Why getting rid of Chuck Landon before the 17 Season starts ....


Silver Buffalo
Aug 17, 2012
As a drunken Journalist that is clearly biased against Doc and Hamrick , with a loaded gun full of Jack Daniels rhetoric I would hope the Hopeless Dogpatch might let the idiot go. His condescending 2nd guess Tuesday articles alone are worthy of discharge.

As we move into 2017 trying to right a ship that faultered with youthful mistakes, Chuck Landon, the journalist who has done MORE DAMAGE THAN THE PLANE CRASH TO MARSHALL FOOTBALL must be fired ASAP.

Please Dogpatch, let that idiot die alone and drink himself to an early grave. FIRE HIM NOW!!!!
The Jerry Tipton / Ron Morris of the Herald Dispatch.

Tipton slams UK any chance he gets and Morris ( The State in Columbia SC) does the same with South Carolina to the point that when Spurrier was the head man he had Morris banished from press conferences at one point or would refuse to take his questions.

Landon likes to pour fuel on the fire for sure ( imagine that). Unfortunately for Marshall when it comes to the two major programs and the head men along with the AD he (Landon) is on the mark many times regarding the lack of sound judgement regarding all three. Considering how under wraps things are kept by the AD , someone has to ask the questions and or report what is thought to be going on within the confines of the walls of the athletic department.

His journalistic style is nothing different than what you see world wide , report then figure out if its actually factual and true i.e. fake news. But from time to time he is money when it comes to the ongoing debacle within the athletic department.
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As a drunken Journalist that is clearly biased against Doc and Hamrick , with a loaded gun full of Jack Daniels rhetoric I would hope the Hopeless Dogpatch might let the idiot go. His condescending 2nd guess Tuesday articles alone are worthy of discharge.

As we move into 2017 trying to right a ship that faultered with youthful mistakes, Chuck Landon, the journalist who has done MORE DAMAGE THAN THE PLANE CRASH TO MARSHALL FOOTBALL must be fired ASAP.

Please Dogpatch, let that idiot die alone and drink himself to an early grave. FIRE HIM NOW!!!!

Yep. It was Chuck Landon's fault this team imploded last season. Lmao.

Was only a matter of time before the "young team" excuse got rolled out again. Doc spent more time kicking his recruits off the team than he did coaching for wins. Will be another dumpster fire season with a 5 play playbook. That has nothing to do with Landon.
Greenhouse you just don't need to read the Herald-Dispatch and keep up your support of Doc and Hamrick - if you feel they are right for Marshall. For the majority I believe most have had enough of Doc, Mike, and Dan. Landon points out the obvious. We do have a free press. You can always put your thoughts in a "Letter to the Editor" and it will be published.
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Chuck Landon is a good sports writer........he bleeds green....BUT!!!!!! if he points out something bad about MU there are many on here who want to "cut his head off". Give him a break....he does fine.
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Every paper, even otherwise 100% rah-rah ones has a "negative" college reporter.

Market economics will take care of Chuckie, and the entire Herald-Disgrace, within a few years. It is on its last leg. Nobody under 50 reads even good newspapers anymore, and Reynolds has taken the H-D from mediocre to really poorly written and biased around his (frustrated) political ambitions. They do not even print the paper themselves anymore, it is printed by the equally biased and only slighly less dying Gag-zete (which, despite its sycophantic rantings about unions, has not paid its pension deposits for its own workers for nearly a decade, and is being sued by the Feds for that illegal act).

Within 3 to 4 years the H-D will (even if they still bother to change the masthead) just the Huntington edition of the Gag-zete, and within 3 or 4 years after that, both will be dead and that will be that.

No loss.
We have some sissified fans who would never cut it with big city media. Any constructive criticism and they would cower in the corner, in the fetal position, sucking on their thumb.
Ernie Salvatore was much tougher than Chuck. Ernie didn't play favorites and he picked fights with coaches and AD's. Rivlin, Charlie Snyder, Lee Moon, Eddie Barrett Bob Daniels to name just a few. Ernie was a very good, sometimes brilliant, wordsmith CL is not.
I have always wanted to take a Landon article and submit it to a high school English/Journalism teacher for a grade. I would guess it would not get an A+.

Damn Sam, get real.

