This country does some really stupid shit sometimes

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Just think if we would have protected the border years ago we would not fighting over this and spending billions and all this bickering.

I think the guy at work who works in the warehouse had it right. He said if we would have just shot a few of them a long ago this problem would have been solved for $1.25. They would be afraid to come across the border.

Now the country is a sieve and not in control and we are going to pay for all of it.

Should have just handled it 50 years ago with two 30-06 shells. Maybe he is right. Sounds cruel and simple, but might have been easier. Oh Johhny Boy might be right.

I give American maybe another 75 years. This multiculuralism and PC shit will take it down.

Have you all seen the rest of the world? Good luck future generations.
that, or if all these motherfvckin' hollywood faggits that were moving to canada or wherever when trump was elected wasn't such damn liars. imagine all those assholes moving out and their faggit fanbase following. maybe that's what trump meant by MAGA. move them the hell out, get rid of all of their followers . . . poof, america's great again.
Just think if we would have protected the border years ago we would not fighting over this and spending billions and all this bickering.

I think the guy at work who works in the warehouse had it right. He said if we would have just shot a few of them a long ago this problem would have been solved for $1.25. They would be afraid to come across the border.

Now the country is a sieve and not in control and we are going to pay for all of it.

Should have just handled it 50 years ago with two 30-06 shells. Maybe he is right. Sounds cruel and simple, but might have been easier. Oh Johhny Boy might be right.

I give American maybe another 75 years. This multiculuralism and PC shit will take it down.

Have you all seen the rest of the world? Good luck future generations.

Goodness, mercy, love and justice will defeat pieces of shit like you in this country. Your kind will not win.
Just following Obama’s lead

Trump's zero-tolerance policy, which calls for every illegal border crosser to be prosecuted and leads to their children being detained in separate facilities

You highlighted the wrong word but don’t worry I fixed it for you. And I never claimed trump did exactly what Obama did. My claim was he followed his lead of separating families and putting kids in cages. Do you dispute that Obama admin did that?
That's a flat out lie. That's precisely what we have at a $7.25 minimum wage. You'd be alright if we removed it altogether.
says the guy who put guys who make cabinets on commission.

I bet you are the blowhard who spouts this stuff but is cheap and probably a horrible tipper and never looks out after anybody.

All you want to do is be jealous and talk about other people's money.
says the guy who put guys who make cabinets on commission.

Wait a mean to tell me he attempted to alter his manufacturing/productivity by changing an internal policy or process because he needed to meet the demands of buyers/customers??? Nope. No way. He said that never happens.
You highlighted the wrong word but don’t worry I fixed it for you. And I never claimed trump did exactly what Obama did. My claim was he followed his lead of separating families and putting kids in cages. Do you dispute that Obama admin did that?

When the kids were thought to be trafficked, or the parents were thought to be a security threat, but not for the purpose of punishing immigrants. zero tolerance is not following the lead of what obama did. Sorry you still get...

says the guy who put guys who make cabinets on commission.

I bet you are the blowhard who spouts this stuff but is cheap and probably a horrible tipper and never looks out after anybody.

All you want to do is be jealous and talk about other people's money.

Ah, I knew it wouldn't be long before you started imagining stuff or flat out lying. It's your go-to.
You think machinery is used on all crops? You think machinery can harvest all crops without excessive damage?

I am saying the businesses and technology would figure a way to do it, but no need to because they have modern day slavery.

Look at me. Mean old herdman taking up for the poor migrant workers. Come down here and see them doing what they do and how they live. Probably better than what they had before, but it is modern day slavery.

And, you all condone it. I am the mean person supposedly and I call it for what it is.
Wait a mean to tell me he attempted to alter his manufacturing/productivity by changing an internal policy or process because he needed to meet the demands of buyers/customers??? Nope. No way. He said that never happens.

There was a glitch in the laws of economics. moron
The only “glitch” was your dumbass attempt to convert a labor/wage based job to a “commission” form of payment.

No, it's your stupidity that can't understand that every single employee and myself made more money with the commission based pay than before. The more you post on this subject, in particular, the stupider you prove yourself to be.
No, it's your stupidity that can't understand that every single employee and myself made more money with the commission based pay than before. The more you post on this subject, in particular, the stupider you prove yourself to be.
You would throw a fit if Walmart, McDonalds or the nickel plant did that.

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