she's 20, maybe 21. what's it matter, you've stated in the past you're in as much a pedophile. "no hair on the infield, roll them over, play in the mud", or something of the sort.
i'm almost sure it indicated he was your uncle, maybe not. maybe it was you crying about him being your uncle. i don't recall. maybe i did say he was your father just to get a rise out of you, don't recall. at any rate, you sure did get whiny about it. you've even cried on this board about someone posting your personal information on the old board. we both knew who you were referring to, lol.
never did hear me crying about you posting my personal information, though. hell, i seem to recall you throwing my name out there as some sort of great poster because i didn't get all pissed off when people like 30cat did get all up in arms when their info was posted. you, on the other hand . . . poor guy.
I don't think I'd debate a stalker on this.......he likely knows far more than you about these sites.