Why People Are Not Getting What Donald Trump Is Doing

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Donald is business man. He has written about this method and so have others. I have been around it 20 year or so.

So, what am I talking about?

Why does Donald say things like, "we should ban all muslim immigrants for awhile".

Well, that is how he, and many other successful business people operate. You go in in to the deal whith a high or even outlandish offer. Then, you meet in the middle or you get more than what you expected. No different than a lot of business deals.

He is playing this beautifully. All the others running against him are politicians. He is controlling the media headlines.

As the late great Dale Earnhardt said about the media, "If they are talkin' about you then they know who you are."

Well played, Donald. He is getting hours and hours of coverage. Controlling the debate. Keeping his opponents on the ropes and setting himself up for the deal.
Yehh like what we are doing now is working.

Why would Donald Trump be more likely to destroy the country than any of the others?

He is the only one on that side that can beat Hillary. Why would Donald Trump be anymore damaging than Hillary?

Because he wants to limit Muslim immigration? he is saying what needs to be said. This country has done that before.
One of the reasons the media isn't too thrilled with him (even though he's ratings gold) is the fear he won't have to advertise much. The more his opponents try to harm, it seems to embolden him. Hell, even his own comments don't seem to hurt him that much. His jab at McCain was inexcusable for someone who wants to lead our military. I can't believe Hillary is still a serious candidate after her server debacle. Basically, we've run out of ethical adults pretty much when we need them most in government.
If you can't see why or how he's a joke I can't help you. I hate the Washington bubble types as much as the next guy but he's trying to turn the White House and election into a reality show. He's not serious
I disagree with that comparison. I understand how that works in a bidding process. But running for president is not a bidding war for the purchase of a tangible item or service. What I see Trump doing with his over the top bellowing is energizing the base of the Conservative party that would never vote for a democrat anyway. His numbers are a result of uniting a splintered minority whose votes are usually divided among the early fringe conservative candidates. But I really doubt his ability to get votes where elections are the moderate thinking middle.

Is he garnering the headlines? Sure, but those headlines and attention are much the same as the way the media displays spectacles. They are putting this outlandish stuff out there not to promote him, but to display him in a way they believe is negative. And don't confuse attention with the ability to win a presidency. They're two different things.
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I disagree with that comparison. I understand how that works in a bidding process. But running for president is not a bidding war for the purchase of a tangible item or service. What I see Trump doing with his over the top bellowing is energizing the base of the Conservative party that would never vote for a democrat anyway. His numbers are a result of uniting a splintered minority whose votes are usually divided among the early fringe conservative candidates. But I really doubt his ability to get votes where elections are the moderate thinking middle.

Is he garnering the headlines? Sure, but those headlines and attention are much the same as the way the media displays spectacles. They are putting this outlandish stuff out there not to promote him, but to display him in a way they believe is negative. And don't confuse attention with the ability to win a presidency. They're two different things.
GOP doesn't win going the moderate route. Romney & McCain are proof of that.
If you can't see why or how he's a joke I can't help you. I hate the Washington bubble types as much as the next guy but he's trying to turn the White House and election into a reality show. He's not serious

Not serious...ok do you think a man worth that much money would spend his own money and valuable time running if he wasn't serious. Guys like him generally do not dick around.

I think he is serious as hell.
I disagree with that comparison. I understand how that works in a bidding process. But running for president is not a bidding war for the purchase of a tangible item or service. What I see Trump doing with his over the top bellowing is energizing the base of the Conservative party that would never vote for a democrat anyway. His numbers are a result of uniting a splintered minority whose votes are usually divided among the early fringe conservative candidates. But I really doubt his ability to get votes where elections are the moderate thinking middle.

Is he garnering the headlines? Sure, but those headlines and attention are much the same as the way the media displays spectacles. They are putting this outlandish stuff out there not to promote him, but to display him in a way they believe is negative. And don't confuse attention with the ability to win a presidency. They're two different things.

Elections being won in the moderate vote are a myth for Republicans. They have lost many a time worrying about that. Trump is taking the headlines away from his opponents and putting them in a spot. What are they going to say? We love Muslims! Send more! No, they can't. LMAO Played them like a fiddle. He knows it would never work. But, put it out there and then let the others defend their weak kneed positions and show their political correctness.
One of the reasons the media isn't too thrilled with him (even though he's ratings gold) is the fear he won't have to advertise much. The more his opponents try to harm, it seems to embolden him. Hell, even his own comments don't seem to hurt him that much. His jab at McCain was inexcusable for someone who wants to lead our military. I can't believe Hillary is still a serious candidate after her server debacle. Basically, we've run out of ethical adults pretty much when we need them most in government.

