Time for blacks, whites, gays, straights, conservatives, and liberals to unite.

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
This crap is a threat to free men every where. We are in a world wide struggle against Radical Islamic Terrorist. We have a leader who might not use that term but it is true.

This is similar to the Nazis. Nazis wanted to wipe out everybody that isn't part of their ideology. Doesn't matter if you are gay or straight, white or black, or a democrat or a republican.

Pure evil against freedom. We have to deal with it. Can you imagine if they grow in power? What if they get weapons of mass destruction? They are going to use them if they get them.

The time for political correctness is over.
I've decided to use Dem logic and thinking for this next comment.........

"Obama hates gays! He didn't protect them."
I don't know, but a few months ago I seem to remember you cons arguing that people on a terrorist watch list should not be barred from purchasing guns.

They used a bomb in Belgium. France has tough gun laws.
Not being able to purchase a gun while suspected of terrorist ties might have worked this time.

Or maybe he would have found another method.

The bigger picture are these ass holes the President won't call out.
Or maybe he would have found another method.

The bigger picture are these ass holes the President won't call out.

Or maybe not. I can see how the president calling them out would stop this stuff in it's tracks. Bwa ha ha.
Or maybe not. I can see how the president calling them out would stop this stuff in it's tracks. Bwa ha ha.

No, taking action would and him stop being such a freakin vagina.

ISIS attacks and he comes out yapping about Gun Control.
No, taking action would and him stop being such a freakin vagina.

ISIS attacks and he comes out yapping about Gun Control.

So, herr herdman, what action should be taken? Don't be a vagina, tell us plainly what should be done.....

Buy more guns?
Carpet bomb Isis HQ and tell them that will be the response to each attack against US citizens.
So, herr herdman, what action should be taken? Don't be a vagina, tell us plainly what should be done.....

Buy more guns?

Lets start with the FDR method during WW2

Move them into camps, like Guantanamo...........oh wait. Obummer closed that place down.
So, herr herdman, what action should be taken? Don't be a vagina, tell us plainly what should be done.....

Buy more guns?

Instead of waterboarding and pissing on the Koran, lets tie them up in a gay bar and......wait. Greed may be getting turned on by this suggestion.
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You go to the Arabs and Muslim nations and you say either you **** tards clean this shit up who we are going to start taking out leaders, governments, and we will bomb a city of our choosing into oblivion.

Ok, now that i have said that.

I would stop the immigration flow from certain countries. And, if I had to lock them up I would until they could be vetted. I would stop being a pussy and this guy would have been in GITMO.
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You go to the Arabs and Muslim nations and you say either you **** tards clean this shit up who we are going to start taking out leaders, governments, and we will bomb a city of our choosing into oblivion.

Maybe USA should parachute Greed in there to sing Arab and Muslim hymns with the terrorist leaders. Adding another MORON cannot hurt. It might just help being that Greed is a legit Super MORON.
You go to the Arabs and Muslim nations and you say either you **** tards clean this shit up who we are going to start taking out leaders, governments, and we will bomb a city of our choosing into oblivion.

Ok, now that i have said that.

I would stop the immigration flow from certain countries. And, if I had to lock them up I would until they could be vetted. I would stop being a pussy and this guy would have been in GITMO.

Spoken like a true trumptard.
herdman getting an answer out of slow lane greed is futile. He won't answer because it's not his M.O. He's to busy driving 55 in the fast lane on the interstate getting mad at everyone passing him on the right
herdman getting an answer out of slow lane greed is futile. He won't answer because it's not his M.O. He's to busy driving 55 in the fast lane on the interstate getting mad at everyone passing him on the right

I've answered the question multiple times, moron. The only time you pass me in the fast lane is when you're going in the opposite direction.
What would be your answer to isis, if for the last 8 years we had been under a republican president?
ISIS existed under W as well, and we beat that ass where we encountered them, not retreating giving them stockpiles of weapons and ammo (and access to where the WMD materials were)
Yeah, and President Dipshit didnt flag this guy even though he was under suspected terrorist activities multiple times.

Yeah, because it's the president's job to flag individual people with ties to terrorists. I didn't know that.
ISIS existed under W as well, and we beat that ass where we encountered them, not retreating giving them stockpiles of weapons and ammo (and access to where the WMD materials were)

And we accomplished nothing, nothing, by going to iraq except to create more radicals. What WMD'S are you talking about?
Greed tries to live in a star trek fantasy world where socialism is king and everyone works for the government peacefully.

Greed thinks everyone loves each other. His world of thinking exist within current administration. See what happens when Americans elect incumbent individuals. Greed is a classic poster child for this administration.

What a Cluster!
If your brother in law fvcked up a install who does the homeowner bitch to? That's right the business owner. I.e. The man in charge

Yeah, that's the reason we have the CEO of Exxon on speed dial when there's a pump at the local gas station not working properly.

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