Walden Pond

Best poster in the history of the forum.

So honored to fill your shoes as the current KING.
What's sad is that all of those old Walden posts that ArcheWype recently bumped had very low numbers. You all don't remember, but his act and schtick got really old, really fast. Go look at the posts Arche bumped. They had barely anybody responding, because Walden's posts were boring after the first dozen of the same exact thing.

You all want to see my downfall so much, but it simply won't happen.
Top Posters of all time, HN:

1A) Walden Pond
1B) herdalicious
3) MichiganHerd
4) The Real SamC
5) 30 CAT
6) Rivals Internet Police
7) Big Country
8) ggforever
10) ToesMU Shoulder Pads
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What's sad is that all of those old Walden posts that ArcheWype recently bumped had very low numbers. You all don't remember, but his act and schtick got really old, really fast. Go look at the posts Arche bumped. They had barely anybody responding, because Walden's posts were boring after the first dozen of the same exact thing.

You all want to see my downfall so much, but it simply won't happen.
Thanks for your input, middle aged rifle.
Top Posters of all time, HN:

1A) Walden Pond
1B) herdalicious
3) MichiganHerd
4) The Real SamC
5) 30 CAT
6) Rivals Internet Police
7) Big Country
8) ggforever
10) ToesMU Shoulder Pads
@TheLondonBlitz is definitely in my top 20 list, but only because of his shmokin' hot wife.
Thanks for your input, middle aged rifle.
I have to post on this name, because I tried logging onto a different name so that I could mock your horribly lame post on the Woodshed, but they had blocked my name on there. So now that I come here, it is also blocked, so I had to sign in under this name.

It's your fault for posting such a horrible joke on there that forced me to mock you.
What was the reverse "Stoney is gay" name?

We just called you Yags for the short version

I have so many all-time classics, it's hard to remember all of them. It's kind of like asking Michael Jordan which game winner was his favorite or asking '06 which Marshall soccer player had the best cock.
There's three or four, maybe a half dozen posters I feel rifle is jealous of, in order:

Murox, mainly because of his business acumen and success with conquering decent looking women.

Arche, because when he came aboard the TITM forum, rifle knew Arche was much better looking than him, much better built than him, and had much better looking women than him, including his wife.

BC, due to being from where he's from, a hoops Megatron town, and being a much better overall athlete than him.

Wv-fan, certainly not due to athletic skills, but due to his susessfu career as a crabsman, a family man, as well as a somewhat handsome guy with a beautiful wife, two kids, and a remarkable home with property.

30Cat, due to being more witty and intelligent than him. Sucks for rifle to not have common sense, which Cat possesses.

Greed, rifle is jealous of a guy that can lie more than him. Greed, if you're still posting, you're still sucking rifle's nuts.
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I’m jealous of Herdman, because he has a great porn star name:

Dick L***** the Twat Crusher.

I’m jealous of Amerikenny, because he has had virgin cooch more recently than I have.

I’m jealous of Geezer, because his neighbors are more entertaining than mine.
I’m jealous of Herdman, because he has a great porn star name:

Dick L***** the Twat Crusher.

I’m jealous of Amerikenny, because he has had virgin cooch more recently than I have.

I’m jealous of Geezer, because his neighbors are more entertaining than mine.
They actually call me that at work. Or something close to that.
  • Haha
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Top Posters of all time, HN:

1A) Walden Pond
1B) herdalicious
3) MichiganHerd
4) The Real SamC
5) 30 CAT
6) Rivals Internet Police
7) Big Country
8) ggforever
10) ToesMU Shoulder Pads

I certainly have longevity on my side. I’ve been posting here since 2002, I believe. Wish I could devote more time to tearing liberal arguments apart on here but work gets in the way, being a Senior Vice President and all. I still consider myself to have had a pretty good run overall.

Banker and murox deserve spots in there too.
I had forgotten some of the illustrious posters who have graced this board. I check out a lot of other Rival boards, but I have yet to find one that compares to ours.
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I certainly have longevity on my side. I’ve been posting here since 2002, I believe. Wish I could devote more time to tearing liberal arguments apart on here but work gets in the way, being a Senior Vice President and all. I still consider myself to have had a pretty good run overall.

Banker and murox deserve spots in there too.
King Murox is top 3 all time.

Banker is up there as well.

Same for Chemist.
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Walden I bet hates Harris more than any politician he has ever heard. Too bad he doesn't give a shit about anybody on the board and said most everybody hated him and treated him badly. Comes on here and was treated really good obtained hero status which caused him to get the hell away from everyone on here. Or maybe he didn't want to hear eg call him thousands of names and never say a decent word to him. Or fall in line like rifle and be on extras support team. No way would Walden aline himself with rifle and eg and rifle might actually treat him well now that he has turned a 360 in how he has been posting. I f someone posted the same kind of post rifle does now and rifle read them he would call them deployableq. I'm disappointed rifle isn't tearing up the board talking about his travels and conquests that tear this board all to hell. Now he is trying to start threads saying nothing writing the same thing over and over like xenu I mean retard boy from the church of scientology. Rifle runs with the rich people and could hang out with the rich pool Rick's from the cult. They would deem rifle as. We'll I can't think of the word they see someone who is not near good enough to be in their cult. I'm going to go research that name right. Blue moon is a hot topic and I'm sure that cult is into th blue moon. Probably say it's a spaceship that Hubbard is in now risen from the dead and pilots the blue moon.

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