They love Trump...not maybe his ideas. But, he is a ratings jump for them. Hours and hours of Donald Trump.
Not serious...ok do you think a man worth that much money would spend his own money and valuable time running if he wasn't serious. Guys like him generally do not dick around.

I think he is serious as hell.
Yeah he isnt going to write off one cent of this on his taxes. He is serious in that he is running for president but he is not serious in his policy positions etc. You honestly think he will get Mexico to pay for a wall? You honestly think he will force GM Ford etc to move their factories in Mexico back to the US? You honestly think he will forbid all Muslim immigrants from entering the country?
GOP doesn't win going the moderate route. Romney & McCain are proof of that.

This is exactly right. It is complete myth that "moderates" help get the GOP elected. I think some are also discounting the fact that all Trump supporters are NOT right wing GOP types. There are many Democrats that seem to support him.
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Yeah he isnt going to write off one cent of this on his taxes. He is serious in that he is running for president but he is not serious in his policy positions etc. You honestly think he will get Mexico to pay for a wall? You honestly think he will force GM Ford etc to move their factories in Mexico back to the US? You honestly think he will forbid all Muslim immigrants from entering the country?

No, but it drives the debate and he can get something done instead of nothing like the idiots we have in there now.

You start with a high expectation knowing you won't get it and then you get something done.

Read his book. His campaign is right out of it.
This is exactly right. It is complete myth that "moderates" help get the GOP elected. I think some are also discounting the fact that all Trump supporters are NOT right wing GOP types. There are many Democrats that seem to support him.

Frankly, I think the election is not even that close on the Republican side. I think he is winning fairly big.
Yeah he isnt going to write off one cent of this on his taxes.

Uhhhh. There are better "write offs" for businesses than this. He is spending more in jet fuel flying all over the country than he would ever get in a "write off". The man is serious about it. You may not agree with his positions, but the cash he is spending for his campaign is far greater than any write off.
Uhhhh. There are better "write offs" for businesses than this. He is spending more in jet fuel flying all over the country than he would ever get in a "write off". The man is serious about it. You may not agree with his positions, but the cash he is spending for his campaign is far greater than any write off.

Most millionaire or billionaire people I have ever met don't dick around when it comes to spending or losing money.

I think he is serious as can be. Say, what you want...I think the guy is a true red blooded American and loves the country. Like him or not, that is the way I see it.
Most millionaire or billionaire people I have ever met don't dick around when it comes to spending or losing money.

I think he is serious as can be. Say, what you want...I think the guy is a true red blooded American and loves the country. Like him or not, that is the way I see it.

he loves donald trump, first and foremost.
Uhhhh. There are better "write offs" for businesses than this. He is spending more in jet fuel flying all over the country than he would ever get in a "write off". The man is serious about it. You may not agree with his positions, but the cash he is spending for his campaign is far greater than any write off.
Yeah he wont be writing off the jet fuel either.
Yeah he wont be writing off the jet fuel either.

You are missing the point. "write offs" set the full cost of the business activity. In fact........."Travel" and costs associated with travel, are one of the most IRS scrutinized, least beneficial expense (write offs) for any business. If you owned one you would understand that.
Most millionaire or billionaire people I have ever met don't dick around when it comes to spending or losing money.

I think he is serious as can be. Say, what you want...I think the guy is a true red blooded American and loves the country. Like him or not, that is the way I see it.

When most avg. people start throwing around words like "write-offs" as a reason for wealthy doing something, you know they have a limited view of how such costs actually work in a typical P&L statement. I usually agree with H429 on most issues. This one...not so much. Trump is outspending what most legal cost offsets would be permitted under normal business practices. Unless there is some special IRS tax law that classifies "Campaign expenses" in a different category with higher costs expensing parameters, Trump is spending more $$$ in a campaign than he will be able to write off.
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He will destroy this country. How people can support his sideshow is beyond me

Care to explain that as in factually explain it , not just some off the cuff because of this or that but a good well thought out factual explanation of how he would destroy this country.
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GOP doesn't win going the moderate route. Romney & McCain are proof of that.

