This president cant help himself when it comes to ultimatley screwing over the little man

A list of quotes from the Dem debate the other night:

SANDERS: ...aligned with a corrupt campaign finance system is a rigged economy...

SANDERS: ...working longer hours for lower wages...

HILLARY: Americans haven't had a raise in 15 years.

SANDERS: The very rich are getting richer.

SANDERS: Our wastewater plants, our rail, our airports are disintegrating!

SANDERS: The highest rate of childhood poverty of almost any major country.

HILLARY: ...really systematic racism...

SANDERS: ...low wages and high unemployment....

HILLARY: ...inhumane treatment visited upon families, waking them up in the middle of the night, rounding them up...

SANDERS: We judge a nation not by the number of millionaires and billionaires it has, but by how we treat the most vulnerable and fragile people in our nation. We're not doing particularly well.

HILLARY: Poison in the water. Poor minorities who are being left out. LGBT people who get married on Saturday and get fired on Monday. We have work to do.

LMAO. Someone better run these quotes past Prez Obummer at his next Rose Garden propaganda speech.

This is what Dems usually claim as "success" when analyzing what actually comes from govt centric policy and manipulation once they get in office.
wow, just think how bad it would be without 7-8 years of Obama? that began with democrat controlled congress?

I'm amazed anyone wants to come to this country it's such a hell hole. we should put the democratic candidate quotes on signs along the southern border, that will stop the immigration problem.
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A list of quotes from the Dem debate the other night:

SANDERS: ...aligned with a corrupt campaign finance system is a rigged economy...

SANDERS: ...working longer hours for lower wages...

HILLARY: Americans haven't had a raise in 15 years.

SANDERS: The very rich are getting richer.

SANDERS: Our wastewater plants, our rail, our airports are disintegrating!

SANDERS: The highest rate of childhood poverty of almost any major country.

HILLARY: ...really systematic racism...

SANDERS: ...low wages and high unemployment....

HILLARY: ...inhumane treatment visited upon families, waking them up in the middle of the night, rounding them up...

SANDERS: We judge a nation not by the number of millionaires and billionaires it has, but by how we treat the most vulnerable and fragile people in our nation. We're not doing particularly well.

HILLARY: Poison in the water. Poor minorities who are being left out. LGBT people who get married on Saturday and get fired on Monday. We have work to do.

LMAO. Someone better run these quotes past Prez Obummer at his next Rose Garden propaganda speech.

This is what Dems usually claim as "success" when analyzing what actually comes from govt centric policy and manipulation once they get in office.
Damn, am I back in Honduras??
Obama's just a weak puppet. This is yet another reason the GOP establishment sucks and is getting run out on a rail. They couldn't even stand up to this weak novelty act, and they expect us to think they're ready to fight Hillary the beast?

Even Bernie would be more of a man than Obama. Grouchy old guy yelling. That is better leadership than Obama's softball talk and tears.

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