Two unnamed FBI sources: "an indictment is likely"

According to the Bible we are living in the last days and there is too many signs that refute other wise.
Idk...... everything your claiming about Christianity. But you know what I'm sure your one of those New Testament Sunday believers who will never know or understand of the true power of the Lord

I'll repeat the question.......

What, EXACTLY, would you like to refute?
Religion is like sports. Not very deep down, you realize it's all a meaningless game. But it's something you can lose yourself in for a while. Exciting, entertaining, gives you rules to live by. Sorts out the chaotic nothingness that would otherwise torment the hell out of us all.

Entertainment is very valuable. It might be the most essential piece of civilization. Without it, people would be too bored to keep all this up.
If you were as smart as you thought you were, you and the rest of the cult mongers would realize that all religions sound weird unless it's your own personal religion. Many of the same people who tell me how weird scientology is and how foolish I am, happen to believe in an all powerful God that came from seemingly nowhere, spoke the world into existence, let a snake fool his first two human creations into disobeying his orders, and eventually sent his son to die for everybody so they don't get sent to an everlasting fire. And there's plenty more weird stuff that could be mentioned. And this is the dominant religion on earth.

That brings up some valid points, but it doesn't refute why I trust medical doctors with my medical issues.

I long ago realized there are a lot of fairy tales in the Bible. It's the only way ancient people could make sense of the world and the universe. That doesn't change the universal truths that Jesus spoke.

There is ample evidence L Ron Hubbard came up with a way to make money. There is also ample evidence that Scientology engages in brainwashing, domination, and other cult tactics. Sure, maybe you haven't seen such actions because you are just some guy paying money to get some auditing. People far more involved than you, however, have reported what really goes on.
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.. but it doesn't refute why I trust medical doctors with my medical issues.

I don't recall any proof that depression is a medical issue. The medical profession doesn't know what causes depression. I do.

I long ago realized there are a lot of fairy tales in the Bible. It's the only way ancient people could make sense of the world and the universe. That doesn't change the universal truths that Jesus spoke.

There are zero fairy tales in the Bible.

There is ample evidence L Ron Hubbard came up with a way to make money. There is also ample evidence that Scientology engages in brainwashing, domination, and other cult tactics.

No, there is not ample evidence of any such thing.

People far more involved than you, however, have reported what really goes on.

And of course those particular people must be telling the truth. Why? Because it fits in with your particular belief.
Name those signs..........

Why should he or anyone else bother? You will simply argue from some bullshit perspective. Scoffers like you are free to scoff. And for that very reason, you should embrace the liberties we have in this country. You can worship an alien overlord (if you can save enough money to buy your way up to remove your ghosts from inside of you) and others can believe in an omnipotent presence who created and gave man the free will to accept false prophets. If you don't understand or accept God after studying for 39 years, then it's likely you never will. Must suck though to wager eternity on being wrong.

Liberals embrace fvcking up nice things we have in this country. You would bite your nose of to spite your own face. That kind of ideology is toxic and ruining out country. I don't think you truly believe in half the shit you say. Your upbringing and limited formal education just make you an uncultured, closed-minded douchebag who enjoys being an old bitter prick who loves to argue.
I'm late to this thread but a few comments...EG, there are tons of people living productive lives that wouldn't be possible without medication. Of course there are those who abuse it and doctors who prescribe it in cases where it isn't necessary. That's true with lots of things. But the fact remains that these psyche meds give many people there only real chance at life. Depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, etc. are real and without medication many would have a very dismal and tortured life.

And now I'll defend you. It appears to me EG is saying that he finds some personal benefit in Scientolgy. I'm not endorsing the cult aspect of the whole thing because it's obvious that Scientolgy is exploiting the gullible. But EG hasn't endorsed any of that as far as I can see. He hasn't openly recruited anyone or asked anyone to open their checkbook to it. He is simply saying he benefits from it personally. And as Rockdog fairly pointed out...good for him.

When push comes to shove is there really any more strangeness in Scientolgy than Christianity? If you came to the story of both without ever being exposed to it as a kid you'd have a hard time swallowing either story. I know the game on this board is total annihilation of your adversary, but goodness...if the man wants to pull parts out of Scientology that benefits him personally and he isn't shoving it down our throats...god bless him (so to speak).

The more I observe the more content I am with trying to remove myself from entrenched ideological thinking. It makes us take such hard unflinching positions on everything that we seldom see that the truth doesn't always gravitate to the extreme ends of one side or the other.
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Wishy washy stuff up there. The time comes when you have to make a decision. Whichever one you make, everything's going to work out somehow.

But whether you like it or not, you must eventually go down on one side or the other. Of everything. Tuesday is one of those days, but so is every other day. The longer you wait to be proud of whatever you choose, the more time you're wasting.