There are a certain percentage of voters who are going to vote democrat or republican regardless of the candidate. The elections are won by the candidate that is most appealing to the rest of the voters...which is what I mean by the middle. You can't sway the ideologically hardened candidates regardless of the candidate. Dherd is going to vote liberal and herdman is going to vote conservative. That's a guarantee.

But there's a segment of people who are less inclined to be energized by the hardcore rantings of the ideologically set candidates. Trump is leading republican candidates because he's locked the herdman segment of the republican voters. These are the guys that would vote for a rock over a democrat. When the election goes from primary to general, the outcome will be determined by those voters who are less enamored by bellowing and more likely to look for reason in a candidate. That's why I believe that Trump is the worst thing to happen to the Republican Party. He's good at energizing the base of people that were going to vote republican no matter what. But win an election? He'll hand it to the democrats if he wins the republican nomination.
He'll hand it to the democrats if he wins the republican nomination.

This is the same thing GOP consultants say regularly....The same consultants that gave the GOP McCain and Romney as Presidential candidates helping to orchestrate landslide defeats.

Primaries are always about rallying a base. What I find more interesting is that I am reading and hearing from more "blue collar" types that find Trump's campaign message attractive. I think Dem political consultants are underestimating just how many in their own party (avg voters) view the past 8 years. Yes, the Dtards of the world rave of Dem success. But anyone (Dems included) paying attention find their personal situations no better off than they were 8 years ago, see the world in a much more chaotic state in part due to poor leadership, and understand that Dems (in the last two elections) have lost BIG across all levels of govt., to candidates that gave promises and rhetoric matching Trumps bravado.

There is an emotion that Trump is tapping into across various party lines (frustration), that the political class doesn't understand or is intentionally ignoring with the hopes it will burn out. Trump is as big a wild card for Dems as he is Repubs. Its why they are hiding Hillary as much as possible. The more she talks...the lower her poll numbers go. Obama has done more to hand it to Repubs than Trump to Dems IMO.
There are a certain percentage of voters who are going to vote democrat or republican regardless of the candidate. The elections are won by the candidate that is most appealing to the rest of the voters...which is what I mean by the middle. You can't sway the ideologically hardened candidates regardless of the candidate. Dherd is going to vote liberal and herdman is going to vote conservative. That's a guarantee.

But there's a segment of people who are less inclined to be energized by the hardcore rantings of the ideologically set candidates. Trump is leading republican candidates because he's locked the herdman segment of the republican voters. These are the guys that would vote for a rock over a democrat. When the election goes from primary to general, the outcome will be determined by those voters who are less enamored by bellowing and more likely to look for reason in a candidate. That's why I believe that Trump is the worst thing to happen to the Republican Party. He's good at energizing the base of people that were going to vote republican no matter what. But win an election? He'll hand it to the democrats if he wins the republican nomination.

How did that work out for McCain and Romney?

I have voted for moderate liberals before. George Bush(either of them) were hardly hard core conservatives.

You all have a choice. Vote for someone that can beat Hillary or you get to watch that bitch(and she is the true meaning of the word) on tv for 8 years. It is as simple as that. None of the others thus far on the Republican side have shown they have the nads to beat her.
You are missing the point. "write offs" set the full cost of the business activity. In fact........."Travel" and costs associated with travel, are one of the most IRS scrutinized, least beneficial expense (write offs) for any business. If you owned one you would understand that.
I never said that writes offs would cover the cost of business activity. My point that you aren't getting is that he is a shrewd businessman. he knows the ins and outs of the tax code. He's not running for the country he's running for his bottom line
Care to explain that as in factually explain it , not just some off the cuff because of this or that but a good well thought out factual explanation of how he would destroy this country.
My opinion. He's not a serious candidate he has no legitimate policy ideas. He's stoking fears of the uneducated voter. I don't believe polling for one second that there is a multitude of educated people out there that actually support him or his ideas. We are becoming a joke on the world stage and I think a reality tv star would only speed that up
if you guys are correct about how elections are won, then you believe Trump is going to get elected president...right?
if you guys are correct about how elections are won, then you believe Trump is going to get elected president...right?

