. No need to spit on your tombstone by posting all of the pictures again.

I have no ill-will towards you. I'm just relieved Marshall doesn't have to worry about their info getting to other C-USA schools anymore.

You are a smart guy but you are so obsessed with being right that sometimes the most obvious things go right over your head.
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I'm obsessed with Rifles sleeping patterns. This whole back and forth with murox, and the fact he's losing the battle, he's out of bed at 5:30 in the morning? Or worse, was he unable to sleep due to this defeat?
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I'm not obsessed with being right. I'm obsessed with not being wrong. There is a huge difference between those things.

I would say “if that helps you sleep at night” but apparently it doesn’t.

Next up on Pullman, a multi-paragraph thread from rifle explaining how he has perfected his sleep patterns and why we’re doing it all wrong.
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There are two things that could easily end all of this garbage.

The first is rifle actually posting the proof he supposedly has that will show murox lied. At this point, I’m skeptical that it even exists.

The second is to start banning folks. I’d rather not have to do that unless it was absolutely necessary.

Question. Why would any moderator agree to bets that include a poster being banned? How does that in any way benefit the board?
Something tells me that the original Greed will now attempt to fill the void.

Likely, we'll all be hoping Rifle gets a commuted sentence.
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I'm obsessed with Rifles sleeping patterns. This whole back and forth with murox, and the fact he's losing the battle, he's out of bed at 5:30 in the morning? Or worse, was he unable to sleep due to this defeat?

I am just amazed that rifle has taken a beat down of Cuntry proportions. I knew he wasn't as smart as he thought he was, I knew he had issues, I knew he lied, but I never ever saw a beat down like this coming.
I'm obsessed with Rifles sleeping patterns. This whole back and forth with murox, and the fact he's losing the battle, he's out of bed at 5:30 in the morning? Or worse, was he unable to sleep due to this defeat?

You claimed to know where I am. You realize I am not in the eastern time zone, right?

5:30 to you is 3:30 to me. Bars here close at 3 am. That gives me 30 minutes to get home, get blown, and hope the girl falls asleep.

. . . or as Murox the Moron claims, I was up early/late working the late shift at the local factory, because I just have to have a job and just have to have a boss.

I would say “if that helps you sleep at night” but apparently it doesn’t.

Next up on Pullman, a multi-paragraph thread from rifle explaining how he has perfected his sleep patterns and why we’re doing it all wrong.

Says the guy who was up posting at 5 am. I can't imagine having to get up for work that early. Hell, I can't imagine having to get up for work at any time.
You claimed to know where I am. You realize I am not in the eastern time zone, right?

5:30 to you is 3:30 to me. Bars here close at 3 am. That gives me 30 minutes to get home, get blown, and hope the girl falls asleep.

. . . or as Murox the Moron claims, I was up early/late working the late shift at the local factory, because I just have to have a job and just have to have a boss.

Says the guy who was up posting at 5 am. I can't imagine having to get up for work that early. Hell, I can't imagine having to get up for work at any time.

You claim to be a coach. If you're a coach, you have a boss. Also, if you're a coach you have to get up at 5am or earlier all the time.

So basically what you're saying is you're an unemployed coach. Did schools refuse to hire you after you sued your last employer for more money?

And "LMAO!" at you suing a black school for racial discrimination.
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You claim to be a coach.

No, you've repeatedly claimed that I am coaching right now. I haven't said that. You're just not smart enough to realize that.

Also, if you're a coach you have to get up at 5am or earlier all the time.

I've never gotten up before 5 am for anything coaching related. You aren't allowed to have any activities at that time. Why do you continue talking about things like campaign finance, NCAA rules, etc. when you have no idea what you're talking about?

So basically what you're saying is you're an unemployed coach

No, I am an unemployed limo driver, record label owner, music producer, and anything else you've lied about recently. Why can't you keep your lies straight?

Did schools refuse to hire you after you sued your last employer for more money?

I'm not sure if any schools have as a result of that. The last three schools where I've been hired sure didn't refuse to hire me for it. How desperate must you be to try acting like you're presenting some unknown info to the board which I posted about four years ago?

And "LMAO!"

This is what is awesome about you making fun of Cuntry for using "LMAO." Your name is "Murox." It stands for "MU rocks," something only the dorkiest of 14 year old girls used to say. Each time you mock Cuntry for using it, does it not run through your head that the name you selected as an adult to use is something even more juvenile than the acronym he uses?

Now, why do you continue to hide from the simple statement I asked you to make if you truly believe you didn't make that bet and then forge the receipt?
No, you've repeatedly claimed that I am coaching right now. I haven't said that. You're just not smart enough to realize that.

I've never gotten up before 5 am for anything coaching related. You aren't allowed to have any activities at that time. Why do you continue talking about things like campaign finance, NCAA rules, etc. when you have no idea what you're talking about?

No, I am an unemployed limo driver, record label owner, music producer, and anything else you've lied about recently. Why can't you keep your lies straight?

I'm not sure if any schools have as a result of that. The last three schools where I've been hired sure didn't refuse to hire me for it. How desperate must you be to try acting like you're presenting some unknown info to the board which I posted about four years ago?

This is what is awesome about you making fun of Cuntry for using "LMAO." Your name is "Murox." It stands for "MU rocks," something only the dorkiest of 14 year old girls used to say. Each time you mock Cuntry for using it, does it not run through your head that the name you selected as an adult to use is something even more juvenile than the acronym he uses?

Now, why do you continue to hide from the simple statement I asked you to make if you truly believe you didn't make that bet and then forge the receipt?
murox cannot respond to you until October 26, 2019, as he's honoring his bet.
So, i'm not the only one who found those replies to a person who no longer posts quite pathetic?

"I knew I'd get the last word!"
I'm not sure what the hell is going on around here. I keep reading through all these various bets, and there appears to be more fine print in these bets, than what I apparently agreed to with my Direct TV contract.