Thursday at the Cam (2-22-18)

Game vs. ODU would be a HUGE win. Did ODU really just beat UTEP 82-33? SMH

Who else is going Thursday?

Holy smoke.....a Monarch 49 point home butt-kicking.
Interim coach, Phil Johnson, could be on the hot seat in West Texas. Wonder where Tim Floyd is hiding?

Zilla22... driving to Huntington Thursday for the Victory Party and witness the Home Win Streak continue.....
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Will be at the game for sure, barring some unforeseen disaster or the like. Believe if we get good overall play from the "Big 3", solid D and floor play from Watson and West, and some meaningful minutes/contributions from someone off the bench, George, Bledsoe, etc., Herd some come out with a W!!
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Will be at the game for sure, barring some unforeseen disaster or the like. Believe if we get good overall play from the "Big 3", solid D and floor play from Watson and West, and some meaningful minutes/contributions from someone off the bench, George, Bledsoe, etc., Herd some come out with a W!!
Had ODU on the ropes after being down by 11. Got to get offensive rebounds.
Just a good old fashion Country beat-down ODU put on our HERD last night. BIG OUCH. REBOUND guys...Offensive REBOUND laddies.

Hope The HERD gets a chance to redeem themselves in Frisco.

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We have been talking about it all year on here, and last night was more of the same... Our big guys got their lunch money taken in the paint all night long.

If you can't rebound, and you can't defend the rim after giving up an offensive rebound, you are going to lose close games.
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Well MU does have a shooting guard / small forward playing the five. Hopefully next year can correct that.
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Well MU does have a shooting guard / small forward playing the five. Hopefully next year can correct that.

Our team is both undersized and soft.

Next year they need a tough guy, power forward in the worst way... A guy that rebounds, plays defense, makes an occasional layup off an offensive board, uses his fouls and most importantly - plays with an attitude. Hopefully, Iran Bennett is eating his Wheaties and will be ready to play like an angry bull next year.
Just a good old fashion Country beat-down ODU put on our HERD last night. BIG OUCH. REBOUND guys...Offensive REBOUND laddies.

Hope The HERD gets a chance to redeem themselves in Frisco.

They didn't beat us down. It was a 1 point game with a minute to go and our top two scorers both took bad shots in back to back possessions then ODU made their foul shots. It was a great game between two evenly matched teams that play contrasting styles.
Our team is both undersized and soft.

Next year they need a tough guy, power forward in the worst way... A guy that rebounds, plays defense, makes an occasional layup off an offensive board, uses his fouls and most importantly - plays with an attitude. Hopefully, Iran Bennett is eating his Wheaties and will be ready to play like an angry bull next year.
Our team is undersized against a team like ODU, but we aren't soft. The team fought hard all night long and just made 2-3 less plays than needed to win.
Soft may have been a little harsh, but our guys get pushed around routinely inside... No attitude and no enforcer to push back and make a physical play. Penava is a euro big (likes to dribble and shoot 3s) and theres nothing wrong with that, but he has no help and owning the paint isnt his thing.
I think Penava is getting too much hype for his shot blocking skills and he is going after every shot which takes him out of position for the defensive rebounds. I would like to see a few less blocks and more rebounds. even though he did get 10 boards last night he should have had 15.
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Just a good old fashion Country beat-down ODU put on our HERD last night. BIG OUCH. REBOUND guys...Offensive REBOUND laddies.

Hope The HERD gets a chance to redeem themselves in Frisco.


It wasn't a beatdown by any means. I know the word "beat" means different things to you, but Marshall was in the game pretty much till the end.
Goodness, if these observations are what you're being paid for for your basketball job, I'd want my money back.
Just a good old fashion Country beat-down ODU put on our HERD last night. BIG OUCH. REBOUND guys...Offensive REBOUND laddies.

Hope The HERD gets a chance to redeem themselves in Frisco.

Gary, I respect the fact that you think the world of Danny. BUT, it has been an ongoing problem for 4 years. Chucking up treys all night, but ignoring defense and rebounding is not going to change as long as Danny is coach.
Gary, I respect the fact that you think the world of Danny. BUT, it has been an ongoing problem for 4 years. Chucking up treys all night, but ignoring defense and rebounding is not going to change as long as Danny is coach.
If you score more points that your opponent, then you played better defense than they did
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It wasn't a beatdown by any means. I know the word "beat" means different things to you, but Marshall was in the game pretty much till the end.
Goodness, if these observations are what you're being paid for for your basketball job, I'd want my money back.
I certainly agree with you. I didn't see a beat down at all
They didn't beat us down. It was a 1 point game with a minute to go and our top two scorers both took bad shots in back to back possessions then ODU made their foul shots. It was a great game between two evenly matched teams that play contrasting styles.

pdBailey----I was not referring to the close loss...
I was alluding to the disparity in offensive rebounds (something like 25-2) and our lack of defending the paint. That's an Ole fashion country Beat-Down where I came from (Mt Hope, West--by Golly--Virginia).

