This Obviously Disqualifies Marco Rubio For the Presidency


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 4, 2007
Muswell Hillbilly

Senator Marco Rubio has been in a hurry to get to the top, rising from state legislator to United States senator in the span of a decade and now running for president at age 44.

But politics is not the only area where Mr. Rubio, a Republican from Florida, has an affinity for the fast track. He and his wife, Jeanette, have also shown a tendency to be in a rush on the road.

According to a search of the Miami-Dade and Duval County court dockets, the Rubios have been cited for numerous infractions over the years for incidents that included speeding, driving through red lights and careless driving. A review of records dating back to 1997 shows that the couple had a combined 17 citations: Mr. Rubio with four and his wife with 13. On four separate occasions they agreed to attend remedial driving school after a violation.
Why would he even be any good as the president? Walker is the only Republican that might be worth a damn. The rest of them suck and should lose.
at first glance, just seems like Walker is "anti-working man". doesn't bridge with the fact that he has no formal higher-ed??
Because of the union thing? Yeah, those union guys were sure hard workers. Flunked out of school, learned how to tighten one bolt in the same spot for 8 hours a day and without any education whatsoever made big money out of it.

Yep, he's anti-worker all right.
at first glance, just seems like Walker is "anti-working man". doesn't bridge with the fact that he has no formal higher-ed??
I wouldn't say he has "no formal higher-ed". Walker went to Marquette & if I'm remembering right, was about a year-ish out from graduating before he left.
Well if rubios parking tickets don't disqualify him, I'm sure his student loan debt and buying a boat with his book deal money surely will. The NY Times is making a joke of it self.
He has been on the state legislature and is a U.S. Senator. His wife is a former NFL cheerleader, so she can't be that bad looking. Yet, neither of them can use those assets to get out of that many tickets? They definitely don't have the sleaze or people skills to. Be able to do things necessary to succeed in DC.

And he lives in Miami, is a U.S. Senator, and drives a pick-up truck? That's embarrassing.
Yep, he's gotta cram himself into one of these luxury sardine cans like all the other rich people do now.

I really don't think he would be any good. We're talking about him paying off student loans, buying boats, cars, etc. like he's still a little kid. Going up against these old people with big million and billion dollar everything.

No chance in hell. He will get crushed like a bug. If he sounded like an illegal when he spoke, he would have a better chance. Since he doesn't, he's just a fake Mexican like Cruz. No Mexicans or Mexican lovers will vote for him. Big loser.
Sort of reminds me of a unknown Senator from Chicago, not so long ago, who didn't even have enough money to buy a big house. So he tapped a felon on the shoulder to "fund" his purchase, despite his wife still maintaining a $300k a year job.
Sardine cans? This is Miami we are talking about. Rolls Royce.

I don't see Rubio playing well in the early primaries. It is what it is.

What I can't wait for is the Democratic debates. Bernie Sanders is going to make Hillary look like an idiot.

Hillary does a good job of that herself. She is a TERRIBLE politician.
Hillary will be just fine. It's all hers, and she knows it. She'll do that fake, puffy faced smiles during the debates so that minions will all think Bernie is dog shit nuts crazy, which he pretty much is.

As for me personally, I won't watch any of it. I'll tune in to watch the GOP debates. I'm down to (3) candidates - Rubio, Walker, and the Doctor. The good Doc won't be able to win, due to the current black man ruining it for them. Rubio likely would have a better general election chance against Hillary, but it really doesn't matter. First woman President. Next, we have the first Gay Man president. It's just a matter of figuring out what to call his spouse.
Bernie Sanders is going to make Hillary look like an idiot.

If he does, they'll just call him a chauvinist. The liberals will have nothing to do with this guy. They don't care about economic policy. It's all culture war stuff. No matter how much of a lefty this guy is in handouts and socialism, he's still just an old white guy.
Hillary will be just fine. It's all hers, and she knows it. She'll do that fake, puffy faced smiles during the debates so that minions will all think Bernie is dog shit nuts crazy, which he pretty much is..

I am waiting to watch for my personal enjoyment.

And he isn't nuts...just because you don't agree with him doesn't make him nuts. The real nuts are on the GOP side, but we are so used to hearing a couple of them we don't even notice anymore (all the crazy religious crap, bomb everyone stuff).
I have to admit the GOP is becoming the boy who cried wolf. Politicians on both sides seem to be all about scaring everybody into thinking we're in crisis and they are going to rescue us all.

Liberal Democrats will rescue you with handouts. The Republicans will rescue you from God's wrath and a flock of Arabs, all the while they would let them pour in here if they would agree to work for a nickel a day.

These people suck. I remember when I was a stupid kid and thought politicians were worthy of reverence. Maybe once upon a time they were. Not now. They're all just a bunch of damn hucksters.

It's probably best to vote for the weakest of the bunch so they don't get anything done. We've done a pretty good job of that these last couple times and with this current crop of cesspool candidates, we're primed to do it again in 2016.
[QUOTE="Walden Pond, post: 96306, member: 778"
These people suck. I remember when I was a stupid kid and thought politicians were worthy of reverence. Maybe once upon a time they were. Not now. They're all just a bunch of damn hucksters. [/QUOTE]

That is a great point. Where are the men with a vision, like JFK? Or a true leader, like Ike? I can't count Reagan, because he ended up being senile most of his second term and let all kinds of crazy shit go down (like Iran-Contra), but he started off with a smart vision of beating the Soviets (even if it bankrupted us).

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