What happened after that invasion? What is the population of the USA, number of guns, land size, size of cities. You also assume that in an event like this the entire US military would be against the people. How do you conduct MOUT in a city like Los Angeles, Atlanta, New York?
Of those numbers how many are going to kick in doors? Have you ever done MOUT training? You know what is one of the worst things ever is? Kicking in a door going street to street?
How do control the population in the USA? And, the size of the USA? How do you control Texas? That is one state?
Don't be stupid. An event like that in this country would make Iraq look like a picnic. You are talking taking down a depleted military. You don't even get to the occupation part.
I love the mititary. But, there is not military in the word that would want to try to occupy the USA.
You don’t understand. I’ve gone over this before.
Madison wrote out the intent for the 2nd. In his explanation, he detailed the specific numbers it would take for armed civilians to be able to stop a tyrannical government. He used numbers for both the army and a civilian militia. He was quite specific with those numbers. At no time did he claim that a federal army would have disloyal soldiers who would not fulfill their duties. Had he done that, it would have changed his entire argument for the 2nd Amendment. So your repeated claim that a chunk of the military would not fulfill their orders cannot be argued while also trying to argue in support of the intent of the 2nd.