I think he stands a legitimate shot. But, remember there are a lot of liberals, socialist, tit suckers, and pampered babies in this country.
if you guys are correct about how elections are won, then you believe Trump is going to get elected president...right?

I think he has as good as shot as anyone. Hillary (assuming she is going to be the Dem nominee at this point) may be more disliked across a wider section of America than Trump at this point.
I never said that writes offs would cover the cost of business activity. My point that you aren't getting is that he is a shrewd businessman. he knows the ins and outs of the tax code. He's not running for the country he's running for his bottom line

This makes absolutely no sense from an actual business perspective. He is "hurting" his bottom line by devoting days, months, potentially years away from his core business and wealth building activities, and enterprises. A shrewd businessman would not devote the time and money to an endeavor simply for "write-offs". Your premise is simply absurd.
This makes absolutely no sense from an actual business perspective. He is "hurting" his bottom line by devoting days, months, potentially years away from his core business and wealth building activities, and enterprises. A shrewd businessman would not devote the time and money to an endeavor simply for "write-offs". Your premise is simply absurd.

You're right trump is doing all of this out of the goodness of his heart because he loves his country
This makes absolutely no sense from an actual business perspective. He is "hurting" his bottom line by devoting days, months, potentially years away from his core business and wealth building activities, and enterprises. A shrewd businessman would not devote the time and money to an endeavor simply for "write-offs". Your premise is simply absurd.

He's not looking at this as a "write off"......It's an investment.

His kids have his businesses humming along nicely.

Books, Speaking engagements, future business ventures, and TV.......He's going to make a fortune.

Win or lose.....Trump wins.
You're right trump is doing all of this out of the goodness of his heart because he loves his country

You are sounding like Fever and Greed in a conversation now.

The premise that any politician does this in order to benefit all others over oneself is just as absurd as your original assertion that he is doing this for only "write-offs".

Of course Trumps ego is involved in this. (name a politician that doesn't have one- I spoke to one last night--total horse's ass) I think Trump actually believes he is better at being president than anyone else on the ticket. I think Trump actually believes he is better at being president than Obummer has been over the last 7-8 years. I think he actually wants to be President because he is someone who focuses on success and succeeding at whatever he takes on. He is a competitor and this is the ultimate competition.

Again, you may not agree with his policy or believe he will not do what he promises (which is a legitimate position for not wanting to vote for him), but to base it on the premise that a man who has accumulated billions $$ in net worth, would some how, now, step aside from those billions and businesses in order to spend multi millions $$$ simply for write offs really doesn't understand how the ultra wealthy, successful operate.
He's not looking at this as a "write off"......It's an investment.

His kids have his businesses humming along nicely.

Books, Speaking engagements, future business ventures, and TV.......He's going to make a fortune.

Win or lose.....Trump wins.

He has done all of this already.....

There are much better "investments" for multi billionaires that result in higher returns than running for president.
I never said he was doing it strictly for write offs. I said he was going to write off those expenses he has incurred while running. There is a difference.
He's not looking at this as a "write off"......It's an investment.

His kids have his businesses humming along nicely.

Books, Speaking engagements, future business ventures, and TV.......He's going to make a fortune.

Win or lose.....Trump wins.

Trump businesses especially his Real Estate business is not humming along nicely. Not for nothing but the one thing that is getting Trump rich is the hospital he owns in Jamaica, Queens
Trump businesses especially his Real Estate business is not humming along nicely. Not for nothing but the one thing that is getting Trump rich is the hospital he owns in Jamaica, Queens
And there it is fever saying only reason trump is successful is because he's exploiting the sick
I never said he was doing it strictly for write offs. I said he was going to write off those expenses he has incurred while running. There is a difference.

This has turned into a Fever type discussion.

So how does that make him different from any other candidate for office since the beginning of general accounting practices?? Are you now suggesting he cant be serious about running for President... because one of the reasons is, he will book expenses to a P&L ledger he is required by tax law to record and report??? You called him "shrewd" earlier.....that's not "shrewd". Its what every other candidate does, has done, will do. Its common. Its the law.

Nevertheless, you most certainly inferred that write-offs were a reason to better his bottom line. Understand something about accounting (and business in general)..."write-offs" are nothing more than "expenses" to an operation or business entity on a P&L. They are a COST. EXPENSES DECREASE (are a negative to) the bottom line....they don't benefit it.