Trump: "Christians, if I win you won't ever have to vote again"

Raoul Duke MU

Doctor of Journalism
Ok, that's bizarre.

And the media is paying a lot of attention to it, because anyone with a brain finds it bizarre.

But what grabbed my attention more is Trump saying something connected to this that is utterly fvcking incorrect.

"Christians are not known as a big voting group. They don’t vote."

WTF? Even after controlling for all other factors (race, education, income, you name it), the single most likely group to vote in a Presidential election is "Christians who attend church at least once a week."

And I think these people know this. They weild that power and influence proudly. I'm all for reverse psychology, but damn he's insulting a big chunk of his base.

So Herd Christians, how does it feel to be told you are a bunch of worthless, non-patriotic lazy bums that don't show up on Election Day?
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That was the part that stuck out to me as well. Trump always talks out of his ass and says stupid things, so the not having to vote again comment just seemed odd but not overly concerning. However, to say Christians don't vote has me scratching my head.
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Ok, that's bizarre.

And the media is paying a lot of attention to it, because anyone with a brain finds it bizarre.

But what grabbed my attention more is Trump saying something connected to this that is utterly fvcking incorrect.

"Christians are not known as a big voting group. They don’t vote."

WTF? Even after controlling for all other factors (race, education, income, you name it), the single most likely group to vote in a Presidential election is "Christians who attend church at least once a week."

And I think these people know this. They weild that power and influence proudly. I'm all for reverse psychology, but damn he's insulting a big chunk of his base.

So Herd Christians, how does it feel to be told you are a bunch of worthless, non-patriotic lazy bums that don't show up on Election Day?
Judas priest, I see you fell for this bullshit, too. context helps.
Ok, that's bizarre.

And the media is paying a lot of attention to it, because anyone with a brain finds it bizarre.

But what grabbed my attention more is Trump saying something connected to this that is utterly fvcking incorrect.

"Christians are not known as a big voting group. They don’t vote."

WTF? Even after controlling for all other factors (race, education, income, you name it), the single most likely group to vote in a Presidential election is "Christians who attend church at least once a week."

And I think these people know this. They weild that power and influence proudly. I'm all for reverse psychology, but damn he's insulting a big chunk of his base.

So Herd Christians, how does it feel to be told you are a bunch of worthless, non-patriotic lazy bums that don't show up on Election Day?
As gullible as any emotional ideologue.....thank goodness this genius is a libertarian...
Why does the board "libertarian" only come up with questions about Republicans and their motives???

I think it's simply because Christians have been known to sit out many elections regardless of the "rendering unto Caesar" command which in essence is a vote.

Trump has said he needs the Christian vote to get him over the top. After he's in and his policies take effect there will be more converts and defectors from the Independent, Democrat and Libertarian ranks so the Christian vote will not be so vital and needed in the future.
Why does the board "libertarian" only come up with questions about Republicans and their motives???

I think it's simply because Christians have been known to sit out many elections regardless of the "rendering unto Caesar" command which in essence is a vote.

Trump has said he needs the Christian vote to get him over the top. After he's in and his policies take effect there will be more converts and defectors from the Independent, Democrat and Libertarian ranks so the Christian vote will not be so vital and needed in the future.
Why didn’t that happen the first time?
I have different scenarios if you would like me to lay them out. I am of the mindset right now, that Trump won't win.
I would’ve given him an 80% chance two weeks ago. Now it’s very close to 50/50, and I would give a slight edge to Harris.
I would’ve given him an 80% chance two weeks ago. Now it’s very close to 50/50, and I would give a slight edge to Harris.

And yet your candidate can't connect three coherent thoughts... Sad what our electorate has become...
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Trump was outsmarted by the Chinese and liberals?

Short memory?

We should have listened to him...
I would’ve given him an 80% chance two weeks ago. Now it’s very close to 50/50, and I would give a slight edge to Harris.
My scenarios are not about picking a winner, but I think we are in for a long and tough 6 to 8 months. The powers that be don't want Trump. He won't win unless he can by such a wide margin tehre is not question about it.
Short memory?

We should have listened to him...

I am not sure what the "travel ban" has to do with Trump not being able to minimize the need for the Christian vote during his first term.
Ok, that's bizarre.

And the media is paying a lot of attention to it, because anyone with a brain finds it bizarre.

But what grabbed my attention more is Trump saying something connected to this that is utterly fvcking incorrect.

"Christians are not known as a big voting group. They don’t vote."

WTF? Even after controlling for all other factors (race, education, income, you name it), the single most likely group to vote in a Presidential election is "Christians who attend church at least once a week."

And I think these people know this. They weild that power and influence proudly. I'm all for reverse psychology, but damn he's insulting a big chunk of his base.

So Herd Christians, how does it feel to be told you are a bunch of worthless, non-patriotic lazy bums that don't show up on Election Day?

All of the bizarre things Pedo-Joe says and never a word, but your hatred is so strong, you write a novel bitching about Trump?

So much hatred...So much anger. Whew!

