
Platinum Buffalo
Mar 4, 2007
The Senate Judiciary Committee has opened up a probe into former Obama AG Loretta Lynch's behavior influencing the FBI during the 2016 election. What's even more amazing is that out of the two, my money on which former AG would have been investigated was on Holder.

And speaking of Holder. He's now talking about making a run for the White House. Could you imagine how corrupt the AG of a President Holder would have to be?
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If Oliver North didnt are jail time for drug trafficking. Nobody will ever see Jail time for this
"Benghazi!" may have had traction with the right-wing nut jobs, but I would be cautious about "Lynch!" becoming a rallying cry.
I was willing to give Lynch the benefit of the doubt when she took over, mainly because I figured there was no way she was as corrupt as Holder plus she was only going to be in the seat a short time. Shows what I know. If Comey's testimony is to be believed, Lynch wasn't even being coy about it. We really should be investigating Lynch & her DOJ.
Obama used his DOJ as a weapon and used executive privilege to protect Holder. Dems want to believe Obama was a new version of politics, that he cared about individuals, that he actually wanted change. Whatever. He's no different than any other egomaniac who's run for office. If he had an 'R' behind his name the news cycles would be a hell of a lot different.

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