I was mowing my lawn yesterday, and I realized we all have been looking at this exactly backwards.
Since the "great realignment" exactly ONE conference is such a hole that the state university in the wealthiest state in the country, with multiple national champions in basketball, the unquestioned best women's basketball team, over 30K students, a stadium built in this century (apparently at state expense) with a fat corporate naming rights deal, a tremendous basketball facility, a state with 3 and 1/2 million people packed into an area where no one is more than an hour from the game venue, ESPN's home and pet program, with millions and millions of people within 3 hours drive, LOST SO MUCH MONEY, $41M in just one year according to reports, that it was willing to tell the AAC to pound sand and move to a basketball only conference and let football figure it out or not.
THE AMERICAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, not only does every AD in that league hope and pray that it is the Big 12 on the line every time the phone rings, at least one team, and probably more to come, are losing so much that they will move to the empty pit that is I-A independent football status (UND notwithstanding) to get free of it.
Wonder what they will do with the Civil CON-FLict Trophy?