Am I? Hell No...hell no. No way.
And tens of thousands will agree with you by not selling Julio guns, and then Julio won't have guns to sell to Tyrone. No, it's not a cure all. There are no cure all's in this.
Am I? Hell No...hell no. No way.
Since gun deaths are down nearly 50% from 1993 I'm not too sure what all the hubbub is about anyway. What I'm trying to understand is rather than controlling guns, why not work harder on trying to control those who commit the majority of gun crimes. Take away gun violence/crime from gangs and others in the inner cities (now spreading to towns like Huntington and smaller) and gun violence is nearly nonexistent dropping some 70-80%. But then we'd all have to face the inconveniences of truth and reality and we know certain politically leaning individuals, not to mention the media, just can't have that. While I'm on the subject I'd love to know why the first black president of the U.S. hasn't even attempted to address or help guide the plaguing epidemic of violence, drugs and crime concerning those who, if he had a son, would look just like them. What a shameful, wasted opportunity from the big vagina.
Since gun deaths are down nearly 50% from 1993 I'm not too sure what all the hubbub is about anyway. What I'm trying to understand is rather than controlling guns, why not work harder on trying to control those who commit the majority of gun crimes. Take away gun violence/crime from gangs and others in the inner cities (now spreading to towns like Huntington and smaller) and gun violence is nearly nonexistent dropping some 70-80%. But then we'd all have to face the inconveniences of truth and reality and we know certain politically leaning individuals, not to mention the media, just can't have that. While I'm on the subject I'd love to know why the first black president of the U.S. hasn't even attempted to address or help guide the plaguing epidemic of violence, drugs and crime concerning those who, if he had a son, would look just like them. What a shameful, wasted opportunity from the big vagina.
Oh Hillary and her 2008 stances. Flipflopper??? No she EVOLVED
Since deaths on U S soil from Islamic terrorism are down 99% since 2001, I'm not sure what the concern is. I must conclude that certain politically leaning individuals are intentionally promoting terrorism for no other reason than to garner votes and hide their actual agenda. But we'd all have to face certain inconveniences of truth and reality.
Secondly, the president is only half black. He's a Kenyan born Muslim. The white part and Muslim part prevents him from having any interest in blacks. Just to clear things up for you.
You're right, too bad Bill "rapist"Clinton didn't kill the mastermind of 9/11 when he had the chance, too busy spreading liberalism, I mean jism, I guess. Now maybe his crooked ass, hag wife will keep us on the up and up that ole Big Vag has got us on.
You can buy a gun online but it has to be shipped to an FFL dealer where you do the background check. You can't have weapons shipped to your doorstep.Bullshit. The problems with guns are in Chicago(insert other liberal nirvanas of gun control) where gang bangers are using stolen guns or illegally obtained guns. You know it.
Obama also LIED about internet gun sales. You can't just order a gun off the internet and have it delivered to you. It has to go to FFL dealer and a background check must be done. He flat out LIED on that one.