Look at the big winners. They know what they're all about. Look at the 50 year olds who go to work scared to do anything, scared to make a decision. They're the wishy washy.
There is no worship in scientology.

I've been studying the Bible for 39 years as a Christian believer.

Then you have failed miserably. That or you're a selective believer. You don't get too pick and choose which parts you believe. You also wouldn't spend time, practicing a religion with a false prophet at the head. LRH is seen as the Messiah of that religion. Now, if you want to tell us the documentaries we have seen are all lies, then please do enlighten us. I saw a very interesting documentary on Scientology which involved former, very high ranked officers in the church.

As for your argument with Raoul about depression, I don't have it, but I have family members who do suffer from it. There are proven chemical imbalances in the brain which are often the cause. This is no different than someone who's pancreas will not produce enough insulin to allow glucose to be converted into glycogen to be stored in the liver and skeletal muscle tissue.

Too bad Scientology doesn't involve actual science.
this is how Hillary wins. we start off talking about indictments and end up on Scientology. obvious EG is Hillary....
Too bad Scientology doesn't involve actual science.

Then you have failed miserably. That or you're a selective believer. You don't get too pick and choose which parts you believe. You also wouldn't spend time, practicing a religion with a false prophet at the head. LRH is seen as the Messiah of that religion. Now, if you want to tell us the documentaries we have seen are all lies, then please do enlighten us. I saw a very interesting documentary on Scientology which involved former, very high ranked officers in the church.

Cult members are documented to dismiss any evidence that their beliefs and organization are horseshit. And that's what EG does. Notice he doesn't refute the claims with any exonerating evidence, he actually said there is no such evidence. Yet we have Hubbard's own words as well as the testimony of numerous ex-members for that evidence.

I am absolutely sure EG believes he has benefited from auditing. I am also sure someone could convince themselves that cheesecake can make them a better, happier person. Shit, who isn't happy to eat some cheesecake? That doesn't mean cheesecake has any real benefit except to please the tastebuds.
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Extra you actually believe Jonah was swallowed by a fish and survived 3 days before being spewed out?
Wishy washy stuff up there. The time comes when you have to make a decision. Whichever one you make, everything's going to work out somehow.

But whether you like it or not, you must eventually go down on one side or the other. Of everything. Tuesday is one of those days, but so is every other day. The longer you wait to be proud of whatever you choose, the more time you're wasting.

Look at the big winners. They know what they're all about. Look at the 50 year olds who go to work scared to do anything, scared to make a decision. They're the wishy washy.

I guess it would seem that way to a person who bases their world view on winners and losers...however that works. Here's the don't have to disparage psyche meds to endorse they are also abused. You don't have to run down every way that a person takes comfort in the world to elevate Christianity that does the exact same thing.

The world isn't as simple as one way or the other or as you put and losers. I know you build this whole macho image in extreme views and pass off reasoned thinking as that of a "wishy washy" person who isn't man enough to make up their mind.

I view it differently...I believe that those who submit to extreme views are followers without the balls to use reason even if it means giving points to the other side when it is warranted. Extreme ideological thinking isn't thinking at's group think where validation is received by marching lockstep with other like minded people. To me its gutless to and intellectually lazy to fall within the narrow parameters of a specific ideological viewpoint ...all ...the ...time...every time.
Then you have failed miserably. That or you're a selective believer. You don't get too pick and choose which parts you believe. You also wouldn't spend time, practicing a religion with a false prophet at the head. LRH is seen as the Messiah of that religion. Now, if you want to tell us the documentaries we have seen are all lies, then please do enlighten us. I saw a very interesting documentary on Scientology which involved former, very high ranked officers in the church.

As for your argument with Raoul about depression, I don't have it, but I have family members who do suffer from it. There are proven chemical imbalances in the brain which are often the cause. This is no different than someone who's pancreas will not produce enough insulin to allow glucose to be converted into glycogen to be stored in the liver and skeletal muscle tissue.

Too bad Scientology doesn't involve actual science.

You're a fine example of people who think they're enlightened by education. You're an even better example of people who don't know what they're talking about.
I believe the KJV is the divine and infallible word of God, with nothing having been added or omitted, according to his will. O have never met any scientologist who believed Hubbard was a Messiah. Neither have you.
You saw a documentary. Ain't that special.

Chemical imbalances have never been proven to be the cause of depression. Because they're not the reason.

Too bad your entire post is full of false data.
I guess it would seem that way to a person who bases their world view on winners and losers...however that works. Here's the don't have to disparage psyche meds to endorse they are also abused. You don't have to run down every way that a person takes comfort in the world to elevate Christianity that does the exact same thing.

The world isn't as simple as one way or the other or as you put and losers. I know you build this whole macho image in extreme views and pass off reasoned thinking as that of a "wishy washy" person who isn't man enough to make up their mind.

