trump/conservative brilliance pushes Pakistan to china


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 23, 2007
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — When President Trump started the new year by suspending billions of dollars of security aid to Pakistan, one theory was that it would scare the Pakistani military into cooperating better with its American allies.

Just two weeks later, the Pakistani Air Force and Chinese officials were putting the final touches on a secret proposal to expand Pakistan’s building of Chinese military jets, weaponry and other hardware. The confidential plan, reviewed by The New York Times, would also deepen the cooperation between China and Pakistan in space, a frontier the Pentagon recently said Beijing was trying to militarize after decades of playing catch-up.
Pakistan is no friend of the United States. MEXICO is our only true friend. We need more MEXICANS living in the states.

Pakistanis in space, but yet, they still ride around on Camels and Mules.
i don't see any camels - you ignorant conservative.



i don't see any camels - you ignorant conservative.
camels are hidden behind the tents to provide sexual practice for the warriors so that when they meet their allah they're ready to service all those virgins. you should get one, camel fvcker.
Fvck Pakistan. Maybe we should remind them of the superiority of the F-22 against Chink jets in the most understandable way possible.
Exactly. As I said earlier, they're no friend of the United States. We should have let India fvck them up back in the day. These goat herders also hid bin laden for many years, on a got damn military base no less. Instead of sending special ops in, they should have dropped a damn GBU/43/B MOAB.
Not to mention, for those of you who have to get the occasional colonoscopy (something Bucky enjoys), it seems like every ass doctor is a Paki.
These goat herders also hid bin laden for many years, on a got damn military base no less.

I'll never believe they did not know OBL was a fvcking mile from their military academy.

I'm actually glad Obama was kind to his neighbors. Not their fault that asshole moved in next door. I still think we should have shown off the video of his body. Hell, show the video of those operators emptying clips in and pissing on his corpse.

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