I bet he says a prayer every night thanking God for George W Bush
It is really bad out there, I will tell you that. Said no one with half a brain.
It is really bad out there, I will tell you that. Said no one with half a brain.
The half-brains were declaring that for the last 4 years under obama. That includes you.
It was sooo good under Obama.... you turned the lights out.
Hellooo Pot call kettle blackCan you explain why you cannot refrain from lying? Seriously, you need help that probably isn't available.anywbere, ever.
Hellooo Pot call kettle black
Oh yehhhhYou've never read a lie from me on this board. I can't say the same for you.
This is being serious. There is a segment, maybe even a large segment, of the population that has not realized you better get a skills set of some sort. Go get a certification in HVAC, welding, mechcanic, electronics, something. I you have no skill set or bring no value to a company then you are going to be left out and behind. Regardless of who the POTUS is.Bottom line: some can claim the economy is great for them under Trump. Others would argue it is just good, or maybe even still leaving behind the people he appealed to. But to say it is THE BEST is a lie. And that is what Trump has claimed. Of course, he is full of shit...on a daily basis, at that.
No the bottom line is the economy is not the greatest ever.This is being serious. There is a segment, maybe even a large segment, of the population that has not realized you better get a skills set of some sort. Go get a certification in HVAC, welding, mechcanic, electronics, something. I you have no skill set or bring no value to a company then you are going to be left out and behind. Regardless of who the POTUS is.
This is being serious. There is a segment, maybe even a large segment, of the population that has not realized you better get a skills set of some sort. Go get a certification in HVAC, welding, mechcanic, electronics, something. I you have no skill set or bring no value to a company then you are going to be left out and behind. Regardless of who the POTUS is.
That is part of the problem and much of the low skilled labor in many locations has gone to the immigrant and not the working or low class black man or white man. They end up working in fast food and wonder why they can't make a living. Serious issue. Where I live you are not going to say well I will go work on a framing crew or landscape crew. The immigrants have that wrapped up. You are not going to be a painter, carpenter, or dry waller either. Those days are gone. So, you better go get something of value.
But, then you have someone like that congresswoman bringing in a fast food worker talking why he can't make it. I am be serious. He bring no value to a company. Same kid his age goes and gets a cert on HVAC and is making $25 bucks an hour .
This is being serious. There is a segment, maybe even a large segment, of the population that has not realized you better get a skills set of some sort. Go get a certification in HVAC, welding, mechcanic, electronics, something. I you have no skill set or bring no value to a company then you are going to be left out and behind.
Can you explain why you cannot refrain from lying? Seriously, you need help that probably isn't available.anywbere, ever.
An 87.5% minimum wage increase has already been done in this country (and it was done overnight, not in phases) without the nation dooming predictions of how the economy would suffer.
50 years ago minimum wage workers had the purchasing power of $11.79 in todays money
Go ahead. But, they still won't be able to live or support a family of it.There is absolutely no excuse that we can't up the minimum wage. 50 years ago minimum wage workers had the purchasing power of $11.79 in todays money. You can't, with any integrity, shrug off the fact that low skill workers still have to pay bills. An 87.5% minimum wage increase has already been done in this country (and it was done overnight, not in phases) without the nation dooming predictions of how the economy would suffer. That same increase now would come to $13.59. No excuses.
Must folks who are forced into "retirement" will claim they made the decision. It's okay Greed, just embrace your lie.
Can you explain why you cannot refrain from lying? Seriously, you need help that probably isn't available.anywbere, ever.