VT @ MU line back up to 6….crazy

I dont know how Vegas Insider gets its numbers but that literally can't be possible... If 89 percent of the money was coming in on Marshall, the line would move the other direction to entice people to bet VT.
I hear you. I don’t claim to understand. I’m just looking at the trend data on their app. They just updated it where there is a Sportsbook with Marshall at -4.5 now. Best Marshall bet odds available.
At the risk of sending this betting disagreement into a tizzy, this is a pretty good article about uneven books. This article articulates that small sports books are conservative and seek to just straight balance the bet and make money on the vig, but larger sports books do large volume and have experienced odds makers whom they trust to take positions on games in an attempt to increase profit, even if it involves risk for the house. So if the experienced odds makers see that the "sharps" money is in a minority position while the casual bettor money is on a majority position (perhaps our situation with the VT game) then the line will perhaps react to the minority position and not the majority position in an effort to influence the sharp bettors that the sports book knows to be reliable. This might further entice the casual bettors, in which case the sports book has in effect staked a position on the outcome because even though the dollars are not equal on both sides, all dollars are not created equal in the eyes of the large sports books with a lot of experience and ability to take risk.

So for instance, if this is indeed happening with Marshall, the sharps bet VT at +7 while most of the money came in on Marshall at -7, but it came from casual betting yokels like me who frequently lose. So the house knows I don't know what the hell I am doing, and it moves the line towards the minority position to see at what point the sharp money quits coming in on VT. This further unbalances the book as more yokels like me get in on the majority side, but the house has staked its position and feels good about its risk because it thinks the minority position is staked by smarter and more experienced bettors based on its long experience. And the house does such volume, it is comfortable taking this risk on relatively small games like VT-Marshall.

Dude, I am 100% correct . BP wanted to paid like Dick Rod. BP , KO and Elsia went to dinner at BP Steak house in the Radison. Elsia asked KO who could stop all of this mess, KO pointed to BP. He could have reconsidered, and MU would have welcomed him back at any time before they hired MS.
You can call me full of crap, but that is what happened.
I just realized that sluggo was replenishing the butter dish at their table when the remarks were made! Apologies buddy…
Dude, I am 100% correct . BP wanted to paid like Dick Rod. BP , KO and Elsia went to dinner at BP Steak house in the Radison. Elsia asked KO who could stop all of this mess, KO pointed to BP. He could have reconsidered, and MU would have welcomed him back at any time before they hired MS.
You can call me full of crap, but that is what happened.
It 100% did not happen that way. You are 100% wrong.
Pruett lost control of the team. Fights on the bus. Aspects of the team had absolutely no respect for coaches. He doesn’t get run off the day before spring practice. He quit on the team insinuating circumstance or broken promises or not HE IS THE ONE THAT QUIT
I already told you read my above post.
While I’ll agree he played poker w someone who had nothing to lose in MF. BP motivation was he wanted paid like Dick Rod all the rest was a smoke screen ( IPF etc)
I agree he wanted LK as HC that’s why he quit the day before spring practice, he thought he could control the situation. But the board didn’t bite They went w MS instead of Doc. Some on board wanted Doc but Verna Gibson won out w MS Kayo really had nothing to do w all of that. This is from a then BOG member who wanted DOC
The only thingy we are really discussing is, BP motivation to leave It was all over BP compensation all the rest was going to get worked out
Last I saw was 82% of money line betting and 56% of spread bets were on VT. I would be suprised if the line ends up around Marshall -3.
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Last I saw was 82% of money line betting and 56% of spread bets were on VT. I would be suprised if the line ends up around Marshall -3.
I saw that this morning too... I think 2004's app is just out of whack. Vegas Insider isn't a site I've ever used, but there is no way their numbers were correct.

If 82% of money line bets are coming in on the underdog (and I'm guessing some of those are sizable bets) then the line adjustment thus far makes sense.
In hindsight, based on what's happened in the almost 20 years since he left, they prolly should have paid the man what he wanted.
Yeap… like it or not he should have been given anything he asked for. He was proven and wanted to be there. Unfortunately BP quit recruiting and stopped developing players in anger, so he left as a screw you moment. Now 20+years and 1 conference championship later we are hoping Huff can turn the corner.

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