Tit for tat


Platinum Buffalo
Jan 2, 2007

California governor says he will use legal tactics of Texas abortion ban to implement gun control​

Sep 1, 2021
"So as I read this, the state can't do anything if a doctor provides an abortion, but Texas citizens can sue the doctor and get money. Even though they have no standing as understood in any logical way in the law.

So if this bizarre shit is held to be constitutional, will cons' heads explode when California figures out a way to do this to gun manufacturers? Seems like a can of worms to me."
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Note - I don’t read these articles and I don’t know the TX law. I’m shooting from the hip here .

Is Texas suing the manufacturer of the medical equipment that is used in the abortion or the doctor that uses that equipment?

Forceps don’t jump off a table into a uterus the same way a gun doesn’t fire in its own or a car doesn’t drive itself into a crowd.

seems like the CA gov is making another jump. It might work, but it does seem to be another jump
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Who cares? California is California

How are you going to sue when a felon who can't own a gun legall shoots someone? That would be like suing Ford because a guy stole a F150 and ran over someone

Good Luck
What is the liberal obsession with abortion anyway? Odd
Easy. Leftism is a religion of the self - where the individual is valued and elevated over everything else. This is true even where socialism applies. It's more important for them to look/act like they care (see the desire to keep minorities impoverished and held down) than to actually seek the betterment of others. If that actually mattered, they would have loved Trump whose policies were economically elevating people in black communities. As for "social justice" issues, it's all about posturing to make yourself feel better. Doesn't matter if some of their pet causes don't want or agree with their stance (see the stance of actual people living in minority, inner city areas concerning police presence versus the push to defund and eliminate law enforcement). That's why abortion is so important. It's the ultimate elevation of self.

One of the biggest farces you see over and over regarding abortion is the use of the phrase "abortion care." There is no such thing. Look at the numbers concerning abortions performed for alleged medically necessary reasons (some of those are even questionable) and/or cases of rape and invest versus elective abortions. The numbers aren't comparable. Abortion, as it is utilized in this country, is a means of avoiding responsibility for a woman's own deliberate poor choices and inability to control their sexual appetite. In other words, it's birth control and nothing more.
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Pretty big difference between gun ownership, specifically mentioned in construction, and abortion, nowhere to be found.
Leftism is a religion of the self - where the individual is valued and elevated over everything else.

Only if the individual is just like them.

I would enjoy a party of the flat out selfish and thought I was in it, but we caved to masks and welfare. I don't know how you can be very individualistic with masks, welfare and just blindly following orders from some old bastard on TV pretending to be a doctor.
The SCOTUS disagrees. Or did, we’ll see if they still do.

show me in the constitution where it says “the rights of an individual to terminate a pregnancy shall not be infringed” and I will admit that guns and abortion are equally protected by the constitution.
show me in the constitution where it says “the rights of an individual to terminate a pregnancy shall not be infringed” and I will admit that guns and abortion are equally protected by the constitution.
You get that neither of our opinions matter at all on this, right?

But I agree with you, and I think “wins” like RvW have caused a reliance on the SCOTUS to do congress’ job for them on a lot of things like abortion rights. We should’ve had a law passed decades ago enshrining abortion rights nationwide, then we wouldn’t have to panic every time a new justice is seated.
You get that neither of our opinions matter at all on this, right?

But I agree with you, and I think “wins” like RvW have caused a reliance on the SCOTUS to do congress’ job for them on a lot of things like abortion rights. We should’ve had a law passed decades ago enshrining abortion rights nationwide, then we wouldn’t have to panic every time a new justice is seated.
It looks like R v W in some form is going to be changed and likely kicked back to the states. I believe that is where this is heading. The court will basically put forth the states have the right to decide and R v Wade is not this blanket case for all 50 states or nationwide precedent. It will be fought out in state legislatures across the country. Most outcomes will be a modified or limited abortion. Example , none past 6 weeks. California will abort right up to when the woman has the child in the crib or they decide to vote for a Republican.
Tits aren’t genitals, you idiot. I never mention genitals, they are usually just on your mind(if they aren’t in your mouth).
And I didn't mention tits. Idiot. But pertard just did it again. Just like your lying you just can't stop.
I can't imagine being able to go through with it. Whether it's legal or not, it will always be an option.

I should read stories of people who do it. You never hear from them. How are they after it? All right with it or do they feel real guilty like they just killed somebody?

I have no idea. I just know I'd be way too chicken shit to go through with it or tell some woman to do it. I don't really think it's the thing to do. I'd say it shouldn't be legal, but as long as it even exists people will find a way to do it.
Show me the word abortion in the constitution. I’ll wait
Read the thread.

You get that neither of our opinions matter at all on this, right?

But I agree with you, and I think “wins” like RvW have caused a reliance on the SCOTUS to do congress’ job for them on a lot of things like abortion rights. We should’ve had a law passed decades ago enshrining abortion rights nationwide, then we wouldn’t have to panic every time a new justice is seated.
And the abortion part is a Supreme Court decision not left up to the states.
And the abortion part is a Supreme Court decision not left up to the states.
As I stated, my opinion is R v W will get modified and kicked back to the states and they will decide what type of abortion is permitted and time limits and all that.

I don't think they will completely over turn it, legally they likely should. But, I don't think they will.

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