Which do you prefer?

ohio herd

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Aug 28, 2012
Just a fun post to lighten things up( until the usual suspect shows up and try to derail it). I am not speaking about a tailgate but at home or on a picnic for example, do you prefer horse shoes or corn hole? I grew up playing horse shoes but now I always prefer corn hole. What about you guys?
You can always bring back your "which/who do you prefer" threads.

Oh, you mean the ones that receive dozens of responses, analysis of the girls by many posters, and arguments about which girl is hotter? Yeah, it's probably a good suggestion to do that since asking if horseshoes or corn hole is better doesn't seem to bring as much "fun" as I was told it would be.
just like clockwork

It's like clockwork that you predicted that I'd mock somebody for posting something stupid? Well, no shit. That's what I do.

Here, let me try: Ohio Herd is going to post something really stupid over the next week, usually including misspelled words and illogical arguments.
Oh, you mean the ones that receive dozens of responses, analysis of the girls by many posters, and arguments about which girl is hotter? Yeah, it's probably a good suggestion to do that since asking if horseshoes or corn hole is better doesn't seem to bring as much "fun" as I was told it would be.
Yep, or you could get creative and combine the two in unorthodox ways.
Ohio Herd should be thanking me for giving his thread some life. Now, he should be able to get some sympathy posts in it from people who want to have extreme fun by talking about horseshoes.

Anyone up for a discussion on dirt or folding laundry?
They should combine the two games and call it Horse Hole. Throw six pound horse shoes at the corn hole ramps. Better than those sissy bean bags.

The game should become even more interesting once those wooden ramps are splintered to hell.