Meet Allah and the Virgins.
Yeah her dad says otherwise but keep up the talking pointYEAH - I SAW YOU JUST TOOK OUT A 7 YEAR OLD TERRORIST AT THE BORDER TOO.
Yeah her dad says otherwise but keep up the talking point
Wait. Her dad drags this kid through the wilderness, hundreds - maybe thousands - of miles, in God knows what kind of weather and conditions, likely with little food or water, and when the poor child succumbs to the rigors of this journey and her father's moronic actions, you condemn the people that took her in and provided medical care? Yep. You're all Fvcking idiots.
so you are insulting us border patrol agents and us military at the border. Great job, dtard.
everybody is fair game. But, to think they killed that little girl is ludicrous.So the border patrol is off limits, but these are fair game, amirite?....
. Central Intelligence Agency
2. Office of the Director of National Intelligence
3. F.B.I.
4. National Security Agency
5. Justice Department
6. Department of Homeland Security
7. House Intelligence Committee
8. Senate Intelligence Committee
everybody is fair game. But, to think they killed that little girl is ludicrous. someone state the border control killed the little girl?? If so, who stated that??
Now, you want to blame this guy for trying to save his daughter's life?
Why don't you ask yourself
Really? Really? His stupidity resulted in his daughter's death.
It is awful and I have seen it. Doesn't mean it our border patrol, military, or govt's fault he trekked across that land. We can't let everybody just walk through the door. I've been in central america and we had concertina wire separating us from the locals. We were not even permitted to feed them, give them food, or water. They would run to the road looking for food when a convoy when pass. Heartbreaking. So, I have seen it. But, we can be an open border.Stupidity or desperation? You don't think the guy knew trekking 3000 miles with a young child over rough terrain was dangerous? You don't think he realized there could be days with little food/water? You don't think he realized others could harm them? You don't think he knew there was a chance they would get caught, thus be separated for an indefinite amount of time?
Of course he knew all of this stuff. These people don't go into this ignorantly or without being aware of the dangers.
The question you need to ask yourself is how awful must life and their safety have been to take these risks? The answer should be quite telling to you.
Now, go back and answer the questions you were asked.
I didn't read anything in the link where someone stated the border patrol killed the little girl.
Neither did dherd.
Actually, dherd said Trump killed her, not the border patrol - she was fine until Trump got his hands on her, he said. I guess his definition of fine includes dehydration, malnutrition and exhaustion.
how did his policy kill her? Her father chose to travel all the way with her. Good Lord, US personnel tried to help her.Actually, dherd said "SHE WAS FINE TILL TRUMP GOT HIS
Now, do you really think dherd was saying trump killed her, or was he blaming trumps policy?
how did his policy kill her?
Her father chose to travel all the way with her.
Not our problem why he did it. Separate the emotion. He chose to do it. Took the risk. Not our fault she died."The incident raises questions about CBP's emergency procedures and the Trump administration's policy of delaying immigrants at legal ports of entry, forcing them to decide between waiting for weeks to months in dangerous border towns or traveling through dangerous areas along the border."
Why on earth would he do that? Picnic? Field trip?
Not our problem why he did it. Separate the emotion. He chose to do it. Took the risk. Not our fault she died.
Why should we guarantee someone can waltz right in here?
Asylum is not because you are poor or dont like your economic situationAsylum seekers by U S law have a legal right to seek asylum. They are not automatically illegal immigrants, nor have they necessarily broken any law.
No, you separate the emotion.
He chose to do it, yes. Why? Picnic or field trip?
According to you, the death of an asylum seeker would never be our fault.
Asylum is not because you are poor or dont like your economic situation
And ? Economic reasons are not viable reasonsYou don't know what their reason for seeking asylum is, until they present themselves.
And ? Economic reasons are not viable reasons
Well, you need to read US regulations, laws, and history on seeking asylum.Unlike you, I believe that food, clothing, and the right to seek a safe place to live should fall under human rights and is in fact a viable reason.
Since the father traveled through Mexico he could have walked to the us embassy in Mexico City and applied for the refugee program and cut days of not weeks off of his journey.
Well, you need to read US regulations, laws, and history on seeking asylum.
Yeah the lawful way it just break the law and sneak in illegallyAnd add years to the process.
Yeah the lawful way it just break the law and sneak in illegally
He chose to do it, yes. Why? Picnic or field trip?
Actually, dherd said Trump killed her, not the border patrol - she was fine until Trump got his hands on her, he said. I guess his definition of fine includes dehydration, malnutrition and exhaustion.
Ignorance. Or, according to rifle in the most counterintuitive thing I've ever read on this board, it's because he wanted to "save" her life.
so you would allow 75% of the world to come right in.I said "I believe.....should"
Didn't say it was law.
They still entered illegally that is a fact"According to CBP records, the girl and her father were taken into custody about 10 p.m. Dec. 6 south of Lordsburg, N.M., as part of a group of 163 people who approached U.S. agents to turn themselves in."