This is your personal rate of return

It is the idea behind spoken words not the messenger. I think that I had a good professional career in the computer room and very happy and exciting life with many enjoyable travels and I worked hard and paid into social security all my life and it is not welfare it is insurance at retirement.You do not sound like a very happy man perhaps it is because you are too critical of others.
well, social security isn't insurance, so there's that. dolt.
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Biden openly shits on the Saudi’s, goes back to them to ask them to not cut production until just after the elections, they say no, he then says they’ll face repercussions. Very clearly being done to influence our election. Do you dems have any issues with a president who goes to a shady foreign government, asks for help that would directly help he & his party in an election, but then threatens repercussions for not helping?
Biden openly shits on the Saudi’s, goes back to them to ask them to not cut production until just after the elections, they say no, he then says they’ll face repercussions. Very clearly being done to influence our election. Do you dems have any issues with a president who goes to a shady foreign government, asks for help that would directly help he & his party in an election, but then threatens repercussions for not helping?
No, they don't have any issues with it. Dude was laundering money for years with his family. Totally compromised by foreign governments. They don't care at all. It is all about power to them.
Bidens are corrupt and a bunch of liars, the likes of which we've never seen before.

As for me, I'm going to start identifying as a conspiracy theorist. My pronouns will be They/Lied.
well, social security isn't insurance, so there's that. dolt.
Well it certainly isnt welfare if you paid into it . If that be the case all of the money the company gives you in stock for nothing is welfare too then ..I don t happen to think either is. Corporate welfare is the biggest thing in this country. So you think it is ok to give big corporations money but not to pay the individuals back for what thsy pay into? You are one uninformed person.
Well it certainly isnt welfare if you paid into it . If that be the case all of the money the company gives you in stock for nothing is welfare too then ..I don t happen to think either is. Corporate welfare is the biggest thing in this country. So you think it is ok to give big corporations money but not to pay the individuals back for what thsy pay into? You are one uninformed person.
We discussed this endlessly on this board. What YOU paid into SS went into someone else’s pocket. That’s how the system is funded. You are collecting checks now, from tax payers and companies who are paying into the system now (like me). Yes…that’s a welfare/redistribution program. You’re welcome!!

It’s not really hard to understand, but you’re too old and too senile to understand you’ve been brainwashed to be the imbecile you are. Your stock analogy is stupid and pointless.
We discussed this endlessly on this board. What YOU paid into SS went into someone else’s pocket. That’s how the system is funded. You are collecting checks now, from tax payers and companies who are paying into the system now (like me). Yes…that’s a welfare/redistribution program. You’re welcome!!

It’s not really hard to understand, but you’re too old and too senile to understand you’ve been brainwashed to be the imbecile you are. Your stock analogy is stupid and pointless.
Stop calling me names you are such a mean person to do so. You only care about yourself and I doubt you have many good friends. You are paying into now what you might receieve later just as I did . You dont even make sense.
Take it away totally and we get depression soon after.
Because you failed to prepare to take care of yourself and wanted the govt to take from another so you could be paid.

You are paying into now what you might receieve later
What I “might” receive??? If it wasn’t a welfare program…I and/or my heirs WOULD receive what I paid into because it would be my money.

But it’s NOT my money after the govt takes it. You are taking from me and my family now. Enjoy the welfare check. You are welcome!
Because you failed to prepare to take care of yourself and wanted the govt to take from another so you could be paid.

What I “might” receive??? If it wasn’t a welfare program…I and/or my heirs WOULD receive what I paid into because it would be my money.

But it’s NOT my money after the govt takes it. You are taking from me and my family now. Enjoy the welfare check. You are welcome!
Nonsense talk .I am done talking on this subject.

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