I view it differently...I believe that those who submit to extreme views are followers without the balls to use reason even if it means giving points to the other side when it is warranted. Extreme ideological thinking isn't thinking at's group think where validation is received by marching lockstep with other like minded people. To me its gutless to and intellectually lazy to fall within the narrow parameters of a specific ideological viewpoint ...all ...the ...time...every time.

The fact you say the King James version is the divine word shows how ignorant you are about what's in the bible lol. keep studying bruh, maybe one day you will get it.

You still haven't told me if you observe the Sabbath, how about the feast of God. If you read your bible, You would know Scientology is a Devils religion.
I guess it would seem that way to a person who bases their world view on winners and losers...however that works. Here's the don't have to disparage psyche meds to endorse they are also abused. You don't have to run down every way that a person takes comfort in the world to elevate Christianity that does the exact same thing.

The world isn't as simple as one way or the other or as you put and losers. I know you build this whole macho image in extreme views and pass off reasoned thinking as that of a "wishy washy" person who isn't man enough to make up their mind.

I view it differently...I believe that those who submit to extreme views are followers without the balls to use reason even if it means giving points to the other side when it is warranted. Extreme ideological thinking isn't thinking at's group think where validation is received by marching lockstep with other like minded people. To me its gutless to and intellectually lazy to fall within the narrow parameters of a specific ideological viewpoint ...all ...the ...time...every time.

The fact you say the King James version is the divine word shows how ignorant you are about what's in the bible lol. keep studying bruh, maybe one day you will get it.

You still haven't told me if you observe the Sabbath, how about the feast of God. If you read your bible, You would know Scientology is a Devils religion.
Oh and if you don't believe in depression, go spend some time in a mental hospital.

But then again your a Baptist who believes in Scientology. 2 prostitute religions spoken about in the bible
The fact you say the King James version is the divine word shows how ignorant you are about what's in the bible lol. keep studying bruh, maybe one day you will get it.

You still haven't told me if you observe the Sabbath, how about the feast of God. If you read your bible, You would know Scientology is a Devils religion.

I think you got me confused with EG. You could never confuse me for a bible expert. Lol
Great example. That story being allegory, or maybe a prophetic vision, does not alter the lesson to be learned from it.

Notice how eg has responded to every reply in thread except mine. I'm sure he will come back with some long winded explanation of how allegories and or visions aren't fairytales so he was right.
Yet any reasonable person would see he meant that the biblical stories are to be taken as fact
Jonah is a good start. Then he can explain Noah living over 500 years and Lazarus. That's all after he explains the causes of depression.
Oh and if you don't believe in depression, go spend some time in a mental hospital.


Go spend one week in an inpatient psych ward and see what off medicine vs. on medicine looks like.

So many stories...I watched an attorney off her meds in acute mania walk on a treadmill for about 7 hours and write an unintelligible brief for another 12 with no sleep. Three days later back on her lithium and she's completely normal.

Another dude thought he was Jesus one day then a week later he's back at work.

This is all pretty normal in a psych ward.

I don't want to speak for Extra, but I think he's looking at mental health issues as more dysthymia or the WASP down the street who pops a Xanax because she can't cope with the stressors of life. Maybe that's not real mental illness....but spend a week in a psych unit with major full blown depression, schizophrenia, or bipolar patients and you'll change your tune.
Cult members are documented to dismiss any evidence that their beliefs and organization are horseshit. And that's what EG does. Notice he doesn't refute the claims with any exonerating evidence, he actually said there is no such evidence. Yet we have Hubbard's own words as well as the testimony of numerous ex-members for that evidence.

I am absolutely sure EG believes he has benefited from auditing. I am also sure someone could convince themselves that cheesecake can make them a better, happier person. Shit, who isn't happy to eat some cheesecake? That doesn't mean cheesecake has any real benefit except to please the tastebuds.

What you do is believe stuff you want to believe. Another enlightened pill head.
Extra you actually believe Jonah was swallowed by a fish and survived 3 days before being spewed out?

Absolutely. So did Jesus.

Matt 12:40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

Go spend one week in an inpatient psych ward and see what off medicine vs. on medicine looks like.

So many stories...I watched an attorney off her meds in acute mania walk on a treadmill for about 7 hours and write an unintelligible brief for another 12 with no sleep. Three days later back on her lithium and she's completely normal.

Another dude thought he was Jesus one day then a week later he's back at work.

This is all pretty normal in a psych ward.

I don't want to speak for Extra, but I think he's looking at mental health issues as more dysthymia or the WASP down the street who pops a Xanax because she can't cope with the stressors of life. Maybe that's not real mental illness....but spend a week in a psych unit with major full blown depression, schizophrenia, or bipolar patients and you'll change your tune.

If you're going to speak of truth, maybe you should first read the thread and then tell us where anyone in this thread said depression isn't real.

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