Vivek Nostradamus

What is it with you deplorables and your obsession with conspiracy-theorist perpetuators and professional con-artists who made their riches scamming others?
What is it with you deplorables and your obsession with conspiracy-theorist perpetuators and professional con-artists who made their riches scamming others?
You hate Vivek? Shocking, considering he too is far more wealthy and accomplished than you can ever hope to become.
far more wealthy
I understand that it is difficult since it is three-syllables, but the word you're looking for is "wealthier" or "far wealthier."

I earned my money honestly. He, like Bradey Smith, earned it dishonestly and through deceit.
What is it with you deplorables and your obsession with conspiracy-theorist perpetuators and professional con-artists who made their riches scamming others?

Says the guy who referred to Trump’s shooting as a “shooting” and his wound as a “wound.”

Tell us, BlueAnon, what exactly happened to Trump on that stage? Did he fake the entire thing? Did he have a ketchup packet in his hand the whole time? What?

After you tell us that, tell us which “conspiracy” is Vivek perpetuating? The one where Biden clearly won’t be the nominee. Yeah, that would never happen. Tell us.
  • Haha
Reactions: mlblack16.
Here’s a conspiracy for you. Doesn’t look like he’s endorsing Kamala and maybe calling for an open convention.


DNC night one about over. Lights go off. The gong hits….Road Warrior pop

By Gawd that’s Michelle’s music.


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