We've discussed freedom of speech on college campuses before...


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 31, 2020
Gotta love liberals and their "commitment" to free speech, especially at institutions of "higher" learning.

Meanwhile we need to have age inappropriate exposure to adult sexuality in kindergarten classrooms...

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The idea that Mike Pence could inspire anyone to anything, let alone violence, is laughable. But this isn’t really a first amendment issue is it? Nobody has a right to be invited to speak on campus.
The idea that Mike Pence could inspire anyone to anything, let alone violence, is laughable. But this isn’t really a first amendment issue is it? Nobody has a right to be invited to speak on campus.
Higher learning = free and open exchange of thoughts and ideas...

UVA = publicly funded institution = equal access...
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The idea that Mike Pence could inspire anyone to anything, let alone violence, is laughable. But this isn’t really a first amendment issue is it? Nobody has a right to be invited to speak on campus.
Hell no one has to go listen to him. That’s a better argument than no one has the right to speak at a public institution
I think they should have let him speak, I’m just asking if legally this is actually a first amendment issue or if people are just misusing that term like they normally do.
I think they should have let him speak, I’m just asking if legally this is actually a first amendment issue or if people are just misusing that term like they normally do.
Yeah that's not the issue here. It's the fact that liberals will shout from the rooftop about the importance of free speech yet won't endorse it themselves, unless it's someone who will pushes their narrative. In fact, this often turns into violence, provoked guessed it, liberals.

I guess the saying is true. Liberals have so much love in their heart that they're willing to kill you for not having the same amount of love in yours.

The hypocrisy committed by the Left is astounding. You, for example, can hardly see the issue because it doesn't affect your team.
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Yeah that's not the issue here. It's the fact that liberals will shout from the rooftop about the importance of free speech yet won't endorse it themselves, unless it's someone who will endorse their narrative. In fact, this often turns into violence, provoked guessed it, liberals.

I guess the saying is true. Liberals have so much love in their heart that they're willing to kill you for not having the same amount of love in yours.

The hypocrisy committed by the Left is astounding. You, for example, can hardly see the issue because it doesn't affect your team.
So explain the issue to me.

I don’t think the actual first amendment is up for much debate. Not many people are pushing to actually have the government arrest people for their speech. Not 0 people, because I have seen that, but I don’t think that line of thinking has much currency on either side right now.

Freedom of speech doesn’t mean any particular outlet has to carry your ideas. It doesn’t mean people can’t criticize your ideas. It doesn’t mean people can’t judge you for your ideas and treat you differently. Do you think it should mean any of those things?
So explain the issue to me.

I don’t think the actual first amendment is up for much debate. Not many people are pushing to actually have the government arrest people for their speech. Not 0 people, because I have seen that, but I don’t think that line of thinking has much currency on either side right now.

Freedom of speech doesn’t mean any particular outlet has to carry your ideas. It doesn’t mean people can’t criticize your ideas. It doesn’t mean people can’t judge you for your ideas and treat you differently. Do you think it should mean any of those things?

We know there's no legal rights to freedom of speech on a college campus. I never said anything to suggest otherwise.

Why are you still trying to argue that point? It's because you can't comprehend the issue of hypocrisy from your side. You and your ilk aren't interested in letting someone have freedom of speech unless the person speaking is sharing the same ideas and agreeing with the left. You will go to great lengths, even committing violence, in order to stop it.
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Ironically, it appears free speech is working in this instance. The student paper editors exercised their right to be morons, and some of the faculty exercised their right to tell them to fvck off.

Obviously I am with the faculty on this. Within reason, public universities should allow a wide diversity of opinions to be voiced under the officiality of appearing on campus to speak. At the same time, public universities should allow those who disagree with certain opinions to vocalize their opposition (vocalize, not resort to violence and rioting). Obviously, it is possible for a speaker to harbor opinions that amount to fighting words, and they have no business being given a forum. Mike Pence is hardly such a speaker...hell, it's not far-fetched to give him some credit for saving our democracy. I think he's a douche, or at least was a douche as governor, but I'd listen to him speak.

The idea that Mike Pence could inspire anyone to anything, let alone violence, is laughable.
He certainly inspired a few people to want to hang his ass. But I don't think that's what the editors had in mind lol.
Let's call it what is actually is: censorship, bullying and hypocrisy, as well as the obvious poor manners...