If the pairings go as expected....The HERD may get the chance to knock off ODU & WKU when it really Frisco, Texas.

BEAT the 49ers [Charlotte].

HerdZilla22 in Charlotte
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I certainly agree with you. I didn't see a beat down at all

Hey Ty...check out the offensive rebounds (something like 25-2 & a lack of defending the hoop). If that's not a beat-down...explain what a beat-down is in your book. I was referring to a 5-point loss.

HerdZilla22 in Charlotte
Gary, I respect the fact that you think the world of Danny. BUT, it has been an ongoing problem for 4 years. Chucking up treys all night, but ignoring defense and rebounding is not going to change as long as Danny is coach.

eerfan.....I don't agree with your last words in your comments about Danny.

In my opinion & many others....DD is doing a Hell of a job with HERD Hoops. The guys are entertaining to watch [running a NBA-style system], The CAM has lots of fan$ [unlike in past years], players have great attitudes, guys doing well in the CLASS ROOMS, model citizens on & off campus....just to name a few points.

Dan was a GREAT hire and his enthusiasm is contagious. It matters not that I married into the Bailey Clan....I attended Marshall when Danny was a student-athlete and I recognize great coaching when I see it.

It's not ALL about wins & losses.

To Each--his Own! I support a Great Marshall Coach in Dan.

HerdZilla22 (Sweeney in Charlotte).
Gary, I respect the fact that you think the world of Danny. BUT, it has been an ongoing problem for 4 years. Chucking up treys all night, but ignoring defense and rebounding is not going to change as long as Danny is coach.

eerfan.....I don't agree with your last words in your comments about Danny.

In my opinion & many others....DD is doing a Hell of a job with HERD Hoops. The guys are entertaining to watch [running a NBA-style system], The CAM has lots of fan$ [unlike in past years], players have great attitudes, guys doing well in the CLASS ROOMS, model citizens on & off campus....just to name a few points.

Dan was a GREAT hire and his enthusiasm is contagious. It matters not that I married into the Bailey Clan....I attended Marshall when Danny was a student-athlete and I recognize great coaching when I see it.

It's not ALL about wins & losses.

To Each--his Own! I support a Great Marshall Coach in Dan.

HerdZilla22 (Sweeney in Charlotte).

If it’s not all about wins and losses then why are salaries and bonuses tied to achievements attained by wins? Money is earned by a coach and a school because they win. It’s a business no matter how much the NCAA wants to grandstand and claim they are here to help the “student athlete.”
Sorry Zilla. Attendance certainly has picked up from the last year or two of Herrion's years. But with over 3,000 empty seats per home game there is a lot of room for improvement. Average game attendance might actually be slightly less than last season. Still work to do in terms of crowd growth but agree of your overall assessment of Danny's tenure at MU. GO HERD!
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Sorry Zilla. Attendance certainly has picked up from the last year or two of Herrion's years. But with over 3,000 empty seats per home game there is a lot of room for improvement. Average game attendance might actually be slightly less than last season. Still work to do in terms of crowd growth but agree of your overall assessment of Danny's tenure at MU. GO HERD!

I want to win. Being an entertaining to watch team and being a team that can win a big game, are two separate entities...Dan's locked down the former and really needs to work on the latter.
I want to win. Being an entertaining to watch team and being a team that can win a big game, are two separate entities...Dan's locked down the former and really needs to work on the latter.

I will just say this about that: We got to 20 wins - with 2 games left in reg season. No one predicted a winning season, let alone 20 wins!
The team has over-performed big time, and some bench talent has emerged no one expected much from.
Also - ODU got taken behind the woodshed tonite vs the Tops. Don’t tell me what we put them through Thursday night didn’t have an effect! They were totally gassed at the buzzer in Huntington. Our guys are in great shape, and credit for that has to go to Dan. He demands it from them, & the Herd has responded...
Going to be a great finish to the season, starting in Birmingham Thurs nite.
Go Herd!