Wells Fargo Championship

I missed the part where you used in anger as a qualifier.

Actually no, I didn't miss it. That's exactly what you used as a qualifier.

If I "take a guys head off" in anger in a football game, I've committed a wrong. If I accidentally mash someone's finger with a hammer while were building a house, I've not committed a wrong.
Only on Pullman can you find a devout Scientologist, who practices the Baptist religion as a hobby, make smart ass remarks towards a man of the cloth.

But yet, some of you scoff at me because I choose to sit out on my porch and get wasted all day.
Only on Pullman can you find a devout Scientologist, who practices the Baptist religion as a hobby, make smart ass remarks towards a man of the cloth.

Weird that an atheist like you has a problem with any religion. Totally weird.
If I "take a guys head off" in anger in a football game, I've committed a wrong. If I accidentally mash someone's finger with a hammer while were building a house, I've not committed a wrong.

This has zero to do with your statement and qualifier. Then again, I'll probably see a whale swim up the Ohio before I see logic presented from you.

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