Do you really, really look at the Metro News web site? First, and foremost, it is just a major part of the WVU propaganda arm. It is NOT in any way an objective new organization. It deliberately goes out of the way to give more coverage to the likes of Mountain East and high school athletics than any pittance of coverage it gives Marshall. Second of all, it doesn't consider anything outside of North Central WV, the Eastern Panhandle, and, perhaps, Charleston, to be in West Virginia. To think that it would provide any objective, comprehensive news coverage of MU, Huntington and Cabell County on any consistent basis is both naïve and ignorant, IMO.
Metronews covers state politics pretty well. If you want to know what is going on in state government, it at least is mostly accurate, unlike the fake news in the H-D and its big brother the Gag-zete (which a 100% anti-Marshall outlet, and when the H-D is absorbed by it, so will it be). WSAZ, both on TV and even more on-line, covers local Huntington politics very well., while it is very low budget, does a good job considering on local issues. There are also very good sites like the , and former DM columnist Don Surber has a great site. WVAH/WCHS is trying harder. Time will tell now that WVU no longer owns WOWK.

As to sports, yes, Metronews is 100% anti-Marshall, as is the Gag-zete and WOWK, not debatable. THIS WEBSITE covers Marshall. You do not need much else, but WSAZ does a fine job, and, yes, national sites can at least give you scores and updates.

Like it or not, the H-D is dying as are most newspapers. Times change. It is a dying industry.

As to the H-D, home of Chuckie's rants and fake news, no loss.
Sam the Herald-Dispatch is not going away anytime soon despite your obvious desire for it to do so. It will remain - perhaps in a smaller version then current but it will be here covering Marshall sports as no other paper in the state will. If we follow your logic then Marshall needs to eliminate the Page Pitt School of Journalism. Follow what you are advising others to do about Landon - go away.

You'll never guess where those entities get the vast majority of the news they publish. MetroNews hired away Brad McElhinny when the Gazette-Mail laid him off, but I challenge you to name the top reporter employed by any of the above entities, and post their bio here (with absolutely no disrespect intended to HN staff). Those places have sales departments, not newsrooms.

This is the biggest threat to news media - that consumption is occurring top-down, so aggregators get all the clicks and the ad dollars, while the skilled individuals actually doing the work get laid off, or are forced to work for sub-retail wages.

I'll put it this way - the best sports reporter to cover Marshall in my lifetime left his job as the sports editor of the state's largest newspaper to work PR in Marshall's Athletic Department. You can't blame the guy one bit for doing it, but this past season, when the fit hit the shan and we were all wondering what was going on, the guy I'd have normally relied upon to get to the bottom of it was on the MU payroll tweeting heartwarming videos of MU athletes.

I don't enjoy this at all.
The problem with Landon is the timing of his Articles

A week before signing day and you want to bash the signing class.
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SamC, WOWK and its Fox and CBS counterparts in the Beckley-Bluefield area will never be a LEGITIMATE News organization with any credibility as long as Bray(ing) "Jackass" Cary is associated with them in any fashion whatsoever. His so called Sunday news show is nothing but political and pro WVU propaganda! If and when the actual out of state new owners take full control and put in a legitimate news staff with professional journalism types instead of bottom feeders from the "Perly Weeds" School of Journalism at WVU, then maybe WOWK and the other affiliates throughout the state may some day become quality entities. Don't hold your breath.

But, with news operations people located almost exclusively in both Charleston and Morgantown, Metro News will never, ever be a reliable and consistent news source for the Huntington-Tri State area, and doubt that under another pro-WVU bozo, John Raese, that they have any real desire to be such a news source.
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SamC, WOWK and its Fox and CBS counterparts in the Beckley-Bluefield area will never be a LEGITIMATE News organization with any credibility as long as Bray(ing) "Jackass" Cary is associated with them in any fashion whatsoever. His so called Sunday news show is nothing but political and pro WVU propaganda! If and when the actual out of state new owners take full control and put in a legitimate news staff with professional journalism types instead of bottom feeders from the "Perly Weeds" School of Journalism at WVU, then maybe WOWK and the other affiliates throughout the state may some day become quality entities. Don't hold your breath.

