These kids can't even articulate what it is they want banned

Ok, huckleberry, your move. Go for it.

typical lib. Threatens to kill you if you don't agree with him
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libs are so literal....just another reason their confidence exceeds their knowledge
Neither can the "adults" supporting them. Good Lord, how can you take these people seriously.

When anti-gunners say they want to have sensible discussions about guns this is what happens. You can't have sensible discussions when one side is completely ignorant and over emotional on the topic. They aren't doing themselves any favors.
until the left can quit pussyfooting around, actually admit they want guns out of the hands of all citizens and aren't afraid to commit to it, you'll keep seeing these types of muddled-message events. it's basically occupy wall street for gun control. they know they want something, they're not really sure of the existing laws but they're convinced more laws on the top the existing ones they're not familiar with will help.
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Especially next year when the dems win back control of congress and bans them. And of course trump being trump will sign it
They are not getting them this time. They might ban new sales. But, they won't get them if you already have them

Commie bastards
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