(The Center Square) – A new survey of the top 150 colleges in the U.S. found that nearly 25% of students said it is acceptable to use violence to shut down a controversial speaker. The number jumps to nearly 50% at several elite women’s colleges. According to the survey, Claremont-McKenna College ranks best for free speech, DePauw University ranks the worst.

Last week, Dartmouth University canceled a College Republicans event, citing threats from progressive groups. In the wake of this decision, Dartmouth released a statement claiming that the university "prizes and defends the right of free speech."

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(The Center Square) – A new survey of the top 150 colleges in the U.S. found that nearly 25% of students said it is acceptable to use violence to shut down a controversial speaker.
Violence is usually not the answer. Unless the speaker is an actual Nazi or terrorist, then I fully support violence.
Last week, Dartmouth University canceled a College Republicans event, citing threats from progressive groups
Last I checked it was a crime to threaten violence. Time to make some arrests.
Last I checked it was a crime to threaten violence. Time to make some arrests.

It's your side that is soft on crime...

What about actual violence?

Arrests? How about sentencing...
Liberals aren’t against freedom of speech, they’ll just use any means to make sure you don’t have a platform that allows your speech to be heard.

They fear anyone who doesn’t parrot the group think they have bought in to. They believe they are virtuous so if you don’t think like them you must be evil.
Liberals want a one way street. Only their opinion counts. They want to silence and shut down their oppononents, sometimes by any means.

Some of you all worry about the "mighty" events of Jan 6 but, if you don't think the media and press being one sided and in bed with on particular poltiical party is a danger then, you are not even remotely being objective.
It's your side that is soft on crime...
I don't have a side. Besides beating that into your head with the backside of a shovel, I'm not sure how else to get it to sink in. Now maybe I need arrested too.

Who in the hell wrote that article you posted? "legislation enforcement booked him into jail later that day"..."The police then formally introduced the case to the Alameda County District Lawyer’s Workplace for consideration of the submitting of felony expenses"...

I don't have a side. Besides beating that into your head with the backside of a shovel, I'm not sure how else to get it to sink in. Now maybe I need arrested too.

Who in the hell wrote that article you posted? "legislation enforcement booked him into jail later that day"..."The police then formally introduced the case to the Alameda County District Lawyer’s Workplace for consideration of the submitting of felony expenses"...


Liberals aren’t against freedom of speech, they’ll just use any means to make sure you don’t have a platform that allows your speech to be heard.

They fear anyone who doesn’t parrot the group think they have bought in to. They believe they are virtuous so if you don’t think like them you must be evil.
Antifa like groups destroy and pillage in the name of getting rid of Nazis. The same tactics that Putin is using to justify his invasion.
I don't have a side. Besides beating that into your head with the backside of a shovel, I'm not sure how else to get it to sink in.

You keep saying that but I still don't see it. Now if occasionally you'd criticize the Democrats, without throwing in the Republicans when you do, I might think otherwise...😉

Who in the hell wrote that article you posted? "legislation enforcement booked him into jail later that day"..."The police then formally introduced the case to the Alameda County District Lawyer’s Workplace for consideration of the submitting of felony expenses"...

There must be a Liberal media imposed blackout on this case because I had to dig deep to try to find out the current legal status of the thug who threw the punch. Blame the Liberal media for not doing their job, not me for posting what I could find.

Hey, that's what it is. Just like I was saying, you always seem to be blaming the wrong party...
Disclaimer: This is a meme, it is not an endorsement of Robert Reich and his anti-Semitic and anti-capitalism views. It is simply an attempt to comically illustrate his hypocrisy when First Amendment issues don't match his partisan beliefs...

Now if occasionally you'd criticize the Democrats
How much time do you have?

I heard a great comment today on satellite talk radio: "I voted for Biden, I got Carter but I thought we were getting Bill Clinton." Then I changed the station to the bluegrass channel.

This board leans way to the right. So if I am going to argue with someone, chances are they are on the right.
without throwing in the Republicans when you do
With what the GOP has become, I find them the bigger threat right now. The real nuts on the left are currently marginalized...should AOC and her cronies get real power, you'll get sick of me talking about them. Defund the police? The government guaranteeing you have a $20 an hour job by giving you one? WTF. New Green Deal but no reliable nuclear power? They are nuts. That caller was right, people want another Bill Clinton, not an AOC.
This board leans way to the right.

And why is that? Other than you, ignored member and H&H no one seems to post left leaning messages, and if they do it is usually just a hit and run.

So if I am going to argue with someone, chances are they are on the right.