The life of a leftist.
My scenarios are not about picking a winner, but I think we are in for a long and tough 6 to 8 months. The powers that be don't want Trump. He won't win unless he can by such a wide margin tehre is not question about it.
Agreed, he’d have to win, by, like, an entire electoral vote to get back into power I think.

The main thing that worries me is the impact Vance will have on our relationship with Turkey.
The main thing that worries me is the impact Vance will have on our relationship with Turkey.

Look at what the pedo administration has done with our relationships with Mexico, China, Russia, North Korea, Israel, Iran..etc, but you're concerned with what JD Vance "could" do to our relationship with Turkey?

Okay then...😬
Keep grasping at straws.
Grasping at what?

This isn't a reason to dislike Trump. It's just bullshit. Maybe he really doesn't understand voter turnout demographics. Maybe none of them do, hell they hire campaign strategists for a reason....but the rest don't show it.
context helps
There is no context. It's a direct quote. Don't just read the first sentence of my post like the actual drooling morons in here.

Do Christians turn out to vote or not? Yes. In INCREDIBLE numbers for this country with poor average civic engagement!

You would be as correct to say water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen as I am to say Christians fvcking vote.

The last part of my post is just me being sarcastic....sort of, honestly I imagine there were some faces made at that Christian political meeting when he said that lol.
If I were gullible like you I'd believe everything he says, moron.
Why does the board "libertarian" only come up with questions about Republicans and their motives???
It's not a question about motive. Where did I mention motive? How did you graduate college with this lack of comprehension?

There's no motive in the part that raised my eyebrows. It's simply an analysis of something he got incredibly wrong.

Personally I'd be talking up how these folks turnout. It worked for Reagan....he won reelection, you know.
I think it's simply because Christians have been known to sit out many elections regardless of the "rendering unto Caesar" command which in essence is a vote.
This is incredibly incorrect. Maybe you are the gullible one your little buddy 88 was talking about.

The correlation between regular church attendance and turning out to vote is staggeringly high. White Christians who regularly attend church are 46% more likely to vote than any random American in Presidential elections (2020 numbers). Black Christian numbers are right up there too. There's a reason Republicans court white evangelicals, and Democrats court black churches: these folks show up.

There's a lot of things I could criticize American Christianity about, but civic engagement isn't one of them.
Indeed; nothing in my post is about that.

Maybe @riflearm2 is right about WV education 🤔
That was the part that stuck out to me as well. Trump always talks out of his ass and says stupid things, so the not having to vote again comment just seemed odd but not overly concerning. However, to say Christians don't vote has me scratching my head.
Holy shit, someone actually read and comprehended my entire post. God IS real, it's a Pullman miracle!

My theory: some campaign advisor was being sarcastic and said this, it stuck somewhere in his head, and came out in one of his usual stream of consciousness rants.
It's not hatred making me scratch my head. It's not policy or anything important I disagree with. It's just.... incredibly unaware of basic political numbers.

And I think it's great that church goers turn out to vote. I wish everyone would get off their ass and vote, people died for that right.

I expected some anecdotes from you folks about how everyone in your church is civically engaged. Perhaps I was wrong and underestimated your hatred. Or overestimated your intelligence.
Maybe it's your hatred of me that makes you think I'm bitching. Which honestly just makes you a moron, nothing new here.
New flash, Slap Nuts: he ain't running.
It's not hatred making me scratch my head. It's not policy or anything important I disagree with. It's just.... incredibly unaware of basic political numbers.
You’re overcomplicating it. He knows churchgoers vote. He’s saying whatever he thinks will drive more people in supportive demographics out to vote. Every politician does it.

Doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be called on his shit but I don’t think we need to theorycraft why he would think churchgoers don’t vote.
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It's not a question about motive. Where did I mention motive? How did you graduate college with this lack of comprehension?

I have enough comprehension to know the difference between a liberal and a "libertarian". If you were honest about that and not be such a $m@rt@$$ you might get better engagement with your hypotheticals... You don't have every answer...

This is incredibly incorrect. Maybe you are the gullible one your little buddy 88 was talking about.

Talk about lack of comprehension... I said MANY not ALL...

The correlation between regular church attendance and turning out to vote is staggeringly high. White Christians who regularly attend church are 46% more likely to vote than any random American in Presidential elections (2020 numbers). Black Christian numbers are right up there too. There's a reason Republicans court white evangelicals, and Democrats court black churches: these folks show up.

Source please? Sources I have seen don't show a significant difference.

As for Republicans getting the majority of regular churchgoers' votes...

Mainline Protestants and Catholics generally trend with the general public.

Catholics are split down the middle.

Evangelicals trend strongly Republican.

Evangelicals make up a shrinking % of the electorate.

"White evangelicals made up 20 percent of the electorate in 2022, according to the second exit poll, while Black (11 percent), Hispanic (10 percent) and union members (11 percent) combined for 32 percent of the electorate. Adding in voters in a union household, that coalition ticked up 38 percent — nearly double the white evangelical vote."