But, with news operations people located almost exclusively in both Charleston and Morgantown, Metro News will never, ever be a reliable and consistent news source for the Huntington-Tri State area, and doubt that under another pro-WVU bozo, John Raese, that they have any real desire to be such a news source.
Cary no longer has a Sunday morning program.....
SamC, WOWK and its Fox and CBS counterparts in the Beckley-Bluefield area will never be a LEGITIMATE News organization with any credibility as long as Bray(ing) "Jackass" Cary is associated with them in any fashion whatsoever. His so called Sunday news show is nothing but political and pro WVU propaganda! If and when the actual out of state new owners take full control and put in a legitimate news staff with professional journalism types instead of bottom feeders from the "Perly Weeds" School of Journalism at WVU, then maybe WOWK and the other affiliates throughout the state may some day become quality entities. Don't hold your breath.

But, with news operations people located almost exclusively in both Charleston and Morgantown, Metro News will never, ever be a reliable and consistent news source for the Huntington-Tri State area, and doubt that under another pro-WVU bozo, John Raese, that they have any real desire to be such a news source.

Even in 2017, its WV shit isnt changing.

Our football program proved that
SamC, WOWK and its Fox and CBS counterparts in the Beckley-Bluefield area will never be a LEGITIMATE News organization with any credibility as long as Bray(ing) "Jackass" Cary is associated with them in any fashion whatsoever. His so called Sunday news show is nothing but political and pro WVU propaganda! If and when the actual out of state new owners take full control and put in a legitimate news staff with professional journalism types instead of bottom feeders from the "Perly Weeds" School of Journalism at WVU, then maybe WOWK and the other affiliates throughout the state may some day become quality entities. Don't hold your breath.

But, with news operations people located almost exclusively in both Charleston and Morgantown, Metro News will never, ever be a reliable and consistent news source for the Huntington-Tri State area, and doubt that under another pro-WVU bozo, John Raese, that they have any real desire to be such a news source.

WOWK is like a middle school journalism class. Pretty sad. I don't blame the on air people so much as the whole production look.
Cary sold WOWK, et al, at a H U G E loss to national chain Nexstar last year. The WVU Foundation was the largest stockholder in Cary's little venture and thus lost the most money. Great news. Several members of the Goodwin-Rockefailure-Manchin Machine were as well, and also lost big $$. Great news. Cary's was escorted from the building when his transition contract expired and no longer has any role, and the show has been off the air since December. Also great news. WOWK SAYS it is going to try harder, time will tell. Personally I doubt it. WSAZ is all you need for video coverage of the Herd.

Print journalism, both newspapers and magazines is a dying industry. You can post "NO" all you want, I'm sure buggy whip makers yelled "NO" right up until the end, but reality is reality.

BTW, every funeral home has a website and Peanuts has been reruns for nearly a decade.
None of this is chuck's fault. Its the truth that upsets you guys. Its Our sorry ass coach. He thinks he donald trump and chuck is cnn. Let chuck in the dressing roo. Too much immoral crap going on?afraid what chuuck will hear or see
Ernie Salvatore was much tougher than Chuck. Ernie didn't play favorites and he picked fights with coaches and AD's. Rivlin, Charlie Snyder, Lee Moon, Eddie Barrett Bob Daniels to name just a few. Ernie was a very good, sometimes brilliant, wordsmith CL is not.

Ernie ( rest his soul) could make more out of nothing then get something started better than any going , he would ask a question in a column , that would then be followed by another question in a following article , then the whole thing would explode about a week after the initial question was posed. He was something for sure , a good friend to me as well as someone I really miss when it comes to sports journalism ( not much of that today) Rest in Peace old friend.
I emailed ernie alot and he usually always responded. He admitted that he sure was wrong about Randy Moss. He reallt loved how Moss ran and caught the football.Ernie waa the greatest
Thanks for the info on Cary, Always and SamC. I hadn't try to watch Cary's show in a couple of months so glad to know it has been deep sixed!

Marshall77, echo your words on Ernie S. Went to MU when there were 2 daily papers in Huntington and 2 great sports writers: George Rorrer at the HD and Ernie at the Advertiser. Those guys could really write about MU sports, with passion but still with a lot of objectivity.

Remember before coming to Huntington, Chuckie was a sports columnist for the evening Charleston Daily Mail. He was a lot more informative about Marshall sports than anyone at the Gagzette at that time. Often gave MU teams and coaches a pretty decent shake and overall good coverage during his days there.

Don't have much of an opinion on him at the H-D one way or the other. Just remember this, SamC and others, as long as there is a paper in Huntington, it will have a sports section and a sports columnist. Right now don't think Reynolds and company are inclined to spend more $$$ to replace Chuck, and probably more interested in saving/raising funds for his next abortion of a political campaign!!