Funny, you frequently call me an idiot and I have long said you seem to argue just to argue. Hmmm, guess I got that one, and many others, right.🙂

With what the GOP has become, I find them the bigger threat right now.

Which has changed more, you or it?

That caller was right, people want another Bill Clinton, not an AOC.

And he has seemed to move farther left since he left office. Which is the "real" Bill Clinton???

Interestingly Republicans helped Clinton's presidency in many ways, including this:

"By that time, Clinton had used his veto power to strike 82 items in 11 bills.

"The decision is a defeat for all Americans," Clinton said in response to the decision. "It deprives the president of a valuable tool for eliminating waste in the federal budget and for enlivening the public debate over how to make the best use of public funds."

(Clinton's first use of the line-item veto alone saved $625 million, as CBS News' Sharyl Attkisson reported at the time.)"
It’s a board based on a college in West Virginia, so you’d expect it to be pretty right leaning. Additionally, some of the posters are exhausting. I like coming here because most places have been algorithmed into echo chambers and at least here I’m getting a different perspective, but for every good faith conversation there’s a lot of straight up shit-posting. And that’s probably driven a lot of people away, including me several years ago.
It’s funny how the left claims the right has gotten more right wing when studies have shown it’s the left that has skewed further away from the middle

It’s funny how the left claims the right has gotten more right wing when studies have shown it’s the left that has skewed further away from the middle

Lmao, if you look at those questions, and look at the differences in the world between 1994 and now, it would appear that Democrats are the ones tracking along with reality.
Lmao, if you look at those questions, and look at the differences in the world between 1994 and now, it would appear that Democrats are the ones tracking along with reality.

Lmao, I'll just look at one of those questions and the reality of today...

"How about the question of whether racial discrimination is the "main reason many black people can't get ahead these days"?

In 1994, just 39% of Democrats and 26% of Republicans felt this way. That was 14 years before the U.S. elected a black president.

Now, after eight years of Obama in the White House, 64% of Democrats say racism is the main reason blacks can't get ahead, while 14% of Republicans do."

Black POTUS 2009 - 2016
Current black VPOTUS
Recently confirmed black Supreme Court Justice
Today - a disgraced black golfer made a triumphant return to the Masters followed by an adoring gallery

Current academy awards
Best Actor
Best supporting actress
Best documentary feature
2 of 3 hosts

NCAA basketball finals
Women's winning coach
Men's runner-up coach

World Series losing manager
NBA Finals losing head coach

Economic gains

High school education

The list goes on. Blacks have made unprecedented gains during this time and yet the current mantra coming from the Democratic party includes Black Lives Matter, white privilege and systemic racism.

And of course this dandy from the current administration, especially in light of current world events...

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It’s funny how the left claims the right has gotten more right wing when studies have shown it’s the left that has skewed further away from the middle

Very interesting and does put things in perspective. I posed pretty much the same thing to @Raoul Duke MU today when he posted how much Republicans have changed. I asked him if they had or had he?
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It’s a board based on a college in West Virginia, so you’d expect it to be pretty right leaning. Additionally, some of the posters are exhausting. I like coming here because most places have been algorithmed into echo chambers and at least here I’m getting a different perspective, but for every good faith conversation there’s a lot of straight up shit-posting. And that’s probably driven a lot of people away, including me several years ago.

I think a lot of this relates to who is in the White House. It is a lot easier to criticize who is in charge rather than touting your guy.

I started posting here a little over a year while I was dealing with and later recovering from a pretty significant case of Covid. It was about all I could do. At the time it seemed like the liberals on this board outnumbered the conservatives, and it seemed like each and every one of them basked in calling me an idiot and a moron.

I don't really care about that and would just post links to information in an effort to provide hard data to debunk some of the prevailing "wisdom" of the day. I continue to do this and have no intent to stop anytime soon. Of course I have been criticized for doing that. Now that their guy is in the White House we don't seem to see many posts from them... That hasn't earned them much respect from me... Yeah, they can dish it out but they can't take it...
Yeah, they can dish it out but they can't take it...
Bwaaaaaaaaahahahahaha!!!! Says the con who has about 9 idiot con friends who can't take it and hide behind the ignore feature. You're a complete idiot.
Bwaaaaaaaaahahahahaha!!!! Says the con who has about 9 idiot con friends who can't take it and hide behind the ignore feature. You're a complete idiot.

Where are all of your liberal friends? I haven't seen much of them lately...
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